Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 610

"The cultivation of these medium war spirits is not very good.".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Medium war spirits kept coming, but they were all killed by Lin Feng.

These fighting spirits are all formed by the aggregation of large arrays. Even after being bombed, they will be formed again soon. There is no end to killing.

However, Lin Feng is quite satisfied with the two points that can be obtained by killing a medium fighting spirit.

He walked toward the depths step by step, surrounded by dense medium war spirits, all of whom were killed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s score increased rapidly.

Soon after, Lin Feng came to the depths of the first mountain, which is the most active place for medium war spirits.

He stood on a low mountain.

A roar came out.

Suddenly, thousands of medium fighting spirits came from all directions.

"Look, who\'s that boy? Is he crazy? He\'s provoking the medium war spirit.".

"Many medium war spirits rushed over. It seems that the boy is a new disciple?".

"I really want to die. If I challenge the medium fighting spirit here, I will be torn apart by the medium fighting spirit.".

"God, there are a lot of medium fighting spirits. I\'m afraid there are thousands of medium fighting spirits.".

"Thousands of medium fighting spirits are besieged. Now the boy is dead.".

Around, the sound of exclamation came out.

The strength of these inner disciples is much stronger than those outside. These inner disciples are all inner disciples who can challenge the medium fighting spirit, but even if they can challenge the medium fighting spirit, they are also cautious and fight alone with the medium fighting spirit. If they see other medium fighting spirits coming, they will immediately escape and dare not continue to challenge.

They have been living in the gate for a long time, but where have they seen such a situation?

Provoked the medium warspirit in the medium warspirit area and attracted thousands of medium warspirits to rush over.

This is not death. What is this?

Ho ho!

The roaring sound came out, and a medium fighting spirit quickly killed Lin Feng like lightning.

Medium war spirits are everywhere in the sky and earth.

"Thousands of medium fighting spirits have been killed, and there are more than 2000 points?".

Lin Feng murmured.

Decepticon thunder formula!

He stretched out his right hand, roared and punched.

There was a loud bang.

I saw Lin Feng as the center, which was made of dense purple thunder. Lin Feng was like a thunder god in the center of purple thunder.

Bang Bang

The purple thunder roared away at the medium fighting spirits from around.

The medium fighting spirit at one end was directly torn apart by the thunder.

Terror! It\'s too scary!

An hour later, thousands of medium war spirits exploded.


Lin Feng jumped out, instantly ejected hundreds of meters, and continued to go deep.

In the distance, there were only a group of inner disciples who were completely in a dull state.

Soon Lin Feng attracted thousands of medium fighting spirits. It was easy. Lin Feng killed these medium fighting spirits.

For others, the medium fighting spirit, which is extremely difficult to kill, is easy for Lin Feng.

A day later.

Lin Feng sat cross legged on a huge rock to rest and fought repeatedly, which made him consume a lot, but Lin Feng\'s harvest was also huge.

This day\'s battle should have collected more than 10000 points.


At this time, a shrill cry came out from the deep mountains and forests.

Then, a warspirit in gold armor rushed out.

"Higher warspirit".

Lin Feng was surprised.

This was the first time he had seen the high war spirit. The breath of the high war spirit was much stronger than the medium war spirit.

"Well done.". With a long roar, Lin Feng jumped out and rushed towards the higher fighting spirit.


He punched the higher warspirit fiercely, and the powerful force suddenly broke out. Originally, Lin Feng thought that this punch could kill the higher warspirit, but he never thought that this punch would kill the higher warspirit, and a rune was wrapped around the surface of the higher warspirit\'s body.

That rune greatly weakened the power of Lin Feng\'s fist.

The higher fighting spirit roared and waved his fist to sweep Lin Feng.


Lin Feng reacted quickly and quickly retreated to avoid the attack of the higher warspirit.

"What a powerful advanced fighting spirit. The rune on my body can offset my fist power, but after all, there is only one body protecting rune that can resist my fists?".

Lin Feng sneered and rushed to the higher fighting spirit again.

Bang Bang

Three punches in a row.

One punch is more violent than another.

After three punches, the body of the higher fighting spirit exploded directly.

"Ha ha, that\'s good. You can not only get points, but also sharpen your accomplishments.".

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Although the medium warspirit can also accumulate points, it is difficult to sharpen accomplishments because the medium warspirit is too weak.

In Lin Feng\'s opinion, this higher fighting spirit is a very good opponent.

"Roar......". In the distance, the roar shook the sky, and more than a dozen higher fighting spirits rushed out.

Without fear, Lin Feng rushed to more than a dozen higher fighting spirits and fought a fierce battle. Lin Feng killed all the more than a dozen higher fighting spirits.

Lin Feng found that in the duel with these higher war spirits, the vigorous Qi in his body became more and more solid and pure.

"It seems that it is not far from breaking through the eightfold heaven of King Wu.".

Lin Feng showed a happy look.

There are many disciples coming here every day. Many people will enter the avenue peak to challenge the fighting spirit. Even if they can\'t enter the heaven and earth list, they can also sharpen their accomplishments.

"Look, a new name appears on the world list"

Suddenly, a disciple shouted.

Suddenly, many people ran towards the crystal screen. Sure enough, we saw that a new name appeared in the 800 places originally belonging to Liu Yu in the world list.

Lin Feng! This new name is called Lin Feng!

A disciple of the inner courtyard said in surprise, "Lin Feng? It\'s the first time I heard of this name. It should be the first time on the list.".

"It\'s definitely my first time on the list. I look at the ranking of heaven and earth every day and see this name for the first time.".

"Who of you knows this disciple named Lin Feng? If you can enter the world list, you should have strong strength. Shouldn\'t you be unknown?".

"I don\'t know, do you know?".

I don\'t know.

"God, look, the list has changed again?".

Suddenly, an inner disciple roared in disbelief.

Everyone looked at the crystal screen, and everyone saw that Lin Feng, who was originally ranked No. 800, rose all the way. Before long, he rushed to the 7th place in the world list, and the ranking continued to rush up.

"How can it be? I won\'t be dazzled?". Some disciples of the inner sect cried out in disbelief that the ranking was too fast.

The news soon spread out, more and more disciples came, and hundreds of inner disciples gathered in front of the crystal screen.

Someone shouted, "look, it\'s rushing again. It\'s six hundred and fifty.".