Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 415

Qingyang Town is less than a hundred miles away from the famous ancient force Qingyang sect. This is the last place to rest before reaching Qingyang sect.

Qingyang sect is located in the mountains at the junction of Dongjun Shenzhou and Beiman wilderness. It is said that there is a dragon vein there, and Qingyang sect is located in the dragon vein. The powerful dragon vein condenses the air of heaven and earth, making this sect immortal for 100000 years.

Lin Feng and Huo Qilin come to Qingyang Town.


Lin Feng came to fulfill his promise. Lin Feng never forgot Zixiao\'s words before he died.

Zixiao also has a sister, who is also in Qingyang sect.

Zixiao and his sister depend on each other since childhood. Before Zixiao\'s death, the only thing he cares about is his sister.

Lin Feng sighed at the thought of Zixiao.

The three people who were most likely to kill Zixiao at the beginning, Qin mubai, Jin Yichen and Dao ye

The strength of Qin mubai and Jin Yichen is too strong. Lin Feng has no way to take them now. He can\'t find them. The Dao Lord has disappeared.

Qingyang Town is very busy. People come and go. Many people go to Qingyang sect to learn arts. Most of these people are dignitaries. To join a large door like Qingyang sect, they need not only talent, but also huge capital operation to send their children in. Because there has been no lack of cultivation talents since ancient times, but the number of people recruited by the sect is limited.

Lin Feng and Huo Qilin stop in front of a small restaurant. They find a table.

"Big brother, what do you want to eat?".

A four or five-year-old girl with pink carving and jade carving came over and stared at Lin Feng with big eyes.

The little girl is naive and lovely, with a menu in her hand.

Although she is very young, she is already very sensible and helps her grandfather and sister do things.

"What a lovely little girl. Tell your brother what\'s your name?". Lin Feng said with a smile.

The little girl smiled sweetly and said, "my name is yunyun. I\'m five years old this year.".

Huo Qilin also smiled. The little girl is really smart, sensible and likable. Her eyes are pure and clear without a trace of impurities. After reading it, people\'s impetuous heart will calm down involuntarily.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "show the big brother your menu.".

"Yeah.". Xiaoyunyun nodded, gave the menu to Lin Feng, and then naively said, "big brother, can you order more dishes?".

"Why?". Lin Feng smiled and looked at Xiao yunyun.

"Because xiaoyunyun\'s grandfather is very tired every day. If the big brother orders more dishes, xiaoyunyun\'s grandfather can finish work early, so xiaoyunyun\'s grandfather won\'t be so tired.".

Xiaoyunyun looks at Lin Feng with expectant eyes.

"What a clever and sensible child", Lin Feng touched xiaoyunyun\'s head with pity.

He looked at the menu. They were all the simplest dishes, about more than 20 dishes, and the price was very cheap. This was just a small restaurant, not those large-scale restaurants. Naturally, the price would not be too high. The people who came here to eat were ordinary people.

"Point, full point". Huo Qilin whispered. It can be seen that Huo Qilin likes xiaoyunyun very much. Of course, Huo Qilin\'s voice didn\'t let xiaoyunyun hear it, so as not to scare her.

"Well... Just one?". Lin Feng smiled and looked at Xiao yunyun.

"Well"! Xiaoyunyun nodded excitedly and said "thank you, big brother"!

She stepped up her legs and ran happily towards the house.

Soon after, hot dishes were served. Xiao yunyun\'s sister was the one who made Lin Feng feel very amazing. The girl was thirteen or fourteen years old. Although she was young, she was born extremely beautiful. It was a perfect suffocating face. When the little girl came out, many people looked at her and showed amazing eyes.

In the distance, a group of more than 20 people passed by on strange animals. A young man pointed here, "childe, look".

Riding a black flame beast is a young childe who is about 20 years old. When he sees the girl, he is also amazed.

"There is such a top-grade little beauty in this broken place.". The young man waved and a group of people walked towards the small restaurant.


Big brother, this is my sister. Little yunyun looked up and smiled innocently.

"Big sister, this big brother is good. He ordered all the dishes.". Xiaoyunyun pulled her sister\'s clothes and said.

"Good boy, don\'t disturb big brother to eat.". The girl is called rou\'er. She is young but has come out of the world.

"It doesn\'t matter. I like little yunyun very much.". Lin Feng smiled.

"Here comes the guest".

At this time, a voice came from the next table. A group of people came over and blew out the guests at several tables. They sat there.

Some people showed a straight face, but they were held by their companions.

"That\'s a childe of Qingyang sect.". Said the companion.

Many people\'s faces suddenly changed.

Qingyang sect is an ancient sect with great power. Naturally, no one dares to provoke it.

"Big brother, what would you like to eat?".

Little yunyun walked over with her legs, raised her head and asked innocently.

"Oh, the little girl is not old, but she looks very pleasant.".

The young childe reached out and pinched xiaoyunyun\'s lovely face.

Xiaoyunyun\'s small face carved with powder and jade was pinched red. Although it was painful, she also endured it, but her big eyes contained wronged tears. She was very young and was pinched so painful. She was a little afraid. However, thinking of Grandpa\'s hard work every day, xiaoyunyun summoned up the courage to ask, "big brother, do you want to eat something?".

"Ha ha, that\'s your sister. Let her come.". The young childe smiled and said.

Xiaoyunyun leaves in fear and soon follows rou\'er.

"What would you like to eat, childe?". Rou\'er asked cautiously. She naturally saw that these people didn\'t look like good people.

The young childe looked at rou\'er with eyes full of * * * *, put his arms around rou\'er\'s small waist, smiled and said, "if you don\'t want to eat anything else, you want to eat you.".

"You... Let me go.".

Rou\'er\'s pretty face suddenly turned pale and struggled hard.

But she didn\'t have cultivation, how could she struggle to open it.

There are many people around. Some people even want heroes to save the United States, but when they think of the identity of young childe, they all give up. This is the people of Qingyang sect. This boundary is the boundary of Qingyang sect. Don\'t you want to die if you offend Qingyang sect?

"What are you looking at? Get out of here.". The guard around the young childe shouted arrogantly.

"Let go of your sister, big villain, let go of your sister.". Xiaoyunyun reaches out to push the young childe.

Go away. The young man kicked xiaoyunyun out for three or four meters.


Xiaoyunyun fell heavily to the ground, her forehead was suddenly broken, and the blood flowed down her face carved with powder and jade.