Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 604

Back in Qingyun sect, everything seems to be calm again. However, it is widely rumored that a group of disciples will join the inner court this time. Because the thunder knife secret place is opened, many Qingyun sect disciples have made rapid progress in the thunder knife secret place and have reached the qualification to join the inner court.

If you want to join the inner court, you need the examination of zongmen.

Naturally, the review is extremely strict. Twelve peaks generally recommend the quota.

Those who get the recommended quota will go to the mountain of external disciples for qualification examination. If they can pass, they can join the inner courtyard.

There are many conditions to join the inner court. The friars in the eight heaven realm of King Wu are enough to deter countless people.

Of course, it doesn\'t mean that if the level is lower than the level of King Wu, the eight heavy heaven can\'t join. In fact, it\'s not. If some monks with amazing talents, such as "twin martial spirits" like Tianzhong Dao, even if they don\'t have enough accomplishments, they will be collected into the inner court in advance and trained well.

Even, such a genius doesn\'t need to be assessed like others.

"It is said that elder Qiao Yunqiu has drawn up a recommendation list. There are nine people in butianfeng. Younger martial brother Lin Feng, as a freshman, beat the five talents with one enemy and five. The senior management of the inner court has also known that younger martial brother Lin Feng has been nominated to join the inner court. Younger martial brother Tanaka\'s twin martial spirit is also favored by the senior management of the inner court and will join the inner court. In addition, I, younger martial brother Wang Hu and Shi Wei Younger martial sister Zhu, younger martial sister Yang Lin, younger martial brother Zhang Tianyuan, younger martial brother Pei junyang and younger martial brother Wang Le were also recommended to participate in the qualification examination of the inner court.

Jing Ping said in surprise.

Different from previous years, this time, nine disciples of butianfeng can also participate in the assessment of the inner courtyard. To be exact, two of them have successfully joined the inner courtyard, eliminating the assessment step.

The other seven have to work hard.

Shi Weizhu smiled and said, "congratulations to junior brother Lin Feng and junior brother Tanaka.".

"I believe you can also successfully join the inner court"

Lin Feng smiled.

"And me?". The old drunkard rolled his eyes.

"Er... Well, elder Qiao Yunqiu didn\'t mention it.". Jing Ping said awkwardly.

The old drunkard is such an old bone that he can\'t see where the future is. At such an old age, it\'s hard to break through the realm of yin and Yang.

And the quota is precious. It\'s normal not to give it to old drunkards.

The old drunkard couldn\'t help rolling his eyes. His eyes turned around. He didn\'t know what he was up to.

Jing Ping said, "the assessment will be carried out in three days.".

Then everyone dispersed.

In the evening, Lin Feng sat cross legged. The Taigu dragon elephant formula began to work. It didn\'t stop until 36 weeks later.

Huo Qilin asked, "have you ever met anything special in the secret land of thunder knife?"

Lin Fengdao said, "if anything special, only the eternal God King impressed me. A group of us entered the illusory world constructed by the eternal God King, and then stayed in it for five years. After coming out, only a breath passed outside.".

"What? Is there such a thing?". Huo Qilin looked uncertain and surprised.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "is there anything wrong?".

"The power of the law of time".

Huo Qilin said, "However, even the power of the time law mastered by the gods will never allow hundreds of people to enter such time and space at the same time. Moreover, the time of one breath has passed, and five years have passed in the time and space. The stronger the power of the time law, the longer the time of one breath time will be converted in the time and space. As far as I know, even the strong at the peak of the gods can only The external breath time is transformed into ten minutes within the time law, and can only let oneself enter the time space. "

Hearing Huo Qilin\'s words, Lin Feng was surprised.

If Huo Qilin\'s words are true, that is to say, the eternal God King is beyond the existence of "divine realm"?

"Does the immortal world really exist?" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Huo Qilin said, "nature exists, but only a few people can enter the undead world. It is a world beyond life and death. People who can rise to the undead world must be ancient and strong. However, no friars have been able to enter the undead world in tianwu mainland for too long, so now the undead world has become a legend in tianwu mainland".

"Well," Lin Feng nodded.

The stars are falling and the moon is shining.

Late at night, Lin Feng is still practicing.

He looked at 90000 star maps and felt all kinds of mysterious changes in the star maps.

The great man stood in the star world. Lin Feng tried to communicate with him, but no matter how many times he tried, he always failed.

Of course, Lin Feng doesn\'t have any harvest. His soul power will be improved every time he looks at the star map. Moreover, 90000 star maps are arranged together like an array. The star map is also very helpful to Lin Feng\'s understanding of the array.

After a night of cultivation, Lin Feng opened his eyes and murmured, "it\'s more difficult to upgrade from the soul level of the first heaven in the realm of creation to the soul level of the second heaven in the realm of creation than from the soul level of the first heaven in the realm of yin and yang to the soul level of the tenth heaven in the realm of yin and Yang".

Huo Qilin opened his eyes and said, "that\'s natural, because after crossing the great realm, the soul has undergone substantial transformation, and it will be more difficult to improve, but if you don\'t improve once, you will get a greater power bonus.".

Lin Feng nodded. In the next few days, he had been practicing hard, and several disciples of butianfeng also went to the outer disciple temple to participate in the inner courtyard examination.

There was one thing that made people laugh and cry. Because the old alcoholic didn\'t get the quota recommendation, he ran to the test place and made a big noise, which made the elders who presided over the test headache.

You said you\'d kick the old alcoholic out? After all, he is a disciple of Qingyun sect, and he is so old. If he were an ordinary disciple, he would have been kicked out long ago, but he can\'t do this to old drunkards.

The reputation of Qingyun sect will be damaged if an old man like an old alcoholic is swept out of the house.

Finally, an elder decided to let the old drunkard participate in the assessment. Who would have thought that the old drunkard passed all the assessments, and the elders who presided over the test were stunned. Although they thought that it was not a waste of resources for the old drunkard to join the inner court at such an old age?

But it\'s not good to deprive the old drunkard of his qualification.

The rest, Shi Weizhu, Wang Hu, Yang Lin and Wang Le, successfully passed all the examinations.

Jing Ping, Zhang Tianyuan and Pei junyang failed.

Both Zhang Tianyuan and Pei junyang are the seventh heaven of King Wu\'s realm. This participation in the assessment is also a fight, but the final failure is regrettable, but there is still hope after breaking through the eighth heaven of King Wu\'s realm.

Jing Ping was as like as two peas in the seventh examination. He was once again defeated, because he was unable to meet the requirements.

Jing Ping stood alone at a peak of Butian peak, looking at the sea of clouds in the distance.

"My talent, really no longer hope to enter the realm of yin and Yang?". Jingping\'s face was full of bitter expression.

Jing Ping, who has poor talent, has made ten or even dozens of times more efforts than others, while the others seem to be quite relaxed and can pass the internal court assessment, and his failure again and again is a great blow to Jing Ping.

Lin Feng went up, stood with Jing Ping and looked at the sea of clouds.

He and Jing Ping drank wine here all night. Jing Ping finally cried. He worked hard for so many years, but he couldn\'t see any hope.

"Younger martial brother, I\'m going to leave Qingyun sect.". Jing Ping said.

Lin Feng was silent. He didn\'t know how to persuade Jing Ping. After a long time, he said, "the world is hard. I hope senior brother will be careful outside."

"I will.". Jing Ping nodded heavily.

The next day, Lin Feng and others saw Jing Ping off. Looking at Jing Ping\'s lonely back, Lin Feng sighed slightly.

Do you still have a day to see each other?