Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 411

"Click, click!"

Even with the protection of Shenghuang stone, Lin Feng\'s body was still unbearable and began to crack.

Had it not been for the holy emperor stone, it would have been destroyed by this damn gossip stove?

"Boy, the remnant thoughts of soldier Saint Han Feizi have been destroyed. The power of this broken stone is no longer in the past, and you are dead.".

The eight trigrams stove grinned and killed Lin Feng quickly.

Lin Feng is not a man waiting to die. He thought of the black dragon sword.

The sword in the divine sword spectrum.


The black dragon sword was sacrificed by Lin Feng.

"Burn my blood! Fight a way"!

Lin Feng roared.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

He ejected three mouthfuls of blood essence in a row.

Blood is the cream of human life. Excessive loss of blood essence! In serious cases, he was possessed and died miserably on the spot.

Those who are light will also fall!

However, Lin Feng\'s lost blood essence is still within the acceptable range.

The blood essence was burning, and all the energy was poured into the "black dragon sword".


The high sound of dragon singing came from the black dragon sword. A black dragon with open teeth and claws appeared and hovered above Lin Feng, which was closely connected with the black dragon sword.

In the black dragon sword, a powerful suffocating force was released.

After devouring Lin Feng\'s blood essence, the power of black dragon sword has been raised to a limit.

Lin Feng held the black dragon sword, whispered, and chopped it towards the Bagua stove.

Click, click

The broken Bagua stove was split by Lin Feng\'s sword.

"Ah, my stove"!

The eight trigrams stove cried in horror, because its original bear was split by Lin Feng\'s blow. It retreated quickly and was full of panic.

Lin Feng didn\'t chase the Bagua stove, because Lin Feng knew it was impossible to destroy the Bagua stove. The Bagua stove didn\'t even destroy the soldier Saint Han Feizi, not to mention himself?

Lin Feng rushed to the blue stone amulet with the holy emperor stone on his head.

Many magic soldiers attacked Lin Feng.

Their attacks are also extremely terrible.

However, the attacks of these magic soldiers were resisted by the holy emperor stone.

Although the power of the holy emperor stone has been reduced a lot, it has no problem to resist the attack of ordinary magic soldiers. Lin Feng waved the black dragon sword and split the magic soldiers out one by one.

"Boy, you hurt me. You\'re looking for death.".

Many magic soldiers shouted.

Not far away, the damaged Bagua stove is being repaired quickly.

And it is repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Lin Feng\'s face showed a frightened look. These magic soldiers are so terrible that they have long become immortal soldiers. The so-called immortal soldiers are like those immortal creatures. Unless you completely destroy them, no matter how many serious wounds you suffer, they will be repaired automatically.

Just like the Bagua stove, it has withstood the joint attack of Bing Sheng Han Feizi and Lin Feng Tianhuo.

It is estimated that other magic soldiers have already been completely destroyed.

But the Bagua stove was not destroyed, and it began to recover at this moment. It is conceivable that once the Bagua stove is repaired, Lin Feng will die.

Lin Feng naturally knew this, and he offered up the tin for swallowing heaven.

A powerful swallowing force shrouded the blue stone Wufu.

"Ah, if you want to devour me, don\'t think about it"! The blue stone Wufu also turned into this terrible magic soldier. In a fierce struggle, Lin Feng rushed up and split ten swords continuously, breaking the magic gas outside the blue stone Wufu. The power of the blue stone Wufu was greatly reduced and swallowed by the heaven swallowing pot.

In fact, the blue stone talisman was swallowed up mainly because the blue stone talisman was not a "magic weapon".

In itself, it is a martial charm.

Although the evil thoughts were absorbed and turned into evil existence like God and devil soldiers, the blue stone Wufu itself did not have much powerful attack power. Therefore, after turning into evil god and devil soldiers, it was far from being compared with other God and devil soldiers, which was swallowed up by Lin Feng\'s heaven swallowing pot.


Lin Feng turned and ran away. It\'s not suitable to stay here.

"Boy, don\'t run.".

"If you get a thousand knives, I\'ll eat you.".


A group of magic soldiers roared behind them. They found that the power of the holy emperor stone was weakening, which greatly increased their confidence.

Lin Feng naturally found that the power of the holy emperor stone was weakening, and he ran frantically outside.


Later, the Bagua stove also rushed to the sky and chased Lin Feng. The Bagua stove roared with gnashing teeth, "this seat wants to enslave your soul, you can\'t run out".

Before the Bagua stove, it was almost destroyed by the sky fire offered by the soldier Saint Han Feizi and Lin Feng. It naturally hates Lin Feng, who offered the "holy emperor stone" and "sky fire".

It rushed frantically, swept out and pulled a terrible magic light, and killed Lin Feng.


The blow came from the fierce bombardment. Although it was protected by the holy emperor stone, the power of the holy emperor stone has decreased very badly, so this blow still caused very serious damage to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng was swept out and vomited blood.

"The boy can\'t do it. Go and eat it.". A group of magic soldiers rushed.

"Get out of my way. This boy belongs to me.". The Eight Diagrams stove was so angry that it released the magic light and swept away the rest of the magic soldiers.


Lin Feng saw that the gossip stove didn\'t attack him directly. He knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Many times, opportunities are fleeting.

If Bagua stove attacks him continuously, Lin Feng knows that he will die.

But now, the Bagua stove doesn\'t do that, so it gives itself a chance to escape from life.

Lin Feng rose into the sky. He showed his golden body and wings to the extreme, because it was forbidden to fly up and out.

"What? Can you run even if you take a blow from this seat?". The Bagua stove was a little shocked. It rushed here quickly.

But Lin Feng started early and rushed to the entrance of the valley.

Boom, boom.

The eight trigrams stove shot and killed Lin Feng. The attack that destroyed the sky and the earth came.

Feeling the breath behind, Lin Feng\'s face was full of horror. There was no way to resist it.

Lin Feng bit his teeth. He accelerated wildly. Before the attack of the gossip stove came down, Lin Feng rushed out of the burial valley.

The attack of Bagua stove is resisted by the prohibition of burial Valley, and its attack cannot be released outside the burial valley.

"Damn it, damn it, it\'s all you bastards. Otherwise, the boy has been caught by this seat." the gossip stove roared angrily. It turned and looked at the magic soldiers.

"Run away". A group of demon soldiers fled frantically to their valley.

This seat will swallow you. The gossip stove roared after him.

Lin Feng rushed out of the burial valley. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the cold breath shrouded his body.

"Boy, die.".

The mysterious devil, who had been guarding outside the burial Valley, suddenly took it out of the mountain forest and killed Lin Feng with a hard blow.


Lin Feng was blown out for hundreds of meters by the attack of xuanmo\'s ancestor and fell into the mountains and forests.