Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 412

"Jie Jie Jie!! I finally caught the boy!"!!

The old devil\'s hair gave out bursts of strange laughter. Now, he only felt that his whole body was as cool as flying.

How much did you suffer from this boy?

How many times?

It\'s a dream to catch this boy.

However, disappointment again and again.

Now, I finally got what I wanted.


Just when xuanmo wanted to go into the jungle to see if Lin Feng was beaten to death, suddenly, a figure rose into the sky and flew away quickly in the distance.

It\'s Lin Feng!!

Although Lin Feng took the attack of the xuanmo ancestor, he was protected by the holy emperor stone. The attack of the xuanmo ancestor broke the defense of the holy emperor stone, and Lin Feng put the holy emperor stone away.

The holy emperor stone dormant again. This time, he deliberately avoided the magic beads and xuanming magic books, and seemed to be in a quiet state of recuperation.


Lin Feng was not hurt at all, but the mysterious devil thought his sudden sneak attack had caused serious damage to Lin Feng. Lin Feng urged the speed to the extreme and flew away quickly.

"Ah, how is that possible?". The mysterious devil roared in disbelief.

Although he was injured, the power of the palm he just played was far from reaching the attack in the peak period.

That kid\'s okay? Is that incredible?

Xuanmo\'s father was furious and quickly chased Lin Feng. He smiled grimly and roared angrily, "boy, you can\'t escape. My father will catch up with you and frustrate you!".

"Shameless old devil, you, a monk in the yin-yang realm, sneaked into me, a monk in the martial general realm. How can you live to this day? If I were you, I would have bought a piece of tofu and killed myself.".

Hearing Lin Feng\'s sarcasm, xuanmo\'s ancestor was almost not angry. He said with a grimace, "boy, when you are caught by your ancestor, see if you dare to be so disrespectful to your ancestor"!

As soon as the two sides ran away and chased each other, the mysterious devil\'s father was hurt by the terrible murderous spirit in the buried soldiers\' Valley, so the speed could not be improved. After chasing for about three hours, Lin Feng threw away the mysterious devil\'s father. The mysterious devil\'s face was extremely gloomy. He could not imagine why a boy in the martial general realm was so fast, and the mysterious devil\'s father hated Lin Feng, However, he couldn\'t catch up with Lin Feng and let Lin Feng get rid of him again.

This also made the xuanmo ancestor a little frightened.

Let the boy escape from the heaven many times. When the boy\'s cultivation is improved, isn\'t it his death time? At the thought of this, the dark demon ancestor looked more and more ugly.


After getting rid of the mysterious devil\'s ancestor, Lin Feng found a hidden cave. He blocked the entrance of the cave with boulders and arranged several hidden spirit array skills to completely block it. After doing this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh.

He is now ready to start refining three pieces of martial amulets.

"Boy, let me out, or I\'ll eat you.".

The third blue stone talisman was trapped in the sky swallowing pot and made a vicious roar.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "it fell into my hands and dared to threaten me. I think you are tired of living.".

"Boy, how about our negotiation? As long as you let me go, I can give you endless wealth. I can tell you where there is a secret in the demon battlefield.".

The third bluestone Wufu said that he was good at luring and wanted to lure Lin Feng to agree to his conditions.

Lin Feng naturally wouldn\'t believe its nonsense. This third martial talisman swallowed up the evil thoughts of God or devil, and had long turned into evil existence.

If you believe it, you don\'t know how to die.

"It\'s useless. Don\'t waste your time. I want to refine you and increase your accomplishments.".

Lin Feng\'s indifferent voice came out.

Then he crossed his knees and took out the tin of swallowing heaven.

The pot of swallowing heaven was suspended beside Lin Feng, sending out amazing fluctuations.

"Sky fire, come out"!!

Lin Feng offered the sky fire, and the purple flame earth fire immediately entered the sky swallowing pot.

Although the blue stone talisman is far less abnormal than the Bagua stove, it also has the attribute of "Immortality".

It\'s not easy to kill the spirit of the blue stone talisman.

However, this does not mean that you can\'t refine it to death. As long as you have enough time, you can certainly refine the spirit of the blue stone Wufu to death.

Lin Feng spent five days and five nights. The spirit of the blue stone Wufu really couldn\'t hold on.

"Boy, you dare to temper me. I curse you for not dying well.".

Bluestone Wufu roared in horror and resentment.

It felt the smell of death.

That feeling is so terrible!

"It\'s dying. Shut up.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and madly urged the heart fire of purple flame!!


An hour later, accompanied by a shrill scream.

The spirit of the blue stone talisman was finally tempered by the sky fire.

Lin Feng breathed.


With a flash of light in his hand, the first and second martial symbols appear.

Lin Feng took out the third talisman in the tin of swallowing heaven.

He matched three pieces of martial arts with one.


When the three talismans were pieced together by Lin Feng, an amazing energy wave suddenly came out.

A dense mass of energy is emitted from the martial amulet.

Lin Feng felt that his martial spirit was ready to move, and the martial spirit sent out a yearning call.

It\'s like a long dry land, watered by rain!


Lin Feng swallowed the soul of Wu and wrapped the Wu Fu.

Suddenly, the dense energy contained in the Wu Fu began to be absorbed by Lin Feng\'s Wu soul.

The three devouring black holes all worked quickly

A powerful twisting force emanated from the three devouring black holes.

Lin Feng\'s soul becomes more and more powerful after swallowing the amazing energy contained in the three talismans. Lin Feng can clearly feel that his soul seems to complete a new transformation.

For the first time, Lin Feng knew that the transformation of Wu soul was more and more difficult.

It was also the first time that he swallowed the power of Wu Fu to transform the Wu soul. He just didn\'t know whether he could really transform the Wu soul as fire Qilin said.



Three hours later, a terrible smell came out of Lin Feng\'s body.

In Lin Feng\'s Dantian, five devouring black holes are arranged together. The terrible twisting force makes the surrounding void seem to turn into a distorted space.