Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 438


The low roar of the beast broke the tranquility of the town.

"God, look, what\'s that?".

"The black flame beast is a black flame beast. It is a fierce beast equivalent to the realm of generals. There are more than 800 black flame beasts.".

"Look, there are people sitting on those black flame beasts.".

"Is it the black flame army? Who the hell is this?".

"They went in the direction of the Lin family.".


Qingyun city was a sensation in an instant.

Originally, the city was not big. Now there is a black flame beast Corps. Naturally, it is earth shaking news.

Countless people poured into the streets.

"Clean up these despicable people...".

Dugu Aotian glanced at the monk below.

"Yes, my Lord"!


Immediately, more than a dozen black flame beast Knights left the team. Those black flame beast Knights waved their battle guns and swept out.

Shua Shua

The cold rays cut through the night sky and killed those who watched the excitement in the street.

Poof poof

The voice that pierced the flesh came out.

Figures fell into a pool of blood.

"Ah, run away.".

Many people shouted in horror and fled to the distance, but they still couldn\'t avoid the butcher\'s knife of death.

The streets were full of bodies.

The originally busy street suddenly became dead silent.

Such a big noise has already alerted many people.

Many people hid in the house trembling.

However, the black flame beast Knights did not kill those who hid in the house and did not appear.

"Hum, I\'m proud of the ancient capital of heaven. A group of mole ants also want to watch. I really don\'t know whether to live or die.".

The captain of the proud army smiled grimly and led more than a dozen black flame beast Knights back to the team quickly.


Lin family.

"What happened?". The forest sky asked.

At this moment, the people of the Lin family get together and haven\'t dispersed yet.

Naturally, everyone heard the shrill scream outside.

"The master is not good. There are many black flame beast Knights outside. They kill people when they see them. Now they have rushed towards our Lin family.".

A Lin family guard hurried into the hall and said pale.

"What? Is it for our Lin family?". Everyone in the Lin family looked greatly changed.

Lin Feng\'s face sank slightly. Was it the enemy he provoked?

But it shouldn\'t! Even those enemies do not know their identity!

And even if you know your identity, you will never send such a great force as the "black flame beast corps" to deal with the Lin family.

Something unknown must have happened.

"Is it.

Lin Feng\'s face was a little frightened.

He thought of some words of his father in the jade tube.

Their family is the branch of a mysterious and powerful race, but their family is an abandoned family until their father recovers his immortal blood.

"Does it have anything to do with it?".

Lin Feng thought of this and felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.


"Grandpa, I\'m afraid something big will happen. Let the old and weak women and children hide at home," Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing the speech, Lin cangqiong\'s face changed greatly and shouted anxiously, "old three, hide in the secret room with the old and weak women and children of the family, and the others will go with me to see what\'s going on.".

"Ha ha ha, hide? Where to hide? It\'s too late to hide now.".


But just then, the cold laughter came.

Many people in the Lin family vomited blood when they were shocked by the laughter.

Terrible, people who laugh are really terrible.


Hundreds of black flame beasts rolled over the sky and rushed to the Lin family residence.

The Lin family went out of the hall and looked up at the dense black flame beast knight in the sky. Their faces became extremely pale.

These people are terrible. It\'s easy to destroy the Lin family.

"Where are you from? Why did you come to our Lin family?". The forest sky asked.

"Where is Lin Baitian? Where is he?".

The cold sound sounded in vain.

Dugu Aotian glanced at the scene.

Lin cangqiong said, "Baitian is out, not in the family"!

"Not in the family? Where did you go?". Dugu Aotian\'s face became gloomy.

He thought of the instructions of the "immortal" and must catch Lin Baitian.

If you can\'t find Lin Baitian, how can you make a job?


Lin cangqiong said, "we don\'t know where we\'ve gone. Maybe you can spend some time, and then Baitian may return?".

"After a while?".

Dugu Aotian\'s face suddenly smiled grimly, "the city master has so much time to wait and kill all the people of the Lin family.".

"Yes, my Lord.".


A black flame beast Knight drove the black flame beast to kill the people of the Lin family.

"Fight with them".

Lin Xiong shouted loudly.

Shua Shua

On the side of the Lin family, all those who had magic tools sacrificed their magic tools and killed those black flame beast knights.

These black flame beast Knights roared and rushed quickly, with a murderous spirit on their bodies.


The two sides immediately fought together. Although the Lin family also had magic weapons, their cultivation could not be compared with these black flame beast knights.


The sound of tearing through the body came out. With the scream, a member of the Lin family fell in a pool of blood.

"Grandpa five, Grandpa eight, uncle thirteen...".

Looking at those relatives who died miserably, Lin Feng\'s eyes turned red.

I killed you.

Lin Feng roared, and the five devoured martial spirits began to work.

He condensed the space magnetic field, held the black dragon sword and killed a black flame beast knight.

These black flame beast knights are strong in the realm of King Wu, but they can\'t resist Lin Feng\'s strongest combat power.

Poof! Lin Feng rushed over and killed a black flame beast knight with a sword.


Lin Feng roared, his face twisted, and his heart was filled with endless killing intention.

Poof poof

Lin Feng chopped more than a dozen black flame beast knights.

"Is there such a powerful boy in this small secular family? It seems that it is really like what the immortal said. The origin of this clan is not simple. The boy must die, or there will be endless future trouble.".

Seeing Lin Feng cutting more than a dozen masters, Dugu Aotian\'s face suddenly sank. He waved his gun and went towards Lin Feng.


The terrorist attack swept through and shrouded Lin Feng. At that moment, Lin Feng was shocked to find that he could no longer move. He could only look at the blow and kill himself.

"Are you dying? I really hate it. I have no ability to save my relatives".

Lin Feng\'s eyes stared with blood.

"Maple". Lin Xiong roared and rushed to push Lin Feng away.


The third uncle, Lin Xiong, suffered Dugu Aotian\'s blow, and his body was blown open, and he died miserably on the spot.

"Poof", Lin Feng was also swept out by the energy afterwave and vomited blood.

Third uncle.

Lin Feng roared sadly, and his body fell to the ground.

Lin Feng wanted to control his body, but he found that his body was hard to move.


Lin Feng didn\'t understand why such a disaster came.

He didn\'t even know who these people were who were going to destroy the Lin family.

"Go to hell, boy.". Dugu Aotian smiled grimly and waved his gun to kill Lin Feng.

But at this time, a figure swept out of the darkness and grabbed Lin Feng.

"Nine steps against the dragon".

The roar took nine consecutive steps in the void.


His body exploded, turned into a blood light, rolled Lin Feng, rushed into the distance, disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

"Damn it, I was saved and killed. Lin people, don\'t let one go.". Dugu Aotian\'s face was very gloomy.

"Yes, my Lord.".

Cried the black flame beast knight.

Just as they were about to kill, suddenly.

The sound of a loud bang came out, and a big hand covering the sky fell from the sky and shrouded it.

"God, a big hand". Cried the black flame beast knight in horror.

The Lin clan also looked at the huge palm of the sky.

Feeling the terrible breath of the big hand, as powerful as Dugu Aotian, he shouted, "get back quickly".

"Whoosh...". The black flame beast Knight retreated quickly.

The big hand that covered the sky and the sun caught all the people of the Lin family, rushed into the sky and disappeared.