Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 603

There was silence around. Everyone looked at Lin Feng like a monster.

Jiuyou\'s killer, a powerful killing skill, is about to kill Lin Feng. In the end, Jiuyou\'s killer is killed second.

That boy is terrible, isn\'t he?

"Isn\'t this the guy who escaped from the canyon before?". A monk in Shenjian villa whispered beside Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen nodded, his eyes flashing with killing intention. He said, "yes, it\'s the boy. No wonder several younger martial brothers who went after him would die miserably. His cultivation was unexpected.".

Ye Xingchen seems to be weighing the pros and cons. Is he going to kill Lin Feng.

But in the end, he restrained his murderous spirit. This is not a good place to start, and ye Xingchen has no bottom in his heart. He doesn\'t know whether he can kill Lin Feng.

"This guy didn\'t do his best when he fought me before.". Muxi moon couldn\'t help muttering. Before, Lin Feng challenged her again and again in that mysterious world, but she was taught by Muxi moon again and again.

Muxiyue originally thought she had a more intuitive understanding of Lin Feng\'s strength, but now she knows that Lin Feng hides his strength.

Although he was dissatisfied with Lin Feng\'s hidden strength, he was relieved to see that Lin Feng was all right.

"Why do you care about him, hateful guy", Muxi moon glared at Lin Feng fiercely. Thinking of the scene where Lin Feng took his first kiss, she only felt that the heart beat a lot faster.

Only muxiyue knows whether she is really angry.

"Young master Lin, aren\'t you hurt?". Ouyang Xiyu asked with concern.

"I\'m fine.". Lin Feng smiled.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s intimacy with Ouyang Xiyu, Muxi Yue felt a little irritable, hummed coldly and walked away.

Qiao Moyu and others were in a cold sweat. They secretly said who offended the eldest lady again?

Some monks continued to wander on the island, hoping to find opportunities.

Lin Feng and Ouyang Xiyu didn\'t leave immediately. He planned to use the Dragon search formula to find out if there was a cave here, but he didn\'t find anything. Then Lin Feng and Ouyang Xiyu also left.

"Young master Lin, it\'s not long since the end of the experience in the secret place of thunder knife. Let\'s separate here. This is a jade I\'ve brought for many years. It\'s not a precious thing. Please accept it. If you think it through in the future, you can take this keepsake to Changsheng city. When the mayor of Changsheng city sees this jade, he will take young master Lin to Changsheng hall.".

Ouyang Xiyu said, but she suddenly thought that the woman gave the man a jade pendant, which seemed to have the meaning of a token of love, and her pretty face was a little red.

Lin Feng didn\'t think much. He accepted the jade pendant and said, "thank you, fairy.".

A day later, Lin Feng and Ouyang Xiyu were separated.

Lin Feng is constantly looking for powerful fierce beast challenges to test his strength.

When the secret land of Lei Dao was about to open again, Lin Feng came to the cave of the flame demon king.

Everyone was very happy to see Lin Feng coming.

Lin Feng felt the strength of everyone, and everyone\'s cultivation was advancing by leaps and bounds.

"It seems that everyone has gained a lot.". Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ah, elder martial brother Lin, your accomplishments have caught up with me.". Zhen Ying said in surprise. Her red lips were slightly open. It was really tempting.

"King Wu\'s realm of seven heavens?". Shi Weizhu also looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

When Lin Feng left at the beginning, he was just the triple heaven of King Wu\'s realm. It was only a few months? It\'s already the seventh heaven of King Wu\'s realm? This cultivation speed is too fast, isn\'t it?

Of course, what shocked everyone most was how powerful Lin Feng\'s combat effectiveness would be now?

When the King Wu realm is triple heaven, he can kill all saints. This kind of Tianjiao who understands the \'spirit\', but now it is already seven heaven in the King Wu realm. I\'m afraid the top Tianjiao who understands the \'spirit\' and \'potential\' is not Lin Feng\'s opponent at this moment?

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I\'ve experienced many dangers and near death, but I\'ve also got some adventures, so my cultivation will be improved so quickly. Let\'s prepare and we\'ll be ready to leave the secret land of thunder knife."

Everyone nodded. The secret place of thunder knife has only been opened for one year. Now it\'s almost one year. You must leave quickly. If you are trapped in the secret place of thunder knife, because the cultivation of thunder knife can\'t break through the realm of yin and Yang, and the monk of King Wu\'s realm has a life of up to 200 years. At that time, if you are trapped here, there is only a dead end.

The next day, they went to the periphery of Lei Dao\'s secret place together.

I haven\'t seen Yu fan, Han Shuo and others in this Lei Dao secret territory experience, and I don\'t know how they are?

I haven\'t seen Tanaka road and old wine ghost, but Lin Feng won\'t worry about Tanaka road and old wine ghost.

Neither of them is a simple role.

Many friars swept towards the periphery of the thunder knife secret place.

Finally, everyone left Lei Dao\'s secret place. When he was outside, Lin Feng saw Yu Fan and Han Shuo. He found that they were safe and sound, so he put his heart down.

"You should also guard against xingxuan elder in Xingyun Pavilion. You must guard against people. I\'m afraid xingxuan elder will anger you because of me.".

Lin Feng reminded.

"Don\'t worry, elder xingqiong has taken good care of Han Shuo and me recently. It is estimated that he wants to have a good relationship with Zongyun Da Neng through us. When Zongyun Da Neng gets out of the pass, I will stab elder xingxuan into persecuting you.".

Yu Fan said fiercely.

"Forget it. Elder xingxuan will deal with him in person when I improve my strength.". Lin Feng said.

He exchanged a few words with Yu Fan and Han Shuo and separated.

"Elder martial brother Lin, when I get back to the sect gate, I\'ll go to you and ask you about the spiritual array.". Shuilanxuan said with a red face.

Then he ran away.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Won\'t shuilanxuan stick to herself?

"Tut Tut, boy has a good hand, and he has a top-grade sister?"

The old drunkard came out of nowhere. He was surprised to see shuilanxuan leaving.

"A dog can\'t spit out ivory.". Lin Feng couldn\'t help rolling his eyes.

Tanaka also came out with the old drunkard and held a bear with Lin Feng.

"This time, people from all major forces should lose a lot," Lin Feng said.

Tanaka nodded, "yes, but for those who can survive, many people\'s accomplishments have improved by leaps and bounds.".

The disciples of Qingyun sect gathered. Elder Zhang Quan counted the number. More than 1000 disciples didn\'t come back. I\'m afraid they died in the secret place of thunder knife.

The secret place of thunder Sabre is so cruel. In other words, cultivation itself is a cruel thing. You have to take your life against the sky and experience many dangers. This road is full of thorns. If you are careless, you may die. Even if you break through the realm of yin and Yang in the future and seem to be superior, you have to experience "three disasters and nine difficulties". At that time, it will be more dangerous, Because three disasters and nine disasters, any disaster can break the monks to pieces.

But even though this road is full of endless hardships.

But there are still countless people fighting for it.

Although nine dead! Without regret!