Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 602

"My first kiss is gone?".

There was such an idea in the black robed woman\'s mind.

Then there was endless anger.

"Lin Feng, I\'ll kill you.". She slapped Lin Feng out.

Lin Feng flew backwards for dozens of miles and fell to the ground.

"Muxi month, did you murder your husband?". Lin Feng rubbed his chest and cried sadly.

The woman in black told Lin Feng that her name was muxiyue. As for whether her real name was Lin Feng, she didn\'t know.

"You bastard, I\'ll cut you to pieces.".

Muxi moon shouted angrily and swept towards Lin Feng.

The first kiss was taken.

It seems to make her angry and angry.

But just then, the low voice came out again.

"Eternal haste".

With the sound, Lin Feng and Muxi Yue were shocked to find that their bodies were wrapped by a powerful force.

Countless pictures flashed through my mind.

These pictures are everything you see and hear in this world.


The next moment, Lin Feng felt that he was caught up in a powerful force and disappeared from the world.

"Five years have passed, and the outside world has only passed for a moment.".

A monk exclaimed.

Everyone has returned to reality.

"How could this happen? Have you been in that mysterious world for the past five years? Damn it, I\'ve been looking for a way out, and I haven\'t meditated at all"

"Me too. If I know that five years inside is just a breath outside, I will practice hard and seize the five years taken from heaven."

Many monks began to wail, full of chagrin.

"Forever in a hurry..." Lin Feng murmured. It\'s really terrible. Has he been in that mysterious world for five years?

But the outside world is just a breath.

That is, a breathing time.

Lin Feng recalled all kinds of things in that world in his mind. In a very short time, he saw the life course of the eternal God King\'s withdrawal at the age of 15, his father\'s tragic death to the age of 26, the king\'s presence in the sky at the age of 30, and calming the chaos of heaven and demons at the age of 30.

It should only take a few days to finish reading these.

The next time is the time for free cultivation.

Fortunately, I didn\'t waste those five years like others.

Moreover, in the past five years, his cultivation has improved rapidly, and now he has broken through the seven heaven realm of King Wu.

Spirit array master and medicine refiner should also have reached the ground level.

Absolutely against the sky.

Everything is due to the five years taken from heaven in that mysterious world.

"My body is like a starry sky. In a twinkling of an eye, I smile against the sky and kill myself. I have a quick glance in five years.".

A deep voice resounded through the world.

In the body of the eternal God King, the light is bright, and acupoints emit dazzling divine light.

A acupoint is a shrine.

It turns out that this is the so-called "eternal God house".

"Do it, go in again". A monk shouted and rushed to the eternal God King to enter the mysterious world again as before.

A breathing time outside.

It\'s five years.

A few more trips.

This is going against the sky.

Friars are killing and buying time from heaven.

The world created by the eternal God King is terrible.

However, the eternal God sent out a dazzling light in his body, sweeping away all the monks who were close.

And the body of the eternal God King is gradually disappearing.

"No, give us another chance," roared many monks. They were really unwilling to let the body of the eternal God King dissipate.

Five years, they missed it.

This is five years of rapid improvement.

It\'s not polite to say that Xiang Tian took his life for five years. This is the biggest opportunity to enter the secret territory of thunder knife.

But many people don\'t cherish it.

I didn\'t regret until I came out of that mysterious world and knew everything.

But the Eternal Lord finally dissipated.

Ouyang Xiyu said, "this is not the Buddha. It should be a brand of time and space. Monks who have come here after thousands of hardships will get this opportunity.".

Lin Feng nodded.

The opportunity left by the eternal God King to future generations is not a magic weapon, not a secret skill, but time.

For practitioners, time is the most precious.

"Sir, do you want to kill that boy?"

Qiao Moyu looked at Muxi moon and asked.

Muxiyue looked at Lin Feng and sighed slightly in her heart. Although intellectually, Lin Feng should kill him because of his relationship with Wanmo sect.

But muxiyue found that she could no longer harden her heart to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng glanced at Muxi moon. Muxi moon\'s eyes quickly moved away and dared not look at Lin Feng.

She looked at Qiao Moyu and said, "this place is not suitable for hands".


Qiao Moyu naturally dare not have too many questions.


At this time, above Lin Feng, a cold awn came.

Everyone was surprised to see that it was a one armed man in black, holding a cold sword and falling from the sky.

"What a terrible murderous spirit. Who is this? Why kill that boy?"

"Looks like someone from the killer Dynasty"

"What? The killer dynasty? The killer of Jiuyou?"

Many people took a breath.

If it is Jiuyou\'s killer, it\'s terrible. Anyone who is targeted by Jiuyou\'s killer will definitely come to no good end.

"Jiuyou killer", seeing the killer assassinating Lin Feng, huaxiyue\'s look became a little nervous.

"You escaped last time and dared to assassinate me. Jiuyou killer, did Shen Ziqing ask you to kill me last time? Shen Ziqing is dead and you continue to assassinate me. It seems that it is rumored that Jiuyou killer will complete the task as long as he takes the task, whether the employer dies or not. This rumor is true. However, you assassinate the wrong object and die for me.".

Lin Feng drank coldly and waved his right hand up.


A sword Qi cut directly at the black assassin from above.

Just when Lin Feng shot, behind Lin Feng, there was another killer in black.

The first black killer just feigned, and the second black killer was the one who really wanted to assassinate Lin Feng.

The killer in black stabbed Lin Feng with a sword.

"The second black killer appeared. Jiuyou killer sent two killers to assassinate the boy.".

"This sword can\'t be avoided. The boy will be assassinated by Jiuyou killer.".

Many people exclaimed.

"Bad". Muxiyue\'s pretty face hidden in her black robe has changed again and again. She wants to rescue, but it\'s too late.

Muxiyue doesn\'t know why she wants to save Lin Feng. Seeing that Lin Feng is going to be killed by Jiuyou killer, she only feels endless panic and helplessness.

Why do you feel this way? He has nothing to do with himself?

Muxiyue feels faint pain in her heart.

"I knew there was a second person hiding around waiting for you to appear.".

At this time, muxiyue was awakened by Lin Feng\'s sneer. She looked at Lin Feng and saw that with Lin Feng as the center, a distorted black hole condensed.

The two killers in black were shrouded in a twisted black hole and were unable to move.

"Poof poof".

The next moment, the heads of the two killers in black were cut off by Lin Feng, and blood gushed out.