Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 439

"No, no...".

Lin Feng shouted in horror. His body was shaking violently. He closed his eyes, but his face was full of panic.

He dreamed of the tragic death of his people

He dreamed that the third uncle was killed by the mysterious master in order to save himself

"Childe, childe".

Ziyuan looked at Lin Feng painfully. She held Lin Feng in her arms. Lin Feng seemed to grasp the dependence and tightly hugged Ziyuan\'s body.

"How\'s maple?". Long Shiyou asked.

"Childe will be fine, but young master long, you look so ugly. Go and have a rest.". Ziyuan looks at long Shiyou with some worry.

The person who rescued Lin Feng was long Shiyou.

After learning that Lin Feng is leaving, long Shiyou, who is full of secrets, also leaves Qinglong University and wants to say goodbye to Lin Feng.

Originally, Lin Feng planned to leave Ziyuan in Qinglong university to continue her practice. When Ziyuan learned that long Shiyou was coming to say goodbye to Lin Feng, she begged long Shiyou to bring her over, because Ziyuan didn\'t want to separate from Lin Feng.

In Ziyuan\'s opinion, after the Lin family, the childe should no longer let himself stay in Qinglong University, right?

When long Shiyou and Ziyuan arrived at the Lin family, the Lin family suffered a tragic accident.

Long Shiyou\'s secret skill did great harm to his body, so his face was very pale.

"I\'m fine, and you don\'t have to worry.". Long Shiyou leaned against the rock wall of the cave to rest.

An hour later.

"Kill, I will kill you and avenge my relatives.".

Lin Feng suddenly sat up, his face full of panic and hatred.

"Young master, you finally wake up.". Ziyuan began to cry. Looking at the painful expression in her childe\'s sleep, she didn\'t know how many times she had cried.

"Ziyuan, why are you? Haven\'t I died yet?". Lin Feng said incredulously.

He saw his third uncle die miserably to save himself.

Then he was shaken out by the energy aftershock and passed out.

"Young master long saved the childe". Ziyuan said quickly.

"Maple". Long Shiyou comes.

"Shiyou, why are you here?" Lin Feng looked at long Shiyou in surprise.

"I wanted to say goodbye to Fengzi, but I didn\'t expect to meet the Lin family tragedy.". Long Shiyou said in a low voice.

"Shiyou, thank you for saving me.". Lin Feng Road.

"Maple, we have experienced too many things together. We are as close as brothers. Why thank you?". Long Shiyou said.

Lin Feng and long Shiyou come to a bear hug.

"Where are my people?".

Lin Feng said with pain. In his mind, the tragic scene of a famous clansman falling in a pool of blood reappeared.

The kind of watching his relatives die, but he can\'t help rescue, which makes Lin Feng feel miserable.

"Maple son, don\'t worry. I can see from a distance that there is a big hand in the sky. It grabbed the Lin family and took them away.".

Long Shiyou said.

"Really?". Lin Feng grabs long Shiyou\'s arm.

"It\'s true, I saw it too.". Ziyuan nodded quickly.


"Great, really great, I\'m Lin\'s family. I haven\'t been killed," cried Lin Feng.

But there are still many people in the Lin family who died miserably.

The third uncle\'s hearty laughter still lingers in his ears.

But from now on, I will never see my third uncle again.


From the corner of Lin Feng\'s eye.

"Childe, don\'t cry". Ziyuan helped Lin Feng wipe her tears, and she kept crying.

She knew that Lin Feng must be very sad.

It\'s like I\'m sad now.

Seeing the childe\'s heartache, Ziyuan felt that her heart would be broken.


Long Shiyou said, "Maple, this is not a simple thing. If I don\'t see it wrong, the people who took the shot should be the people of Aotian ancient capital. Aotian ancient capital is the first ancient capital among the top ten ancient capitals of Dongjun Shenzhou, and its actual strength far exceeds the ancient forces such as sun moon city and Tiansheng city".

"Aotian ancient capital?", Lin Feng looked gloomy.

"Yes, the leader is Dugu Aotian, the ancient capital of Aotian"! Long Shiyou road.

"Dugu Aotian".

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and remembered the name.

He wants to brand this name in the depths of his soul.

"Fengzi, the ancient capital of Aotian is the first of the top ten ancient capitals. Its power is too strong. Now the ancient capital of Aotian is looking for you. There is no power in the East County Shenzhou that can compete with the ancient capital of Aotian. Even if you hide in the Wulin hall, you will avoid the assassination of the ancient capital of Aotian. You can\'t continue to stay in the East County Shenzhou. You must leave quickly.".

Long Shiyou patted Lin Feng heavily on the shoulder and said, "it\'s not too late to stay in the green mountains without firewood. It\'s not too late to return to Dongjun Shenzhou to avenge the dead people when you improve your cultivation in the future.".

"The world is so big, where can I go?". Lin Feng murmured.

"Cross the fog magnetic lake and go to the wasteland. The place is very chaotic. The forces of Aotian ancient capital can\'t intervene in the affairs of the wasteland. There are several ancient sects in the wasteland. At that time, you join the sects to practice. I believe that with your talent, you will become a peerless strong man in the future. When you come to Dongjun Shenzhou, Aotian ancient capital will be destroyed Time ".

Long Shiyou said.

"Wasteland... OK, I\'ll go to wasteland"!

Lin Feng\'s eyes gradually became firm.

He knew he had to live.

I still have too much to do.

I\'m going to find my father... The mother suppressed by the nine day coffin in the depths of the starry world is still waiting for me to rescue.

The tragic death of the people... The hatred of the people

And the whereabouts of those who survived

I must live well.

"Ziyuan, it\'s too dangerous to follow me. You......" Lin Feng looked at Ziyuan, but before he finished, Ziyuan quickly shook his head and said, "no, Ziyuan wants to follow the childe. Wherever he goes, Ziyuan wants to follow the childe. If the childe doesn\'t want Ziyuan, Ziyuan would rather die.".

Lin Feng looked at Ziyuan\'s stubborn little face with some heartache.

"OK, let\'s cross the fog magnetic lake and go to the wasteland.".

Lin Feng Road.

"Well," Ziyuan nodded heavily.

Then Lin Feng looked at long Shiyou.

He said, "Shiyou, help me to tell Feier that I have nothing to do. I will go back to her.".

"Maple, don\'t worry.". Long Shiyou road.

At night.

Lin Feng and long Shiyou come to a bear hug.

Lin Feng takes Ziyuan to Wuci lake.

And long Shiyou is walking in the direction of the imperial capital.

"Shua". In the darkness, several figures appeared.

"Little Lord...". These mysterious beings shrouded in darkness salute longshiyou respectfully.

A man in Black said, "the little Lord should go back, otherwise the Lord will be in a hurry.".

"Give me another half month.". Long Shiyou road.

Another man in Black said, "is there anyone here who worries the young Lord? Is it the man just now? If the master knows, the boy will die.".

Long Shiyou\'s eyes suddenly showed endless killing intention. "If anyone dares to say something about Maple son, I will let him be doomed, and there is no place to die.".

Yes, we must keep it a secret. Several extremely powerful people in black quickly lowered their heads.

Soon, long Shiyou and others also left. In the mountains and forests, they became quiet again.

The roar of beasts came out and echoed in the mountains for a long time.
