Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 600

"Murong eternal, is this the eternal God King in his youth?". Lin Feng looked at the boy in surprise.

He did not expect that he was pulled into this illusory world and saw the eternal God King in his youth.

"Can\'t the eternal God King practice at first?". This surprised Lin Feng.

"Shiqi", Murong Yongheng looked very happy after seeing the girl.

In the past, Zhang Shiqi lived in Murong family for a long time. They can be said to be childhood sweethearts. Moreover, they had an engagement since childhood.

Different from the joy of meeting in the past, today\'s Zhang Shiqi looks at Murong eternity with indifference.

Murong Yongheng is a very sensitive person. He found something wrong at the first time.

"Forever, tomorrow I will go to Murong family with the elders of the family". Zhang Shiqi said, and then left with the party.

Lin Feng touched his chin. What does the woman named Zhang Shiqi want to do?

Lin Feng followed Murong Yongheng to the Murong family. The next day, Zhang Shiqi and her people came to the Murong family.

Zhang Zuping, the elder of the family, came with Zhang Shiqi.

"Now Yongheng and Shiqi are almost adults. Do you want to discuss the marriage?" Murong Kaifeng, Murong Yongheng\'s father, asked.

Zhang Zuping said with a smile, "I don\'t know if the Murong family has heard of the supreme immortal dynasty?".

"But in the ancient times, the supreme immortal Dynasty inherited from the supreme one?" Murong Kaifeng asked in surprise.

"That\'s right, the Supreme Master, high above the sky, and the Taoist tradition squints at the heavens.". Zhang Zuping said.

Murong Kaifeng nodded and said, "as far as we are concerned, it is indeed an ancient force that will never be climbed.".

"It\'s also Shiqi\'s luck. During her experience, she met the third son of a prince\'s family in the supreme immortal Dynasty". Zhang Zuping said with a smile.

Hearing this, Murong Kaifeng\'s face suddenly changed.

The elders of Murong family showed a sneer. They always wanted to win the position of Murong family leader, but didn\'t wait for the opportunity.

Now I seem to see some signs.

"What does brother Zhang want to say?". Murong Kaifeng asked in a deep voice.

At this time, Zhang Shiqi said, "I have made a private appointment with the prince\'s son for life, so I can no longer fulfill my eternal engagement with Murong. This time, I want to dissolve the engagement between the two families.".

Murong Kaifeng\'s body suddenly trembled. He didn\'t expect these people to have such a purpose.

There was endless anger in his heart. In the past, Zhang Jia still begged for marriage.

Now, I have to break the original agreement.

I wish you happiness. Murong Yongheng came with a wedding engagement in his hand and tore it up completely. He looked at Zhang Shiqi with a grin.

"Eternity". Murong Kaifeng looked painfully at his son.

"If you know yourself, toads can\'t eat swan meat.". Zhang Zixu said sarcastically.

Zhang Shiqi didn\'t look at Murong Yongheng more and left with the people of Zhangjia.

Soon, the Murong family changed and the patriarch was impeached by a line headed by the elder.

There are two sins. First, his son has no talent for cultivation and has no offspring to inherit the patriarchal position.

2、 His son was dishonoured by his fiancee.

Murong Kaifeng was removed from the patriarchal position, and their father and son were persecuted by the great elders and had to leave the Murong family.

On the way, Murong Kaifeng was killed to save Murong Yongheng.

"What a miserable life.". Lin Feng murmured, looking at Murong Yongheng who buried his father Murong Kaifeng in the pouring rain, and looking at the young man kneeling in front of Murong Kaifeng\'s grave, Lin Feng couldn\'t help sighing slightly.

Who would have thought that the powerful eternal God King in the ancient times should have such a tragic life experience.

At the age of 16, Murong Yongheng\'s body was hot. He lay in a valley, unconscious, and the heavy rain poured down. Lin Feng wanted to carry Murong Yongheng to a place that could shelter the rain. However, he was just a passer-by in this world.

He could do nothing but watch quietly.

At this time, Lin Feng saw a surprised scene.

Murong Yongheng\'s divine light soared into the sky, and the Dantian became dazzling.

To Lin Feng\'s shock, Murong has no martial spirit forever.

"No wonder you can\'t practice. There\'s no martial soul.". Lin Feng shook his head.

But at this time, the power of hundreds of millions of stars gathered.

There is a star world in Murong\'s eternal Dantian. In this star world, there are God\'s day, bright moon, bright stars, temple fairy que, Qionglou Yuyu and all living phenomena.

"Martial spirits of all worlds".

Lin Feng was surprised, and his face immediately showed an extremely shocking expression. It was actually a legendary martial soul.

The martial spirits of all worlds are one of the most mysterious martial spirits, showing countless images of the myriad worlds of the heavens.

But because of the mystery, there is no description of the martial spirits of all worlds.

"My martial spirit finally woke up...". Murong Yongheng opens his eyes.

Lin Feng touched his chin. He didn\'t expect this to happen. It seems that the terrible recovery of martial spirits from all over the world needs conditions.

This is indeed a kind of martial spirit against the sky.

In ten years, Murong\'s eternal cultivation crossed several great realms and reached the realm of God.

This made Lin Feng extremely shocked. The cultivation speed was too fast. It was unimaginable.

It was at this time that a fierce war of gods broke out.

In this war, gods, Buddhas, demons, demons, ghosts and other creatures participated.

This war has affected an extremely wide range, and countless extraterritorial life planets have been affected.

Murong\'s eternal world is not tianwu continent, but another extraterritorial world.

In this war, demons invaded the world and countless forces were destroyed.

Murong forever, king over the heavens, led the strong of the planet to rise up against it.

The war was extremely fierce, and countless forces were destroyed in this war.

But in the end, Murong Yongheng led many strong men to defeat the invading demons.

Countless powerful people came to worship Murong eternal.

"It\'s him...". This includes Zhang Shiqi, who was shocked to see the Murong eternity of Junlin.

"How could it be?", including the Murong family. The eldest elder became the patriarch. Seeing the existence of gods respected by countless people is the boy who was chased and killed by them in those years. Everyone\'s mood is like sinking to the bottom of the valley.

"Eternity, how are you these years?". One night, Zhang Shiqi saw Murong Yongheng, and her eyes were full of endless "missing".

But all the characters disappeared.

"Shit, what\'s going on behind? Zhang Shiqi, that bitch, doesn\'t mean to come back to Murong Yongheng?".

Lin Feng was a little depressed because the content behind him disappeared. He didn\'t know what happened behind him.

I don\'t know how Murong Yongheng will treat Zhang Shiqi who betrayed him, or how Murong Yongheng will treat the elder who robbed and killed him and his father.