Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 612

Looking at the high fighting spirit that had disappeared, Lin Feng walked towards the depths.

Even if these higher war spirits are condensed from prohibition, now so many higher war spirits have been destroyed by Lin Feng.

It also takes time to condense again.

So Lin Feng simply continued to go deep.

He went to the first valley.

Through this mountain forest, you can reach the first valley. Lin Feng guessed that there might be war spirit of war King level in that place.

Soon, Lin Feng came to the edge of the first valley.


A roar came out.


The next moment, bright light surged out.

Lin Feng looked and saw that a golden fighting spirit with wings and armor rushed in.

"Two Winged War king!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes.

The warlord level warspirit is also divided into three stages: elementary, medium and advanced.

The primary war king has wings on his back.

Medium war king with four wings on his back.

The high war king has eight wings on his back.

Primary, secondary and higher.

The difference is very obvious, and the one in front of us is the primary war king.

"Simply relying on breath induction is much more powerful than higher war spirits".

Feeling the breath of the primary war king, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Lin Feng doesn\'t just want to get points.

His biggest goal is to sharpen his accomplishments.

"Batian thunder formula".

Lin Feng whispered, the power of thunder was wrapped around his palm, and the batian thunder formula was displayed, and the primary war king had already killed Lin Feng.


The two sides collided fiercely together, and powerful energy waves swept out, and a large number of mountains and forests were destroyed in an instant.

Lin Feng felt that a strange force began to flow into his body.

That force seems to want to destroy its own flesh.

"Eh, the primary war king is really weird. There is a power of will in the attack, but the primary war king can\'t unite his will against the enemy, so this power is very weak.".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised. He used the Taigu dragon elephant formula to directly dissolve this power.

"Give me another punch". Lin Feng roared and rushed forward to collide with the primary war king.

Bang Bang

With three punches in a row, the primary war King couldn\'t bear Lin Feng\'s violent power and exploded directly.

Lin Feng stepped to the first valley.

He saw a sign at the entrance of the first valley.

The sign says three words.

War King Valley.

"This is the nest of the primary war king?".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

When he entered the war King Valley, he saw that the dense primary war King roared and rushed towards Lin Feng.

Facing the siege of the dense primary war king, Lin Feng waved his right hand, and the divine light surged. Suddenly, the three poor and strange gathered together.

Three poor Qi rushed into the group of primary war kings and fought with these primary war kings.

Kill a primary war king and you can get 30 points.

This is equivalent to killing ten high war spirits.

Bang Bang

The war broke out.

However, the combat effectiveness of these primary war Kings is much stronger than that of higher war spirits, so Lin Feng\'s three poor Qi also encountered some problems in dealing with the dense siege of primary war kings.

It is very unrealistic to kill the primary war king like the high war spirit.

"The primary war king really didn\'t disappoint me, Lei Lai......".

Lin Feng stepped forward, stretched out his right hand and blasted away at a group of primary war kings in front.

The roar of thunder came out, and a huge ball of thunder light condensed and smashed into a group of primary war kings.

Bang Bang

The sound of explosions came out.

The body of a primary war King exploded directly.

In an instant, more than 30 primary war kings were killed.

"Ha ha, it\'s so refreshing!"

With a long roar, Lin Feng jumped up and stood directly on the three poor Qi.

The three heads of poor Qi waved their claws and clapped at the primary war kings. The three heads also continued to spray energy to attack and kill.

Lin Feng used the Decepticon thunder formula, and thunder swept out one after another.

Lin Feng and three poor Qi cooperated seamlessly, and the dense primary war kings were killed.

At the foot of the mountain!

"Look, the ranking is moving again!"

A disciple shouted.

Everyone looked at the ranking.

Sure enough, Lin Feng\'s ranking rose from 450 miso to less than 400, and there was no sign of stopping.

"How many war spirits did he kill?"

Everyone was shocked.

You know, the higher the ranking, the more points.

The more difficult it becomes to improve a position.

But! Lin Feng\'s ranking promotion speed is not only not reduced, but faster and faster, which shows that Lin Feng is killing Zhan Ling in large numbers.

"If the speed increases so fast, has it entered the war King area?". A disciple said.

"Isn\'t it? The war King\'s strength is so strong that it shouldn\'t be easy to deal with it?". Some disciples questioned.

"The king of war is strong. What if Lin Feng is stronger?" another disciple said.

Many people\'s faces suddenly changed.

Yes, if Lin Feng\'s strength is more powerful, he does have the ability to kill the king of war.

"Too strong, really too strong".

Zhou Kai, min Zihang, Sun Chao and others are full of deep shock expressions.

Before, min Zihang even told Lin Feng and Tanaka about his experience of joining the inner door to defeat Zhan Ling for the first time. At that time, he was still proud.

Thinking of this, min Zihang showed a wry smile at the corners of his mouth.

He defeated Zhan Ling for the first time in just half a year after joining the inner door. He has made an impressive record in the inner door.

But compared with Lin Feng, there is a difference of eighteen thousand miles.

The news on the side of Da Dao Feng has quickly spread among the inner doors, and many deacons and even elders have been alarmed.

Many deacons, geniuses at the level of demons in the inner door, and several elders looked at the rapidly rising name on the crystal screen in the distance.

"Lin Feng, it\'s him. He\'s so terrible," Guo Xiao was surprised.

Qin Yao on one side also had red lips, full of shocked expressions.

"Who is this Lin Feng?". A disciple of demon level in the inner door asked the people around him.

"Never heard of it", and the people around him looked puzzled.

"Younger martial brother Lin Feng is so powerful.". Wang Hu and others also came, all stunned.

Even the great elder Guo Yan in the great elder temple was disturbed.

"What happened?".

Guo Yan asked.

A deacon quickly walked in and reported, "tell the elder, someone is challenging the world list. Yesterday, he just rushed to the 800th place, but by the day, according to the latest news, the other party has rushed to 253.".

"What? Is there such a thing?" Rao Shiyi shouted out with the insight of elder Guo Yan.

But the Deacon didn\'t notice the gaffed elder Guo Yan, because the deacon was still in a deep shock.