Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 618

The 200 times gravity chamber is indeed much bigger than the 150 times gravity chamber.

Lin Feng and Tanaka Dao entered into it to practice.

At this time, Chu Nan came to xiaoziyang\'s residence.

Xiao Ziyang is quite able to enjoy life. He is in a separate house. There are several slaves and maidservants waiting on him.

"Is elder martial brother Xiao there?".

Wrinkle flat to ask.

A servant said, "the young master has been called to the outside door by the elder. He can\'t come back in a few days.".

The elder mentioned by the slave is naturally the three elders of Wudu peak, xiaoziyang\'s grandfather.

"Thank you for telling me," wrinkled Ping hugged her fist.

The slave = nodded, then entered the yard and closed the door.

"A dog slave dared to put his face in front of me.". Wrinkled flat couldn\'t help cursing fiercely.

There are backers in the sect. Slaves are superior.

Seeing wrinkle Ping coming over, Chu Nan asked, "is Xiao Shao there?".

"Said he was called to the outside door by elder Xiao. He won\'t be able to come back until a few days.". Wrinkled flat said.

Chu Nan gnashed her teeth and said, "let the boy be free for two more days. When Xiao Shao comes back, let him pay a painful price.".

Three days later, Lin Feng had come to the 800 times gravity chamber, while Tanaka road stayed in the 600 times gravity chamber for cultivation.

There are also three disciples, two men and one woman, in the 800 times gravity chamber.

The male disciple is tall and full of explosive power.

The second male disciple is slender and very handsome.

The female disciple was tall and hot, and her face was extremely beautiful, but there was a 67 cm scar on her left cheek, which destroyed her original exquisite and beautiful face.

These three people can stay in the 800 times gravity chamber to practice. Obviously, they are all geniuses in the inner courtyard.

After seeing Lin Feng coming in, the three showed surprise.

Obviously, they didn\'t expect that someone would enter the 800 times gravity chamber to practice and look very unfamiliar. Is it a new disciple?

Thinking of this, the three were surprised and squinted at Lin Feng.

After entering the 800 times gravity chamber, Lin Feng felt the terrible pressure. He was like resisting a huge mountain. When he walked, he made a roaring sound.

"It\'s terrible gravity. If you don\'t come in rashly enough, you may even be crushed into meat patties.".

Lin Feng was secretly frightened. The 800 times gravity chamber was really different.

"Boy, don\'t walk around here. If you walk around at will, the gravity here will tear your body.".

Said the burly disciple.

"Thanks for reminding". Lin Feng hugged his fist.

The three inner disciples sit cross legged and exercise their cultivation skills. Because this is an 800 times gravity chamber, the difficulties encountered in practicing here are 800 times more than those in the outside world.

Therefore, practice is very difficult and will suffer great pain, but anyone who can stick to it will get great benefits.

During this time, Lin Feng exercised in the gravity chamber. He never used the Taigu dragon elephant formula to protect his body, but exercised with pure flesh. Lin Feng wanted to see how strong his body was.

Moreover, Lin Feng has another purpose. He wants to try to activate his immortal divine body. The quenching effect during this period is also remarkable. After Lin Feng\'s muscle is torn by the strong gravity of the gravity chamber, it will recover soon, and every time he recovers, Lin Feng\'s flesh will become more and more powerful.

Of course, the three inner disciples sitting cross legged never thought that Lin Feng entered the 800 times gravity chamber entirely by virtue of his flesh.

When they enter the strong, they all use the skill to protect their body. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for them to come in simply by virtue of the physical body.

Lin Feng is different from them. Lin Feng\'s body is too strong.

Lin Feng\'s eyes looked at a stone lion in the room with 800 times the gravity.

He walked towards the stone lion.

"What\'s this guy doing?". The handsome inner disciple frowned slightly.

"It seems that the boy turned a deaf ear to Wu Kuang\'s words.". The female disciple said with a smile.

"Soon he will suffer.". Wu Kuang glanced at Lin Feng coldly.

But the next moment, Wu Kuang\'s mouth grew up.

Because he saw Lin Feng come to the stone lion and directly put the stone lion on his shoulder.

"How is that possible?". Wu Kuang and the three of them all have incredible expressions.

If it were outside, it would be effortless to carry a stone lion weighing a thousand kilograms.

But here is an 800 times gravity chamber, which contains the power of the law of gravity. It resists the stone lion weighing a thousand kilograms, which is equivalent to carrying the gravity of dozens of towering peaks.


Lin Feng whispered and began to jump frog against the stone lion.

Every time he did a frog jump, Lin Feng felt that his muscles would burst.


Constant muscle tears and severe pain swept through the body.

But at this time, Lin Feng\'s body gushed out a very terrible force to quickly repair Lin Feng\'s torn muscles.

Undead power!

Although Lin Feng\'s immortal body has not recovered.

But his blood contains the power of immortality. Lin Feng constantly destroys and hardens his body, which also activates the silent immortal blood in Lin Feng\'s body.

Lin Feng believes that with the gradual recovery of immortal blood.

His immortal body will wake up sooner or later.

At that time, Lin Feng, who has practiced Taigu dragon like formula, still has an immortal body. It\'s hard to imagine how terrible his combat power will be.

After a crazy hour of refining, Lin Feng took a breath and threw the stone lion on the ground.

He nodded at the three stunned disciples, then walked out of the 800 times gravity chamber and towards the 1000 times gravity chamber above.

"Who the hell is this boy? Is he really a new disciple?".

"This guy\'s body is too abnormal?".

"It\'s really terrible. I\'m afraid it can be compared with the top three perverts in the world list?".

The three faces were full of wry smiles. They originally thought that although they were not as strong as the top three perverts in the world list, they were strong enough. However, they were deeply shocked to see Lin Feng\'s performance in the 800 times gravity chamber, but soon the three became full of fighting spirit.

It seems that some weight will be added. Wu Kuang took out a stone armor and put it on him.

This kind of stone is called basaltic stone. A piece of such armor weighs about 100 Jin.

The other two nodded and took out such a stone armor and put it on them. Lin Feng\'s performance deeply stimulated the three people, so the three people were also struggling to get hurt and add weight to themselves.