Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 608

After Yang Jian was blown out, Shui Tao, Shui Wenjie, Wu Ke and some other new disciples were blown out by Da Dao Feng. The seriously injured vomited blood, and the lightly injured also turned pale.

"Is this avenue so scary?". A new disciple said pale.

Many new disciples who wanted to try stopped.

"The weakest ordinary fighting spirit in the Da Dao peak is also comparable to the cultivation of the eightfold heaven of the king of Wu realm, but those ordinary fighting spirits are as fast as lightning. Because they are formed by energy condensation, they can easily dissolve the attack of the friars, and even take the initiative to swallow the attack of the friars. Even if the cultivation of the eightfold heaven of the king of Wu realm is very difficult for these ordinary fighting spirits, As a freshman, I still practice honestly, settle down and cultivate accomplishments, and then consider challenging the fighting spirit, rather than going in and dying now. Fortunately, all I encounter are ordinary fighting spirits. If I encounter higher fighting spirits, or generals, I may even die in it. ".

An old disciple named Sun Chao sneered.

"When I joined the inner court three years ago, it was the Ninth Heaven in the realm of King Wu. I went in confidently to challenge the fighting spirit. Three moves didn\'t catch me, so I was blown out. Six months later, I broke through the tenth heaven in the realm of King Wu and challenged the fighting spirit. After seven moves, I was swept out again. I practiced hard for another year, precipitated my accomplishments, and entered the dadaofeng again to challenge the fighting spirit, which defeated the first battle Spirit ".

Another old disciple named min Zihang said, with a proud look on his face.

Any disciple who can defeat the fighting spirit of Da Dao Feng is even a superman.

As for those disciples who can enter the heaven and earth list, they are the key disciples trained by the sect and the hope of the sect in the future.

All the new disciples were pale and frightened by the words of these old disciples.

The old alcoholic shouted, "I\'d better enjoy the blue sky and white clouds."

Then the old guy slipped away quickly.

Lin Feng was speechless. When he came, the old wine ghost vowed to sweep away the war spirit, rush into the heaven and earth list, and Yang Ming was in the inner yard.

Seeing that the fighting spirit inside was so powerful, he was scared and ran away.

But it\'s also in line with the old drunkard\'s character.

Lin Feng and Tanaka road are heading for dadaofeng.

"Didn\'t you hear what we just said? Did you see those people? Their accomplishments are higher than you, and they haven\'t been swept out? If you listen to advice, when they reach the level of King Wu for ten days, they will accumulate and precipitate their accomplishments for one year, and then enter them to challenge the fighting spirit".

The inner disciple named min Zihang looked at Lin Feng and Tanaka Dao. He couldn\'t help humming. He thought that the two disciples were really not interested. He said so much. Could it be that he ignored them?

"Thanks for reminding, senior brother, but we still want to try.".

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

"Whatever you want". Min Zihang waved.

Lin Feng and Tanaka road entered the avenue peak.

The area of this avenue peak is very large, which is composed of three peaks and two valleys.

Lin Feng and Tanaka road had just entered it, and they felt the cold wind sweeping through.

Two figures came and killed Lin Feng and Tanaka respectively.

Lin Feng fixed his eyes and saw the existence. It was an energy body. He was wearing a suit of armor and came with a fist, as fast as lightning.

"Two new disciples came in who didn\'t know whether they were dead or alive.".

Within the avenue peak, some old disciples gloated at Lin Feng and Tanaka road.

During this time, many new disciples came to dadaofeng to challenge Zhan Ling because they entered the inner courtyard.

But without exception, all of them were blown out by Zhan Ling. It is said that several people were deeply hurt.

In the view of these inner courtyard disciples, Lin Feng and Tanaka Dao also came in and died.

Zhan Ling\'s speed is fast, but Lin Feng\'s speed is faster.

Facing the attack of Zhan Ling, Lin Feng moved to the left and easily avoided the attack of Zhan Ling. Then he punched Zhan Ling and swept Zhan Ling out.

"Eh", Lin Feng felt surprised just after the fight. The body of Zhan Ling was really strange. When he punched Zhan Ling, it seemed that there was a strength to unload his own power, and some of the unloaded power was absorbed by Zhan Ling.

"Sure enough, as the inner court disciple said, these war spirits can absorb the power of friars.". Lin Feng smiles. The stronger Zhan Ling is, the more he likes to see. He fights with Zhan Ling. This is a real battle, which can let Lin Feng sharpen his cultivation.

On the other side, Tanaka Dao hit Zhan Ling and said in surprise, "this, this, Zhan, Zhan Ling, really, really, very, very strange.".

Those inner courtyard disciples who gloated at the excitement were all stunned.

"What happened? How did those two guys beat back the war spirit? Was it luck?".

Many people muttered in their hearts.


The two fighting spirits roared, and then rushed to Lin Feng and Tanaka road respectively.


Facing the attack of Zhan Ling, Lin Feng snorted coldly and jumped out. He immediately came to Zhan Ling and swept away with a more powerful punch.

Bang! With the sound of a dull collision, the war spirit attacking Lin Feng exploded directly and disappeared.

"Oh, my God.". Those inner courtyard disciples who watched the excitement shouted one by one, and their eyes almost didn\'t stare out.

Is this still a new disciple?

Is this still human?

A fist exploded a war spirit.

How terrible is that guy\'s power?

Take off, moon step, leg kill!

And Tanaka Dao also showed his physical skills to avoid the attack of the war spirit, and then came behind the war spirit and swept away.


The fighting spirit who dueled with Tanaka Dao was also blasted by Tanaka Dao\'s kick.

"Another war spirit was destroyed".

Many people exclaimed.

"These two guys are more powerful than our senior inner disciples.".

Those inner gate disciples who watched the excitement jumped wildly.

"I\'ll go there, you go there, and we\'ll sweep away each side.". Lin Feng pointed in two directions.

"No, no problem".

Tanaka said.

The two separated.

Lin Feng swept away towards the depths.

"Roar......". A dozen war spirits roared and rushed.

"Boy, you\'ve angered the fighting spirits here. Run quickly. You can\'t be the opponent of more than a dozen fighting spirits."

Several inner disciples in the distance suddenly drank when they saw more than a dozen fighting spirits killing Lin Feng.

But at this time, they felt a shock.

They saw that the new disciple didn\'t even make a move, but only sent out a terrible smell in his body.


More than a dozen heads killed the powerful fighting spirit body of the new disciple and blew it apart.