Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 417

"You... Waste so many of my men!"

The young childe\'s face was extremely gloomy.

He put rou\'er down and walked towards Lin Feng step by step!

The young childe obviously wants to deal with Lin Feng himself.

"I remember who he is. His name is Liu Zixu. He is the grandson of the five elders of Qingyang sect.".

A humanitarian came out of the identity of the young childe.

The five elders of Qingyang sect are a great figure in the realm of yin and Yang. Their strength can be described as unfathomable.

No wonder Liu Zixu is so arrogant and domineering.

"Boy, in the boundary of our Qingyang sect, the people who abolish our Qingyang sect, no one can save you in heaven and earth.".

Liu Zixu\'s voice was tinged with coldness.

Although Liu Zixu is evil! But he is not a waste, but a powerful monk.

Liu Zixu is 20 years old. He is already the cultivation of jiuchongtian, a martial general. Even among the ancient forces, he is a good talent.

After all, those who can enter the realm of King Wu at this age are absolutely super talents. As for those who can enter the realm of yin and Yang at this age, they are rare.


"I think you should worry about yourself. With your cultivation, I can crush you with one hand.".

Lin Feng\'s face was full of disdain.

Many people looked at Lin Feng in amazement.

"That young childe is so domineering that he doesn\'t pay attention to Liu Zixu at all.".

"Yes, anyway, Liu Zixu is also the cultivation of jiuchongtian, a martial general. I don\'t know what the young childe\'s cultivation is?".

"It seems to be the six heaven of the martial general realm".

"Ah, the six heaven of the generals\' realm? Yes, the nine heaven of the generals\' realm? It\'s troublesome. The young childe is too big to trust. I\'m afraid he will suffer.".

Suddenly, many people exclaimed.



Liu Zixu shot at Lin Feng. He killed Lin Feng with a move of "long you heaven and earth".

At this moment, Lin Feng also shot.

A terrible smell came out of Lin Feng\'s body.

Many people turned pale when they felt the terrible smell emanating from Lin Feng.

"Shi! It\'s Shi! The young childe condensed Shi".

"How can it be? Doesn\'t it mean that at least the realm of yin and yang can condense \'potential\'? Isn\'t that young childe the six heaven realm of the general? How can it condense \'potential\'?".

Many people exclaimed.

An old man said, "Who says that only the friars of yin and yang can condense \'potential\'. I read in an ancient book that some amazing and gorgeous children of heaven can condense \'potential\' in advance even if they don\'t break through the realm of yin and Yang. The young man doesn\'t know what Tao has experienced, which makes him condense this terrible \'potential\' in advance."

Many people felt the "potential" emanating from Lin Feng\'s body, but his face was pale and oppressed. He could hardly breathe.

Liu Zixu was oppressed by Lin Feng\'s "potential".

His momentum was severely suppressed, and his accomplishments were immediately reduced by 30%.

Now Lin Feng has awakened five devouring martial spirits.

The five great martial spirits operate. Even the strong in the realm of the king of martial arts can fight.

Liu Zixu is a mere general. Where can he be Lin Feng\'s opponent?


Lin Feng stepped out. With each step, his breath will be strong.


Lin Feng punches and blows with Liu Zixu.

With the dull sound of collision.

Liu Zixu was blown out by Lin Feng.

"Damn it.".

Liu Zixu\'s face became extremely gloomy.

He twisted his waist and fell to the ground.

In those eyes, there were bursts of dark color.

"No wonder I dare to take care of my childe\'s affairs. I have some skills. Today I\'ll let you know my childe\'s strength.".

Liu Zixu smiled grimly, and then Liu Zixu jumped up.


Everyone saw that Liu Zixu turned into a sword and killed Lin Feng.

"Hmm? Turning a sword into a body? Isn\'t that Liu Wuqing\'s move?".

Seeing Liu Zixu\'s secret skill, Lin Feng\'s eyebrows picked slightly. He thought of Liu Wuqing.

This Liu Wuqing! It was the secret skill of "turning sword into body" when he secretly attacked himself and Sikong to pick the moon.

It seems that sun cuitong, Liu Wuqing and others are also disciples of Qingyang sect.

Lin Feng never thought that they and "Zixiao" came from the same sect.

Zixiao is modest, polite and sincere.

And these people, one by one, are arrogant, arrogant and do evil.

The same family background, but there is such a big gap in character. People are really different.

This is the so-called "people\'s heart".

"It\'s an ancient magic power to turn a sword into a body!"

Many people exclaimed in surprise. Seeing Liu Zixu\'s secret skill, their faces changed greatly. This is a secret skill inherited by Qingyang sect. It is extremely powerful and difficult to cultivate. However, Liu Zixu succeeded in cultivating. Feeling the power of the sword embodied by himself, many people\'s faces changed sharply. They looked at Lin Feng with a trace of pity.

This blow!

It\'s really powerful!

For many people, the blow was simply difficult to resist.


"Boy, die.".


The cold voice came, and Liu Zixu turned himself into a sword.

The sword cuts through the void.

He killed Lin Feng in an instant.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and turned his sword into a body. Liu Zixu\'s strength was different from that of Liu Wuqing. At the beginning, Liu Wuqing secretly attacked himself. He was unprepared. Liu Wuqing\'s sword didn\'t break his defense.

What\'s more, I don\'t know how many times my accomplishments have been improved compared with that time.

In the face of Liu Zixu, this move turns into a sword!

Lin Feng stepped out.

Boom, boom

Lin Feng directly shook the other party with his fists.

Three punches in a row, Liu Zixu was directly broken by Lin Feng.

"It\'s impossible!"!.

Liu Zixu roared in disbelief.

He can\'t imagine, it\'s true!

Although he has just succeeded in cultivating this skill, it is also an ancient magic power.

The boy in front of him was lower than himself and didn\'t show any powerful secret arts. However, he broke his "body sword".

This is a major blow to Liu Zixu.

It\'s hard for him to believe. It\'s true.

"What\'s impossible?".

Lin Feng\'s face was full of cold color. He grabbed it in vain.


I saw the power of dense thunder condensed.

The power of the thunder all went towards Liu Zixu.

Bang Bang

Accompanied by a violent collision, Liu Zixu was submerged by dense thunder.

"Ah." a terrible cry came out.

Liu Zixu was blown out by the thunder light ball condensed by Lin Feng with batian thunder trick. He saw that Liu Zixu\'s whole body was blown open, his skin was torn, and his blood was dripping. He didn\'t know how many bones on his body were broken, fell to the ground, convulsed violently, and blood was constantly flowing out of his seven tricks.

The most terrible thing is that Liu Zixu has a huge wound in his abdomen.

Liu Zixu\'s true Qi has collapsed.

"That... Young childe... Abandoned Liu Zixu\'s Dantian".

Many people exclaimed.

Many people took a breath. Liu Zixu was the grandson of the five elders of Qingyang sect.

Although it is full of evil!

But abandoning his Dantian is definitely equivalent to poking a huge basket.