Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 617

Although he wants to cut Lin Feng thousands of times, wrinkle Ping can\'t swallow the evil spirit in his heart at this moment. Put away his hatred and get out of trouble from Lin Feng first is what needs to be done now.

Instead of continuing to confront this person and waiting until he gets out of trouble and then looking for an opportunity to retaliate, that is, a hero does not suffer immediate losses. This is the principle of wrinkled and flat.

"I take it.". Wrinkle flat bit his teeth and said.

"Just take it. I\'m afraid you won\'t accept it.". Lin Feng smiled faintly.

Many people feel complicated when they look at the scene in front of them.

First, the strength of Lin Feng, a new disciple, was beyond everyone\'s expectation. Second, Lin Feng\'s strength also shocked everyone. Third, many people lamented that even within the sect, the strong is respected.

What about the senior inner disciple?

If you are not strong enough, you are still not the opponent of these new disciples.

Many people even secretly warned themselves that even for those new disciples in the future, they should treat them like old qualified internal disciples, rather than show off their identity as old qualified internal disciples in front of those new disciples. Wouldn\'t it be bad luck to meet Lin Feng\'s strong new disciples?

"Can you let me go?". Wrinkle flat and look at Lin Feng.

"Put it, of course. I like you most. Now get off this seat.".

Lin Feng said faintly.

"OK, I\'ll go...". Crumple up and leave.

"I said it was to let you roll down, not to let you roll!"

Lin Feng\'s voice suddenly became cold.

"What? You told me to roll down?". The wrinkled face was instantly ugly.

The disciples around were also stunned. They just thought Lin Feng asked wrinkle Ping to leave, but they didn\'t think it was to let wrinkle Ping "roll away".

It\'s humiliating.

"Boy, a scholar can be killed and not humiliated. Don\'t deceive others too much.". Wrinkled flat and roared, his face twisted, and his eyes to Lin Feng were full of fierce expressions. It seemed that as long as Lin Feng dared to tell him to roll down again, he would immediately find Lin Feng and try his best.

"When you insulted my brother just now, did you ever think that you cheated too much? Just now my brother asked you to apologize, but you let our brothers go away. Did you ever think that you cheated too much? Now tell me that you cheated too much? It\'s ridiculous. You caused today\'s incident, and I\'m not afraid of it. I said it for the last time. Now get out of here, or I\'ll be wasted You, do you believe it? "

Lin Feng\'s cold voice came out, and many people were secretly frightened. This new disciple was too overbearing and strong.

And obviously what he said must be done.

The wrinkled look was uncertain. He wanted to find Lin Feng desperately, but he didn\'t dare to act rashly when he thought of Lin Feng\'s terrible strength.

Finally, he clenched his teeth and said, "OK, I\'ll roll down!".

He lay flat on the ground and rolled down the mountain.

Many people convulsed violently at the corners of their mouths, wrinkled flat, and actually rolled down like this.

It\'s a shame.

"Let\'s go..." Chu Nan\'s face was pale and whispered, so she wanted to slip away with the other two people.

But at this time, Lin Feng\'s cold voice made them dare not take another step, "did I let you go?".

This demon like voice resounded through my ears.

The three looked at Lin Feng, and their faces were very pale.

The most powerful of the four of them is wrinkle Ping, but wrinkle Ping all failed miserably, not to mention them?

Chu Nan said in a trembling voice, "it\'s wrinkle Ping that starts with you. It\'s none of our business. Injustice has a head and debt has a owner. You should find wrinkle Ping\'s trouble.".

"Yes, yes, it\'s all the boy\'s fault.".

"It really has nothing to do with us. We can\'t stand that guy\'s behavior for a long time."

The other two said quickly.

Many inner disciples looked at Chu Nan with disdain.

Anyway, you\'re with me.

At this time, we should put aside the relationship.

This is indeed shameful.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "who just said to let wrinkle flat break my leg?".

The two male disciples turned pale and hurriedly said, "we are wrong. We are willing to compensate the younger martial brother Lingshi.".

"I will cherish your spirit stone?". Lin Feng sneered, "I\'m not difficult for you. You two can roll down together.".

Their faces were uncertain.

If they do, they know they\'ll lose face.

However, in the face of such a strong and domineering Lin Feng, they have no power to resist.

"Let\'s go".

They clenched their teeth and lay on the ground. One after the other, they rolled down towards the foot of the mountain.

Lin Feng\'s eyes immediately looked at Chu Nan.

Chu Nan was so frightened that she trembled all over. She was so charming that she begged and said, "younger martial brother, I was wrong. Tonight, I will make amends to younger martial brother. I will promise younger martial brother what I want to do.".

Chu Nan looked pitifully at Lin Feng and deliberately bent down, revealing a large area of snow-white spring.

"This coquettish... Goods want to sell meat again.".

Many disciples of the inner sect scolded in a low voice, but many people looked at the coquettish Chu Nan. This Chu Nan has a bad reputation in the inner sect of Qingyun sect and has had relations with many disciples. Of course, not everyone can go to Chu Nan. The last time they needed 100 high spirit stones, which is almost a month\'s sect welfare for an ordinary inner sect disciple.

Among the onlookers, there were several disciples who had been to Chu Nan. Thinking of Chu Nan\'s strength in bed, they felt that there was a evil fire burning in the lower abdomen. They couldn\'t help admiring Lin Feng.

This boy can get on Chu Nan\'s goods at night, and he doesn\'t need to pay any reward.

Lin Feng glanced at Chu Nan with disgust. Where can he see such mediocre fat and vulgar powder? And I don\'t know how many men have been on the bitch, Lin Feng feels a little sick when he thinks of it.

He looked at Chu Nan coldly, "don\'t disgust me. Believe it or not, I\'ll kick you down the mountain?".

Chu Nan was scared white by Lin Feng\'s fierce appearance, and didn\'t dare to continue to show off in front of Lin Feng.. Sao.

"Isn\'t it? A woman can\'t come to the door on her own initiative? Isn\'t there anything wrong with the boy\'s head?". Many people muttered that they wanted to be Lin Feng. Now they took Chu nan to do that kind of thing.

"You are a woman, and I don\'t want to worry too much with you. Go.". Lin Feng waved away.

Chu Nan didn\'t expect Lin Feng to let her go. She hurried down the mountain. When she turned her face, her face was full of resentment.

Thinking that he took the initiative to throw himself into Lin Feng\'s arms and let Lin Feng go, Chu Nan was ridiculed by Lin Feng, so he completely hated Lin Feng.

"I\'ll make you pay...". Chu Nan\'s eyes were full of venomous eyes. He came to the foot of the mountain and gathered with wrinkle Ping.

"If I don\'t avenge this, I swear I won\'t be a man.". Wrinkly roared angrily.

"Find Xiaoshao and let Xiaoshao avenge us.".

Chu Nan clenched her teeth and said, Xiao Shao refers to Xiao Ziyang. Xiao Shao is also a mistress of Chu Nan. The so-called mistress is that Chu Nan will receive a spirit stone when she is attacked by other men, but it is free when she is attacked by Xiao Ziyang. If Chu Nan encounters something that cannot be solved in the sect, Xiao Ziyang will stand out for Chu Nan.