Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 609


In the mountains!

The silent needle can be heard!

Those inner disciples felt that their throats were choked by something and couldn\'t speak.

There is only deep shock in everyone\'s heart.

What happened in front of them really shocked their hearts.

A freshman killed more than a dozen war spirits just by virtue of momentum.

This is an incredible thing.

But now, the truth is happening in front of everyone.

"Who the hell is this guy? He\'s so scared...".

A disciple of the inner courtyard looked at Lin Feng with great shock.

"These should be just ordinary war spirits. They are too weak.". Lin Feng murmured, and he walked towards the depths.


The roar shook the sky. In the mountains and forests, a war spirit wearing silver armor rushed out.

"Medium warspirit". Many people exclaimed.

Ordinary fighting spirits are fast and can absorb the power of friars, so it is difficult for friars in the ten Heaven of King Wu to overcome them.

Of course, what we\'re talking about here is the kind of ordinary inner disciples. Talented inner disciples are not among them. A genius like Lin Feng can crush ordinary war spirits.

If the medium fighting spirit is used, the combat effectiveness will be improved to a higher level. If dozens of ordinary fighting spirits surround one medium fighting spirit, they may not be able to defeat the medium fighting spirit.

"Younger martial brother, be careful. It\'s a medium fighting spirit, and its strength is more than ten times or more than that of an ordinary fighting spirit.".

An inner disciple warned loudly.

Seeing the medium fighting spirit, everyone looked a little pale.

They knew how powerful the medium fighting spirit was. These disciples quickly rushed outside. As long as they saw something wrong, they immediately escaped from the avenue peak.

"Well done.". Lin Feng gave a long roar and blew away at the medium fighting spirit.


The sound of violent collision came out, and the earth seemed to tremble violently.

Deng Deng Deng!

With a blow to the medium fighting spirit, Lin Feng and the medium fighting spirit retreated three steps respectively.

Although Lin Feng didn\'t run the five martial spirits to improve his combat effectiveness, nor did he display his secret skills, this medium fighting spirit was as good as Lin Feng\'s fight, and it was already quite terrible.

"It\'s so strong that it resisted the attack of medium war spirit.". Those inner disciples shouted in surprise.

They thought Lin Feng would lose.

But I didn\'t expect that Lin Feng was as good as the medium fighting spirit.

"It\'s terrible to be able to draw with the medium fighting spirit. If you practice in the inner door for a period of time, you should be able to defeat the medium fighting spirit. As for now, it should be more difficult to defeat the medium fighting spirit.".

Some inner disciples said, but even so, it has shocked them. After all, Lin Feng has just joined the inner door.

The other disciples also nodded and felt the same about this disciple\'s words.


The medium fighting spirit roared again and killed Lin Feng. He saw silver light gushing out of the medium fighting spirit\'s body.

"Oh, my God, isn\'t it? There is silver in this medium fighting spirit. Is it because this medium fighting spirit understands the medium fighting spirit of fighting spirit fist?".

"You must have understood Zhanling boxing. Generally, only advanced Zhanling boxing can understand Zhanling boxing, but some medium-sized Zhanling boxing can understand Zhanling boxing. The medium-sized Zhanling boxing is much stronger than ordinary medium-sized Zhanling boxing. Now the medium-sized Zhanling boxing is in trouble. The boy is afraid to be defeated.".

"Defeat is still a small thing. If you understand the medium fighting spirit of the fighting spirit fist, you may even kill the boy.".

Those inner disciples looked pale at the medium fighting spirit who had understood the fighting spirit fist. They felt the breath of the medium fighting spirit from a distance, which made them tremble.

The strength of the medium fighting spirit who understands the fighting spirit fist is too powerful.

"Eh, these fighting spirits can still fight?".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

This is what he did not expect.

However, Lin Feng soon showed an indifferent expression. The power of thunder was wrapped around his palm. The batian thunder formula worked and the power of thunder was blessed.


Lin Feng shot and hit the medium fighting spirit in front of him.

"It\'s going to collide. The boy won\'t be killed directly?".

The inner disciples exclaimed.


The next moment, a dull sound of collision came out.

The middle fighting spirit who understood the fighting spirit fist was blown open by Lin Feng\'s fist.

"Too weak". Lin Feng shook his head and walked towards the deep. The medium fighting spirit didn\'t threaten him. Lin Feng stared at the more powerful higher fighting spirit.

"This, this, this...". A group of inner disciples are completely incoherent and don\'t even know what to say.

There is only deep shock and disbelief in everyone\'s heart.

I understand the medium fighting spirit of the fighting spirit fist. I was killed by one fist.

How terrible is this guy\'s cultivation?

At the foot of Daofeng mountain.

Min Zihang frowned slightly and said, "after going in for so long, why haven\'t those two boys come out? Won\'t they be surrounded by Zhan Ling? Or have they been seriously injured by Zhan Ling?".

Sun Chao nodded and said, "something must have happened if he hasn\'t come out for such a long time. These new disciples don\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth. Do they think dadaofeng broke in casually?".

"Let\'s go and save them and earn some spirit stone by the way.". Min Zihang said.

Five or six inner disciples around all smiled.

This is also an unwritten rule. If you encounter trouble in the Da Dao peak, you have to pay a reward if a disciple of the same school saves you.

Spirit stone, elixir, magic instrument and even secret arts can be used as reward.

However, the most favorite of these inner disciples is the spirit stone, because the spirit stone is a cultivation resource to improve their accomplishments.

Several disciples swept into the Da Dao peak, but they didn\'t see Lin Feng and Tanaka Dao.

An inner disciple named Zhang Chong muttered, "Why are those two boys gone? Won\'t they be dragged deep by those war spirits? If so, they will die, and there\'s nothing we can do to save them.".

"Zhou Kai, they\'re over there. Let\'s ask.". Min Zihang pointed to Zhou Kai and others.

Zhou Kai\'s group is the group of inner disciples just now.

"Elder martial brother Zhou, have you seen two new disciples?". Min Zihang asked politely. Zhou Kai\'s combat power is higher than him this year, so he has great respect for Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai twitched violently at the corner of his mouth and said, "I see.".

"Great, let\'s come and save them and earn some spirit stones by the way.". Sun Chao said excitedly.

Zhou Kai and others looked at Sun Chao and others with a strange expression.

Several people were annoyed by Zhou Kai\'s eyes. Sun Chao asked, "elder martial brother, did I say something wrong?".

Just look inside. Zhou Kai points deep.

Min Zihang, Sun Chao and others looked, their faces changed greatly. They saw Lin Feng walking towards the depths of the mountains.

Min Zihang shouted, "this guy has gone to the medium war spirit area. Does he want to die?".

At this time, more than a dozen medium fighting spirits came out of the mountain forest and killed Lin Feng.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Min Zihang and others suddenly changed.

Sun Chao shouted pale, "it\'s over, more than a dozen medium fighting spirits. The boy is dead. We can\'t do anything to save him.".

As soon as Sun Chao\'s voice fell, they saw that more than a dozen medium fighting spirits had been killed in front of Lin Feng.

Facing the siege of more than a dozen medium fighting spirits, Lin Feng punched and blew out a medium fighting spirit.

Bang Bang

A medium fighting spirit exploded directly in the air.

"Splash". Seeing this scene, Sun Chao was scared to sit on the ground.