Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 601

"Why did everyone disappear? I haven\'t left the world yet?" Lin Feng frowned.

He saw some things about the eternal God when he was young. It is reasonable that he should return to reality now.

But the reality is that Lin Feng is still in this illusory world and can\'t go out.

"I\'m stuck here?". Lin Feng muttered to himself, which made him feel in trouble.

If you\'re trapped here, how do you get out?

Lin Feng\'s expression was slightly dignified.

He went to many places and found nothing. All the people evaporated from the world. There were no birds and animals in the mountains and forests.

"Isn\'t it? Elder brother, the eternal God Jun, at least I saw you get caught in the rain and wanted to carry you to a place where you can\'t get caught. What a kind person I am, you want to trap me in this damn place?".

Lin Feng is quite depressed.

This is a dead world.

There is no life. It seems that only he exists in this world, which is enough to make people crazy.

Lin Feng looked for many places and didn\'t find any creatures. He couldn\'t even see Ouyang Xiyu and others.

Logically, they should also enter the world constructed by the eternal God King. Why aren\'t they here?

This is what makes Lin Feng most confused. He feels that this mountain forest is full of monsters.

"I\'d better practice. I hope I can find some clues when I\'m strong.".

Lin Feng sighed.

He found an amazing thing. The Dragon searching formula is also applicable in this world.

Lin Feng found many spirit mines by relying on the Dragon search formula and dug out dozens of top-grade spirit stones.

Lin Feng relies on these excellent spirit stones for cultivation.

Cultivation has no years.

When Lin Feng woke up from his seclusion, his accomplishments had broken through the quadruple heaven of the king of Wu realm and reached the peak of the quadruple heaven of the king of Wu realm.

"It\'s really worthy of being the best spiritual stone. If you cultivate with the best spiritual stone, you can improve your accomplishments quickly.".

Lin Feng muttered.

He continued to look for spiritual minerals in the mountains and wanted to dig out the best spiritual stones for cultivation.

However, several spiritual mines found later failed to dig out the best spiritual stone.

Lin Feng lay on the ground and looked at the sun in the sky. He couldn\'t help sighing.

I don\'t know when such days will end.

I don\'t know when I can leave this strange world.

"You have leisure to lie here in the sun.". A cold laugh came.

Lin Feng was surprised and jumped up quickly.

He saw a woman in black coming.

Black robed woman of ten thousand demon sect.

Lin Feng is really full of tears.

How many days?

What I do every day is to talk to myself, then find the spirit mine, then dig the spirit mine, and then practice.

Or practice medicine refining and spirit array.

Such days are repeated.

Nature is very boring.

Now, I finally see a living man.

Although they have a grudge.

Lin Feng originally wanted to go up and give the black robed woman a bear hug, but he stopped his steps in time for fear that the black robed woman would kill him.

The woman in black sneered, "don\'t worry, I won\'t kill you now.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "even if you want to kill me, you can\'t kill me. Although I\'m not your opponent, it\'s not very difficult to get rid of you.".

The black robed woman was noncommittal. She didn\'t refute anything. Her eyes shrouded in the black robe looked at Lin Feng and didn\'t know what she was thinking.

"Have you seen anyone else?". Lin Feng asked.

"No, you\'re the first person I\'ve seen.". Said the woman in black.

"You are also the first person I saw. How did you find me?". Lin Feng asked.

The woman in black became silent.

She was also in a lonely world. Until recently, she seemed to hear a voice of complaint. She followed that voice and jumped into a lake, but the next moment, she appeared in the mountain forest.

Then I saw Lin Feng lying on the ground.

"Monks entering this world should be separated in different spaces by special methods, but these spaces are also interconnected. If I can find this spatial connection point, I can shuttle through different spaces. I should have inadvertently entered such a spatial connection point."

Said the woman in black.

"It seems that we really have some fate.". Lin Feng said with a smile.

"In front of me, you\'d better keep your mouth clean and don\'t say some messy words to me, otherwise you will know the consequences.".

The woman in black looked at Lin Feng coldly.

"Being honest has always been a bit of mine," Lin Feng said with a grin.

After that, he practiced with the woman in black, but it was rare that they didn\'t fight.

Perhaps the woman in black hates the feeling of being alone in a silent world.

For a long time, it will make people feel crazy.

"Ah, this is my best spirit stone". Lin Feng roared angrily. He finally dug out five top-grade spirit stones, but four were robbed by the woman in black.

"I\'ll take it.". The black robed woman hummed coldly, with an expression that you should agree if you don\'t agree, which made Lin Feng want to cry without tears.

Then Lin Feng\'s miserable life began. Every time he dug out the best spirit stone, he would be robbed by the woman in black robe. If he was lucky, he could leave two. If he was unlucky, there would be only one left.

The days here, no years.

I don\'t know the alternation of spring and autumn, nor the change of yin and Yang. The eternal day is the world here.

Lin Feng\'s cultivation has been improved by leaps and bounds, and his cultivation has reached the seven heaven realm of King Wu.

Lin Feng often competes with women in black robes.

The woman in black is so powerful that every time Lin Feng tries to compete with her, she will inevitably be beaten.

But this time, Lin Feng caught the chance and directly threw her to the ground before she was beaten by the woman in black.

"Asshole, let me go".

The voice of the woman in black obviously became a little flustered.

"It seems that Feng Shui turns and falls into my hands. How do you think I should punish you?"

Lin Feng smiled evil.

"Believe it or not, I\'ll kill you?" the woman in Black said coldly.

Lin Feng said helplessly, "I\'m just kidding. In fact, I\'ve always wanted to see what you look like.".

"No way". The woman in black is cold hum.

Lin Feng pulled off the veil that covered her face while she was not paying attention.

A delicate and beautiful face the size of a palm suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng.

This is a face that is beautiful enough to suffocate people. A pair of spiritual eyes, long eyelashes, Liu Ye\'s eyebrows, a warped Qiong nose and a warm red lip are beautiful enough. Each facial feature is extremely beautiful, and together, it can be called the national color of heaven.

"You son of a bitch". Feel Lin Feng\'s hot eyes, and the black robed woman blushes.

She wanted to push Lin Feng away, but she was held down by Lin Feng.

"After being beaten for so long, my manly husband doesn\'t care about you.". Lin Feng grinned.

"Then let me go.". The black robed woman blushed and said.

Lin Feng lowered his head and kissed the pink red lips with a quick momentum.

The woman in black immediately felt that her mind was blank, and her face was red and could bleed.