Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 410

Lin Feng felt that he was going to be hard to breathe. Tears fell for some reason?

The achievements of the human race\'s 100 saints are still sung by countless people even now.

But as one of the hundred saints, Han Feizi, the soldier saint, died so tragically.

It really makes people feel sad, sad and sad.


The God of war of splitting the sky, with his divine skill against the sky, reproduces the scene of the death of soldier Saint Han Feizi. It seems that he wants to use this method to bring soldier Saint Han Feizi back to the past.

Bing Sheng Han Feizi was immersed in that world. He didn\'t move. He seemed to fall into sadness and feelings for the past.

"Everything should be dust to dust, earth to earth".

The God of war murmured, stepped forward and operated the supreme magic power. He wanted to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill the last brand of soldier Saint Han Feizi.


This blow, mercilessly killed Bing Sheng Han Feizi, and Bing Sheng Han Feizi\'s body began to collapse.

Lin Feng moved.

Will Han Feizi\'s last residual thoughts be completely destroyed?

If it is destroyed, he will die.

He doesn\'t think the gossip stove and those magic soldiers will let him go.

"Elder, the past has become a thing of the past. Don\'t get caught up in it. Think about it. If these magic soldiers escape from the ancient magic battlefield, the hometown you guarded in those years, and the Terrans you guarded in those years, how many will be slaughtered?".

Lin Feng roared loudly. He didn\'t know whether it was useful, but this was his voice and Lin Feng\'s last effort.

But the fact is the same as what Lin Feng said.

If these magic soldiers escape, life will be ruined.

"Guard... Protect... So... Soil...".

Bing Sheng Han Feizi murmured, and finally a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

"I... Want... To... You... Add... Hold... Seal..."!

The next moment, a sharp light flashed in the soldier Saint Han Feizi\'s eyes.

A terrible breath erupted in his body.

At this moment, the soldier Saint Han Feizi seemed to have come back from the dead.

Endless runes emanated from the bloody body and surged into the world.

The runes that block out the sky and the sun form chains all over the void.


Violent waves swept out, and countless distorted runes were formed above the buried soldier valley. Those runes, like life, are now revived.

"Is this the rune blessed by the former soldier Saint Han Feizi? He used these runes to suppress the magic soldiers. However, after the fall of the soldier Saint Han Feizi, the power of the rune is rapidly weakening, but the magic soldiers here are becoming stronger and stronger.".

Looking at the intertwined runes in the buried soldier Valley, Lin Feng muttered to himself.

If master Han Feizi didn\'t fall, maybe these magic soldiers have been "killed" here.

However, the tragic death of Han Feizi, the soldier saint, led to changes in the burial valley.

But now, it can be said that by chance, Lin Feng just got the holy emperor stone stained with the blood of the soldier Saint Han Feizi, and he just came here.

The holy emperor stone felt something, so he took the initiative to show up.

This may be the last wish of Bing Sheng Han Feizi? The appearance of the holy emperor stone is to fulfill the last wish of the soldier St. Han Feizi before he fell, and once again add the seal, so that the magic soldiers buried in the valley can\'t escape.

Boom. The God of war of split sky shot and killed Xiang Bing Sheng Han Feizi.

He wants to destroy the seal of soldier Saint Han Feizi\'s blessing to bury soldier valley.

The soldier Saint Han Feizi moved and rushed forward to fight with the God of war.

The war was too fierce. Han Feizi, the soldier saint, had suffered a heavy blow before, and now it is more and more difficult.

Finally, Han Feizi\'s residual thoughts burned up and wrapped the God of war and Bagua furnace.


Lin Feng moved.

Is the last remnant burning to destroy the evil thoughts of Bagua furnace and split sky god of war before complete destruction?

Lin Feng couldn\'t help crying. Even though the soldier Saint Han Feizi had fallen long ago, even if there was only the last residual thought, he had to contribute his last strength to his protected hometown before the residual thought was destroyed.

What kind of feelings is this?

"Elder, I would like to help you"!

Lin Feng roared. He sacrificed the sky fire.

The purple flame ground fire flew out and integrated with the flame when the soldier Saint Han Feizi\'s residual thoughts spontaneously ignited.

"No......" the God of war finally panicked, and his last evil thoughts began to be destroyed.

"Sky fire, this is sky fire".

The gossip stove roared in horror.

Click, click

At this time, the gossip stove cracked, and it seemed difficult to insist.

The rest of the magic soldiers were shot at the runes in the void.

But the new runes condensed by the soldier Saint Han Feizi quickly integrate into the old runes.

The prohibitions in the burial valley became more and more powerful, sweeping away the magic soldiers.

Many magic soldiers were in pain and screamed.

Bang! The Bagua stove is really terrible. When it is about to be destroyed, it breaks the burning flame.

The soldier Saint Han Feizi gradually dissipated.

"Master...". Lin Feng murmured and stretched out his right hand, trying to grasp something.

But in the end, Bing Sheng Han Feizi disappeared.

"Kill this boy"!

A group of magic soldiers roared, and all their anger focused on Lin Feng. They wanted to kill Lin Feng.

The holy emperor stone is still very strange. It floats above Lin Feng and startles the magic soldiers.

The prohibition of burying soldiers Valley has been blessed, and its power has become more and more powerful. The strength of magic soldiers has been greatly limited.

"Eh, that\'s...". Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes stared straight, because he saw a green jade amulet the size of a palm.

"Bluestone Wufu!"

Lin Feng exclaimed, as like as two peas, he had never seen a mistake. In the hundreds of soldiers, there was a bluestone and a two character bluestone and his character.

But this blue stone talisman smells very evil.

"Swallowed the evil thoughts of God or devil, and the breath of this bluestone martial charm changed. Therefore, neither of my two martial Charms sensed the breath of this bluestone martial charm.".

Lin Feng murmured. He rushed to the bluestone Wufu.

"The boy is looking for death. He dares to attack us.".

When a group of magic soldiers saw Lin Feng coming, they immediately felt provoked.

"I want your life.".

The eight trigrams furnace roared and rushed quickly to condense the eight trigrams of "Qian, Kan, gen, Zhen, Kun, dui, Li and Xun", which suppressed Lin Feng.


The terrible smell came. Lin Feng was shrouded in the killing idea sent out by the Bagua stove, and his flesh began to crumble.

Bagua stove is really terrible. Even if it has been seriously injured before, it still has the ability to kill Lin Feng.