Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 416

When the old man heard the news, he hurried out and saw the little yunyun who fell to the ground and broke her forehead. It was very painful.

"You beast"!

Rou\'er looked at xiaoyunyun painfully. She raised her hand and slapped the young childe in the face.


This slap hit the young childe\'s face.

"Bitch! Dare you hit me?".

The young childe\'s face suddenly showed a dark color. He directly carried rou\'er on his shoulder and walked towards the restaurant.

"What do you think of young master Ben? You".

The young childe\'s face was cold.

"Let me go, you beast, let me go.". Rou\'er struggled violently, but how could she break free.

"Young master, rou\'er is not sensible. Please let her go.".

The old man grabbed the young childe\'s hand and begged.

"Get out of the way, old man.".

The young childe kicked the old man out again.

"Woo woo, Grandpa... Grandpa... Do you hurt?".

Xiaoyunyun runs to the old man and wants to help Grandpa up.

But when the old man was old, he was kicked out and couldn\'t get up for half a day. Xiao yunyun\'s face was full of blood, pear blossom with rain, crying sadly and helplessly.

Perhaps at her age, with her innocent temperament, she still can\'t understand what\'s happening in front of her.


Rou\'er looked at the old man with a pale face.

"Ha ha, Liu Er, keep an eye on this old thing and the little girl liar. Don\'t let them disturb my childe\'s good deeds.".

The young childe said with an obscene smile.


Many people are filled with righteous indignation, but they dare not meddle when they think of each other\'s identity.

There is only a sigh in my heart.

"Let go of your sister, you are a big villain, let go of xiaoyunyun\'s sister".

Xiaoyunyun got up and rushed towards the young childe.

The slave named Liu Er is the one who told the young childe that rou\'er was beautiful.

He knew the master\'s temperament and his face suddenly changed when he saw Xiao yunyun pounce on him.

If you disturb the childe\'s good mood, they have no good fruit to eat.

That Liu Eryi\'s face was grimacing.

"Little boy, are you looking for death?".

The voice fell, jumped out, raised his foot and kicked xiaoyunyun.

What are ordinary people in the eyes of these ancient forces?

Just like ants.

Many people closed their eyes and couldn\'t bear to look at the sad scene of little yunyun\'s lovely little girl\'s blood splashing on the spot.

Click, click!

Next moment! Everyone heard the loud sound of bone fracture.


With the sound of sad screams, a figure flew out upside down.

"It\'s Liu Er"!

Many people were surprised.

Liu ER was kicked out.

Liu Er, who was in the air, broke his whole leg and hung in the air. How miserable, how miserable.

A splash!

Liu Er fell to the ground and twitched all over.

"Look, it\'s a young childe who shot...". Someone exclaimed.

"Oh, it\'s still too young. It\'s less than a hundred miles away from Qingyang sect. It\'s the territory of Qingyang sect. Qingyang sect, it\'s a big gate with strong Yin and Yang! Don\'t you want to die if you offend Qingyang sect?".

"Yes, that boy is going to be unlucky"!


Some people shook their heads again and again. Although they thought that the young childe\'s behavior was commendable, they also thought that the young childe\'s behavior was very irrational.

"Yunyun, are you okay?". Lin Feng looks at Xiao yunyun worried.

"Sobbing, big brother, little yunyun is in pain. Will you hurry to save little yunyun\'s grandfather and little yunyun\'s sister? Little yunyun begged big brother.".

Little yunyun looked pitifully at Lin Feng, with tears on her face.

Lin Feng runs the Taigu dragon elephant formula. A dragon elephant force rushes into xiaoyunyun\'s body, and xiaoyunyun\'s wound immediately stops bleeding.

"Little yunyun doesn\'t hurt anymore. Big brother, did you save little yunyun? Big brother, how about saving little yunyun\'s grandfather and little yunyun\'s sister?".

Xiaoyunyun begged again.

Lin Feng really loves this sensible, lovely and innocent little girl.

"Don\'t worry, xiaoyunyun\'s grandpa and sister will be fine.". Lin Feng rubbed xiaoyunyun\'s head. He took xiaoyunyun\'s hand and came to the old man to feed him a pill.

The old man was able to move a little. He grabbed Lin Feng\'s hand and looked at Lin Feng with a pleading face. "Childe, save rou\'er. It\'s also a poor girl. She doesn\'t have parents until she is ten years old. She has been sensible at a young age. It\'s really not easy to help me out.".

The old man said, almost getting up and kneeling down for Lin Feng.

"Old man, don\'t do this. Don\'t worry, rou\'er will be fine.".

Lin Feng said solemnly.

He is very angry now.

I just feel that there is a burning flame in my chest, which will ignite the whole person.

This is anger

As a person of ancient forces, he does not protect the safety of one people.

Even so crazy.

Even old people and children.

Even rape girls in broad daylight.

No animal can do such a thing.


When the young childe saw that someone dared to interfere in his affairs, his face immediately became gloomy. He gave Lin Feng a cold look and said, "boy, do you know who I am? Dare to take care of my affairs? Don\'t want to live?".

"Put down rou\'er and abandon yourself. If you don\'t appreciate it, you must regret coming to this world.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

"That childe......". Many people are stunned. No one thought that Lin Feng should be so strong.

"Boy, you\'re looking for death. Kill this boy for me.".

The young childe looked gloomy and shouted.

"Yes, childe"!!

Immediately, more than 20 guards rushed towards Lin Feng like wolves and tigers.

Huo Qilin came to the old man and xiaoyunyun quietly.

Huo Qilin is worried about who doesn\'t have eyes. If he targets the elderly and small yunyun, it will be very troublesome.

"Come on, those guards, but there are several strong men in the realm of generals".

"I wonder if the boy can resist? If he can\'t resist, I\'m afraid life will be worse than death if he falls into the hands of the young master of Qingyang sect?".

Some people talked one after another. Many people felt that Lin Feng was too big for fear that he would suffer. Some people frowned at the conflict.

"Little boy, even our childe dares to offend. I\'m really impatient.".

The sound of ferocious laughter came, and more than 20 guards rushed over.


At this time, Lin Feng moved.

Bang Bang

The sound of a dull loud noise came out one after another.

Everyone saw that Lin Feng rushed into the crowd like a remnant and clashed with these guards.

Click, click

Then, the sound of bone fracture rang out one after another.


With the shrill screams, more than 20 guards all flew out upside down. They saw that their chests collapsed one by one, their sternum was broken, and more than 20 guards fell to the ground. Some guards had less air intake and more air outlet, so they obviously couldn\'t live.

"Second kill?"

Many people stared at the scene in front of them. It was more than 20 guards, and several strong generals were defeated in an instant.

Everyone\'s eyes full of shock and shock looked at the young childe who shot.

"Who is this man? So young and powerful, what is his cultivation?"

Everyone is like setting off a storm in his heart. He looks at Lin Feng and secretly guesses Lin Feng\'s identity.