Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 599

"Who is he?".

Lin Feng murmured, feeling extremely shocked. Unexpectedly, he saw a friar sitting cross legged here.

Lin Feng let out his mind and felt it carefully. His expression shook. The friar had no breath of life.

He is not alive, but dead.

"Is it the eternal God?". Someone said so in a very excited tone.

If it were the eternal God, it would be amazing.

An ancient god King\'s body will be priceless.

"Whoosh", someone couldn\'t bear it and rushed forward.

Suddenly, the scene was completely chaotic.

Many monks rushed over because they saw the ring on the hand of the eternal God King.

That\'s definitely a storage ring.

It\'s not clear whether the eternal shrine exists or not. It\'s just a rumor.

But here is the body of the eternal God King, and the eternal God King\'s storage ring.

The eternal sword and the inheritance of the eternal God King may be placed in the storage ring.

It\'s enough to drive anyone crazy.


The war broke out, and many people fought together and killed extremely miserably.

"Boy, die.".

A tall monk shot Lin Feng.


Lin Feng drank coldly and killed him with his fist. His fist shocked the world and swept away. With one punch, he blew the tall monk out.

Click, click.

The tall monk broke his arm and turned pale. He knew that he had kicked the iron plate. For fear that Lin Feng came forward to kill him, he hurried away from Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stepped towards the body of the eternal God King, and his divine fist swept all obstacles.

All the monks were swept out by Lin Feng.

"Solved the boy". A dozen monks rushed to Lin Feng with cold voices.


Lin fengleng shouted and cut through the sky, with the blade running through the world.

Three friars were beheaded, and the others were seriously injured and narrowly escaped.

The blow was so terrible that it stunned the others.

Lin Feng was the first to rush to the eternal God King, but then he was besieged by more than a dozen top Tianjiao.

These top Tianjiao understood the "spirit" very early, and even several people, like Lin Feng, not only understood the "spirit"

We also understand the "potential", so we can imagine how terrible these people are. The lethality caused by shooting together is really terrible.

"Shameless, a group of people beat me.". Lin Feng shouted and scolded and had to retreat quickly.

Many Tianjiao\'s faces are black. Now everyone is fighting for the body and storage ring of the eternal God King. Naturally, you can\'t succeed. Is it wrong to attack you?

After Lin Feng was forced, these top Tianjiao also fought together.


At this time, the black robed woman of the ten thousand demon sect shot, and she walked towards the body of the eternal God King.

"People of the ten thousand demon sect are too self righteous.".

A top Tianjiao sneered and killed the woman in black.


The black robed woman waved her jade like fist and swept away a top Tianjiao with one punch.

"How could it be?", many people exclaimed and couldn\'t believe it.

Only Lin Feng knew what was going on. The black robed woman didn\'t know what terrible means she used to suppress her cultivation from the realm of yin and yang to the peak of the realm of King Wu.

But this woman must have paid a heavy price to suppress her realm, because this is the world. You will pay as much as you get.

The exchange of power is equivalent. It\'s like Lin Feng\'s ordinary secret arts. The consumption is not particularly large, but the power of this kind of secret arts is also limited.

If you use the secret technique of "Tao Zi Mie", the power can be called destroying the sky and the earth. However, 90% of the power in Lin Feng\'s body will be removed in an instant.

Strong consumption in exchange for strong combat power.

This woman\'s suppression of the realm is also this truth. She must have paid a great price.

"This woman is terrible. It seems that she has suppressed the realm from Yin and yang to King Wu. Deal with her together.". Lin Feng shouted.

Everyone looked shocked. More than a dozen top experts stopped talking and all killed the black robed woman.

"Give me a punch". Lin fengleng drank a punch and went away.

Bang. But the next moment, he was swept away by the black robed woman. The black robed woman\'s combat power was too strong to be crushed.

Not only Lin Feng was swept out.

Even Ouyang Xiyu, ye Xingchen and other top strong men were swept out by the woman in black.

It\'s not a level of battle at all.

The black robed woman has come to the body of the eternal God King, reached out and grabbed it, trying to collect the body of the eternal God King.

"Eternal haste".

But at this time, endless divine light poured out of the eternal God King\'s body, and a low voice suddenly rang through the world.

"That\'s...". Everyone was surprised.

The next moment, everyone will feel the earth spinning and the endless divine light will drown here.

After returning to his senses, Lin Feng found that he had disappeared on the island and under the ancient trees. The people in front of him were gone and he came to another world.

"Fantasy?". Lin Feng was surprised. This must be the dreamland world created by the eternal God King. Just now he heard the word "eternal hurry". He didn\'t know what it meant, and then appeared here.

This is a deserted ancient city, but the next moment, the ancient city becomes extremely lively and people come and go.

Lin Feng tried to communicate with others, but he was ignored. People here can\'t see his existence at all.

Lin Feng can only smile bitterly. The eternal God King is really terrible. He has died for thousands of years, and the dreamland is still so terrible.

In the distance came a fifteen or sixteen year old boy, very handsome.

Many people point at teenagers.

"He is waste blood Murong forever. He will be crowned soon and still can\'t practice.".

"Tut Tut, if his father had not been the patriarch, such blood would have been expelled from the Murong family.".

Many people pointed and sneered.

In the distance, a strange beast came running over the sky. There were more than a dozen monks. Some rode on the strange beast, and there were four strange beasts pulling a copper cart behind.

The leader was a young childe.

"Oh, isn\'t Murong eternal?" said the young childe in a strange way.

"Zhang Zixu, it\'s you..." Murong Yongheng frowned slightly.

"Haven\'t seen you for three years? Why? Can\'t you practice yet?". Zhang Zixu looked at Murong Yongheng with ironic eyes.

"Practice? You\'ll soon know what\'s going on.". Murong Yongheng said.

"Ha ha, it\'s ridiculous. You Murong family have been waiting for 16 years, but you can\'t practice.". Zhang Zixu sneered.

Murong Yongheng\'s fists were clenched together, and his eyes were ugly. At this time, a soft and beautiful voice came out of the copper car.

"Murong eternal, we haven\'t seen each other for a long time", a woman in white as snow came out.

Seeing this woman, many people exclaimed that she was like a fairy coming to earth. Her temperament was dusty and her appearance was beautiful.