Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 437

Aotian ancient capital, one of the ten ancient capitals of Dongjun Shenzhou, is the most powerful and mysterious ancient force in Dongjun Shenzhou.

Because the ancient capital of Aotian is different from other ancient cities. Other ancient cities often have several ancient forces coexisting, while the ancient capital of Aotian has only one force.

The whole ancient capital of Aotian was controlled by the city master Dugu Aotian.

Today, Dugu Aotian set up an altar in the city Lord\'s residence, on which a little golden man was enshrined.

Dugu Aotian led the high-level officials of Aotian ancient capital to worship the mysterious little golden man.


Suddenly, on the nine days, an amazing wave swept the world, and powerful energy poured into the little golden man\'s body.

Shua Shua

The little golden man unexpectedly opened his eyes. Two fine mans were transmitted from the little golden man\'s eyes, emitting dazzling light, which made people feel a palpitation.

"The immortal appeared......".

Many people exclaimed.

Dugu Aotian led the high-level officials of Aotian ancient capital to salute Xiaojin, "Dugu Aotian led the people of Aotian ancient capital to meet the immortal".

Then Dugu Aotian and others knelt down and kowtowed.

The little golden man\'s indifferent voice came out, "excuse me.".


Dugu Aotian replied, but he didn\'t get up and still knelt on the ground.

Xiao Jin said, "Dugu Aotian, take the immortal\'s order".

Hearing the little golden man\'s words, Dugu Aotian quickly knelt down deeply and pouted his ass high, very pious.

A fairy light gushed out, and a scroll emerged in the fairy light.

Xiao Jin\'s voice came out, "Dugu Ao was ordered to go to the East County Shenzhou and the territory of Zhenwu to find a monk surnamed Lin. his name is Lin Botian. You must catch him. As for the Lin family, hum, this family is an abandoned race, which should have disappeared in the long history. All the Lin family were killed and none of them remained".

"Yes, my subordinates take orders".

Dugu Aotian shouted loudly and caught the scroll with both hands.


The fairy awn among the golden villains rose into the sky and disappeared in an instant. The terrible smell filled the courtyard disappeared in an instant.

"My Lord, who is the one who just existed?" a senior asked.

"Shh... We can\'t talk about it. We just need to do something good. Go and investigate Lin Baitian, the Lin family.". Dugu Aotian said in a deep voice.

"My Lord, don\'t investigate. I know the Lin family," suddenly, a high-level official of Aotian ancient capital stepped out and said aloud.

"Oh? You know?". Dugu Aotian asked in surprise.

"A few years ago, a small family in Zhenwu gave a small Lingmai tribute to the sun moon city. This family is the Lin family. The Lin family in Zhenwu called by the mysterious adult is probably the Lin family"!

The Aotian ancient capital senior said.

"Great, summon Aotian army. This time, the city Lord personally leads people to wipe out the Lin family"!

Dugu Aotian said.

"Yes, Lord.".



The jade tube crumbled.

All the marks of Lin Baitian were destroyed with the destruction of the jade tube. There is no evidence in the world.


Lin Feng\'s eyes were full of painful expressions. He felt his will to die from his father\'s emotions.

Mother was suppressed by the nine day mourning coffin in the depths of the starry world. In a twinkling of an eye, nineteen years have passed.

Mother, are you still alive?

Lin Feng has too many questions in his heart. He knows that those enemies must be strong enough to be unimaginable.

That\'s why my father didn\'t want to find them himself.

However, as a son of man, how could he know that his mother was suppressed and suffered endless pain every day without saving her?

As a son of man, how can you know that your father may be in great danger and live by himself?

"Strength, I want to improve my strength. I want to cross the endless ocean to find my father\'s friends.".

Lin Feng\'s face was twisted together.

There has never been a moment when he was as vulnerable as he is now.

He knelt on the ground, his body shaking violently.


Lin Kun and Lin Yueer, who practiced in Jialan college, all rushed back when they knew the news of Lin Feng\'s return.

When they returned to the family, Lin Feng took out all kinds of vests and tools he collected and distributed them to everyone.

There are 42 magic weapons at the weapon level, while there are more than 200 magic weapons at the spirit level.

Lin Dong said in surprise, "brother Feng, it\'s a cow. He has collected so many magic weapons. Is this a treasure? Even if Jialan college has only three treasure weapons, our Lin family now has 42 treasure weapons".

Lin Feng said, "you can\'t urge these weapons for the time being. I\'ll give them to grandpa to distribute. You can choose two magic weapons at the spirit tool level, one attack magic weapon and one magic coat.".

The people of the Lin family all look happy. With these treasures, the power of the Lin family will make a qualitative leap.

Lin Dong said, "brother Feng, let me choose a treasure. My strength is the worst. I should choose a powerful treasure to protect my body.".

Look at Lin Dong\'s shining eyes. Where does this guy want to choose a treasure to protect himself? I guess he wants to choose a treasure to force?

"No matter how picky you are, you don\'t even have a spirit instrument.". Third uncle Lin Xiong glared at Lin.

Lin Dong was always afraid of his father. He couldn\'t help shrinking his neck.

Lin Feng said, "I still have a treasure level soft armor here, so I\'ll give it to you.".

Then he took out another Tianchan soft armor, which Lin Feng intended to wear. However, since Lin Dong wants a treasure, he can\'t activate the attack treasure, but the defense treasure can have strong defense even if it can\'t activate.

"Brother Feng, I love you.". Lin Dong said he was going to rush up and give Lin Feng a bear hug and a "kiss".

Lin Feng hurried away and said with a smile, "put it on and try it on.".

Lin Dong grinned, quickly took off his clothes and began to try to see if this treasure soft armor fit.


Lin Feng stayed at Lin\'s house for three days. He plans to leave for Wuhun Hall tomorrow.

That night, the family had a happy meal together.

Dozens of miles away, three or four hundred fierce beasts wrapped in the black flame rolled over the sky and ran towards Qingyun city.

Dugu Aotian sat cross legged on a black flame beast king. He asked in a low voice, "how far is Qingyun city?".

A commander of Aotian army said, "report to your excellency, there are still fifty miles.".


Dugu Aotian nodded, and the cold wind made the robe hunting sound. Dugu Aotian looked towards Qingyun City, and his mouth showed a grim smile.