Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 611

"Boom, boom...".

Thunder went on, and a high fighting spirit was directly killed.

Lin Feng\'s face smiled. Although these higher war spirits were powerful, when he took them seriously, these higher war spirits had only a dead end.

After dozens of high war spirits were killed by Lin Feng, Lin Feng continued to sweep away towards the depths for a moment.

Three peaks and two valleys.

Lin Feng has climbed the first mountain! It\'s not far from the first valley.

Obviously, these three peaks and two valleys, more and more deep, the fighting spirit will be more and more powerful.

Soon after, Lin Feng left the first mountain.

He entered a dense forest and crossed it to the first valley.

"Shua Shua......".

But in the dense forest, Lin Feng ran into trouble. The dense high war spirits rushed to surround here.

"There are powerful prohibitions here. I see. It is the prohibitions in this dense forest that evolved the higher warspirit. I came to the nest of the higher warspirit.".

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows picked slightly.

No matter ordinary fighting spirit, medium fighting spirit, high fighting spirit or even more powerful fighting spirit, they are formed by combining the power of three peaks and two valleys.

The reason why it is called war spirit is that the three peaks and two valleys are full of a terrible sense of war.

Lin Feng heard that a god of war was buried under the three peaks and two valleys in the past years.

That\'s the existence of God level. The war spirit of the God of war is integrated into the three peaks and two valleys.

Prohibition is to absorb the war spirit of the God of war and condense all kinds of war spirits.

Others might not be able to find the particularity of the prohibition here, but Lin Feng is a spiritual array master at the ground level, and he is extremely sensitive to the big array.

Thousands of higher fighting spirits came here. If the other disciples saw it, they had to be scared to death, but Lin Feng looked calm.

"Taigu holy emperor\'s poor and strange treasure art".

Lin Feng roared and showed his unique skill.

Ho ho!

Three earth shaking roars came out, and then, behind Lin Feng, a 100 meter high figure condensed.

The statue, born with three ferocious heads, roared up to the sky and trembled in the mountains.

The Taigu holy emperor\'s poor and strange treasure art can condense up to nine heads. For each more head, the combat effectiveness will soar in a straight line.

Originally, Lin Feng could only condense two heads, but the trip to Lei Dao\'s secret place made Lin Feng\'s cultivation progress by leaps and bounds.

Now, after he performed the ancient holy emperor\'s poor and strange treasure technique, this secret technique has been able to condense three heads.

The three heads of poor Qi waved their big claws and directly patted these higher war spirits.

When one claw went down, dozens of higher fighting spirits were directly killed by three poor Qi.

At the same time, the three poor Qi opened his mouth.

Boom, boom

The three ferocious heads spewed out energy light balls like destroying heaven and earth.

Every energy light ball explodes, it can pretend to kill hundreds of higher war spirits.

I saw three poor and strange people with great power, and the dense high war spirits were killed.


At the foot of the mountain.

"Look, Lin Feng\'s ranking has moved again," someone shouted, pointing to the crystal screen

Everyone\'s eyes turned to the crystal screen.

Lin Feng\'s ranking rushed all the way. It didn\'t take long to rush from 650 to 600, and there was no intention of staying. He soon rushed to 500, and didn\'t stop until 450.

"My God, which cruel person is Lin Feng?".

"It\'s only one day since it was on the list yesterday, and it has reached 450."

"Really no one knows Lin Feng? No one should know such an evil character.".

Many inner disciples were puzzled and looked at each other.

But no one really knows Lin Feng.

Suddenly, a new disciple said weakly, "I know a man named Lin Feng.".

"Ah? Do you know Lin Feng?"

Many people exclaimed and quickly surrounded the new disciple.

The new inner disciple said, "among the new disciples this year, one is called Lin Feng.".

"New inside? That\'s definitely not him.".

A group of senior disciples quickly shook their heads.

Don\'t say New! Even if we let the top genius among the senior disciples go, it will be as difficult as heaven to never enter the world list, to enter the world list, to rush to 450 in such a short time.

What\'s more, a new disciple?

It\'s good that new disciples can defeat ordinary fighting spirits.

A group of people dispersed directly and came to the bottom of the crystal screen to guess Lin Feng\'s identity.

The new disciple who said Lin Feng\'s identity thought about it and thought it couldn\'t be the Lin Feng he knew. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

The disciple was about to leave. At this time, a voice came, "younger martial brother, do you mean that one of the new disciples is Lin Feng?".

The new disciple turned his head and saw more than a dozen powerful inner disciples coming. He immediately showed a respectful look, nodded and said, "yes, that guy is the disciple of Bu Tianfeng".

"Tianfeng mending disciple?", Zhou Kai, min Zihang, Sun Chao and others all looked at each other.

Sky mending peak is the worst peak among the twelve peaks of Qingyun. Everyone knows that entering sky mending peak means the beginning of dark life.

Zhou Kai asked, "did you say that Lin Feng, who is about 20 years old, looks very delicate and has a faint smile on his face?".

"Yes, do you know him, elder martial brother?". The new disciple nodded.

Zhou Kai, min Zihang, Sun Chao and other dozens of people looked at each other and saw deep shock expressions from each other\'s eyes.

It\'s definitely him! The Lin Feng on the heaven and earth list is definitely the Lin Feng mentioned by the new disciple. Zhou Kai and others can\'t forget that those powerful medium fighting spirits were killed by that person.

"How did younger martial brother Lin Feng join butianfeng?". Sun Chao asked suspiciously. After all, Lin Feng, such a terrible figure, would join the sky mending peak, which has long declined. It really makes people feel puzzled.

The new disciple said, "when selecting people from the twelve peaks, the younger martial brother Lin was only a general. In addition, he was 19 years old at that time. Many elders of the peaks felt that he was not trained to be a general until he was 19 years old. His talent was not brilliant enough, so they didn\'t choose him.".

Zhou Kai, min Zihang, Sun Chao and others naturally know that the rest of the other peaks will take the turn to fill the sky peak. Since Lin Feng has not been selected for the major peaks, it is obvious that Lin Feng will become a disciple of fill the sky peak.

"Are those elders blind?" Zhou Kai, min Zihang and others convulsed violently.