Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 619

Chu Nan and wrinkle Ping came to Xiao Ziyang\'s residence again.

This time they saw Xiao Ziyang.

Seeing that Chu Nan came to him, Xiaozi\'s evil expression appeared at the corner of his mouth. It seems that he hasn\'t done this fox spirit for some time.

"Let me introduce you to younger martial brother yuzige, younger martial sister Chu Nan, younger martial brother wrinkle Ping, younger martial brother Zhang Pei and younger martial brother Ding Lei.".

Xiao Ziyang is making introductions for both sides.

"It\'s elder martial sister Chu Nan. Elder martial brother Xiao heard that elder martial sister Chu Nan is as beautiful as heaven. When I saw her today, it was so.". Yuzige said with compliments.

Seeing yuzige so handsome but also praising her beauty, Chu Nan was a little complacent. She smiled and said, "younger martial brother, I\'m flattered. We should walk more in the future.".

He licked his lips and gave yuzige a wink.

Yuzi Ge secretly said, "Chu Nan really deserves to be a master of the wind and moon. She must have rich experience. Find a chance to fuck her.".

At this time, Xiao Ziyang asked, "I don\'t know what wind blew several younger martial sisters and younger martial brothers to me today?".

Chu Nan suddenly showed a pitiful look and said with tears, "senior brother, I was bullied at the gravity peak.".

"Oh? What\'s the matter? Tell me. Who doesn\'t know that Chu Nan is covered by my Xiao Ziyang, and others dare to bully you? Don\'t want to live?". Xiao Ziyang\'s face suddenly sank.

Chu Nan added, "They are two new disciples. They not only took away the gravity chamber we like, but also beat junior brother wrinkling, and even let the three of them roll down the gravity mountain. I mentioned senior brother Xiao\'s name. That guy actually said which onion senior brother Xiao is? It\'s ok if we are humiliated, but they don\'t even pay attention to senior brother Xiao. We\'re angry with him for his words of humiliation , I came to tell elder martial brother Xiao about it.

Xiao Ziyang sneered, "there\'s such a new disciple who doesn\'t know how to live or die. Don\'t worry, younger martial sister. I\'ll make him pay the price, but younger martial sister, come with me now. I have something to tell you alone.".

Xiao Ziyang got up and walked towards the inner room.

"Yes." Chu Nan followed.

Soon after, Chu Nan\'s exaggerated cry came out.

"It\'s really coquettish." yuzige narrowed his eyes and couldn\'t help imagining.

A thousandfold gravity chamber.

Lin Feng grabbed a stone lion with one hand, carried it on his shoulder and ran back in a thousand times the gravity chamber.


Lin Feng\'s muscles were torn, and the blood immediately flowed out. Before long, Lin Feng became a blood man.

This method of refining the flesh is simply too cruel.

If you are not cruel to yourself, how can you greatly improve your accomplishments?

When others enter the gravity chamber to harden their bodies, they need to use the skill to protect their bodies, step by step and carefully.

Because they are afraid to hurt their bodies.

But Lin Feng is not afraid.

His pure flesh stays in the gravity chamber to quench madly. After being injured, his body will be repaired quickly.

Under this kind of crazy destruction called abnormal, Lin Feng\'s flesh is becoming stronger and stronger.

Moreover, because the physical body continues to be injured, it continues to be repaired.

The immortal power in Lin Feng\'s blood was gradually stimulated.

The blood in his body is flowing madly, and the essence of a blood is gathered in the forest of Lin Feng.

After three hours of crazy quenching in a thousand times gravity chamber, Lin Feng was exhausted and lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

Lin Feng\'s blood flowed quickly to repair his injury.

At this time, Lin Feng looked around his body.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, as if he saw something incredible.


Lin Feng suddenly sat up from the ground. He found a drop of golden blood in his Dantian.

That drop of blood sent out amazing energy fluctuations.

It seems to contain inexhaustible essence.

That drop of golden blood finally poured into Lin Feng\'s blood. Where the golden blood passed, Lin Feng\'s injury recovered quickly with the naked eye.

"Immortal blood"!

Lin Feng\'s face was full of surprise. This must be immortal blood. The first drop of "immortal blood" condensed from his body.

Lin Feng\'s mind intruded into his body and locked the undead blood. The speed of undead blood to repair the injury was too fast. Lin Feng could have been black and blue, but it didn\'t take long for the injury to be completely repaired by undead blood.

"Recovered in a quarter of an hour?" Lin Feng looked shocked and moved.

It takes at least a few days to recover from the previous injury.

However, it took only a quarter of an hour for Lin Feng to recover.

This is the dread of undead blood.

"Finally recovered the first drop of immortal blood". Lin Feng smiled on his face.

A thousand mile trip begins with one step.

Often the first step is the most difficult.

Now, Lin Feng has recovered the first drop of immortal blood.

He believed that sooner or later, his immortal body would recover.

Lin Feng pushed open the stone gate and walked out of the gravity chamber.

Tanaka road was waiting for Lin Feng in the middle of the mountain forest. Seeing Lin Feng\'s dry blood stagnation, he couldn\'t help but move. What did he have to torture himself into? Is it covered with blood?

"Brother, brother, you, you are really, crazy, crazy, no, don\'t die.". Tanaka said.

"I have a heart to fight.". Lin Feng smiled and walked down the mountain with Tanaka road.

Just came to the foot of the mountain, I heard cold laughter, "boy, stop...".

Lin Feng and Tanaka looked around and found that it was wrinkled Ping, Chu Nan and others. Seeing these people, Lin Feng\'s face sank slightly. These people appeared again. It was obvious that they were not good.

Lin Feng suddenly found that Tanaka\'s look became gloomy and stared at a man behind Chu Nan.

Lin Feng\'s heart moved. He also saw yuzige in the group. Thinking of Tanaka\'s reaction, he was basically sure that the disciple with fierce eyes should be xiaoziyang.

Xiao Ziyang blacked Tianzhong Dao\'s family jade pendant. Some time ago, Tianzhong Dao was humiliated by Xiao Ziyang when he came out of the avenue peak, but now Chu Nan, wrinkle Ping and others find Xiao Ziyang to avenge them. It really means that there is a narrow road for enemies.

"Some people are really cheap bones. It\'s not enough to be taught once. They also ran to find abuse," Lin Feng glanced at several people and sneered.

Wrinkled flat, he said with a grim smile, "don\'t be complacent, boy. Senior brother Xiao came out for us today to see how you die.".

"If you kneel on the ground and kowtow and apologize to us, maybe you can spare you.". Chu Nan said with a sneer.

Lin Feng glanced coldly at Chu Nan, a bitch. Chu Nan and Lin Feng, who originally wanted to continue to be sarcastic, looked at each other with cold eyes, shaking all over with fear, and swallowed everything they wanted to say.