Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 253

"Hum --!"

Bright crimson beams of light across the space, such as meteors in the night sky.

Two crimson beams of light burst out in this way. In a flash, the distance is shortened to zero, and they collide with each other fiercely.

However, the two beams colliding together did not produce any abnormal sound or conflict. Just like the water suddenly mixed together, they began to merge slowly.

Before long, all the people present saw it.

The two crimson beams slowly fused together, in a burst of waves, turned into a mirror with a diameter of two meters or so.

The mirror, as if it appeared directly in space, was branded on the space and suspended in front of Shylock and Arya.

And inside the mirror, there is an image.

It's the image of a girl.

The girl's age is about 13 or 4 years old, so she is rather petite.

The girl had flaxen hair similar to gold.

The eyes are blue as sapphire.

She was wearing a white summer dress with a bare back.

One long hair was tied in the shape of a double ponytail.

Such a girl seems to be chatting with someone, with a happy smile on her face, and seems to be very happy.

Looking at the girl, all the people present were speechless.

"Why How could... " Arya exclaimed, "then Isn't that me? "


That's Arya.

Although the color of her hair is totally different from the color of her eyes, that girl is Arya.

"Correctly, this should be you three years ago." Shylock gazed at the mirror, and his voice began to show a trace of excitement. He said, "the power of Fei Tan can realize space jump and achieve the effect of instant movement. So I wonder from the beginning whether Fei Tan can also realize time jump, not to mention connecting the future, at least it should be able to connect the past."

That is to say

"In other words, this mirror is a kind of space-time tunnel." Shylock made no secret of the smile on his face and explained to everyone: "this is the calendar mirror, the lens connecting different time and space. The time and space that is connecting now is three years ago, and it is beside Arya."

"In this way, I will be able to let Arya inherit the Fiat."

With these words, Shylock took the pistol out of his arms and put the firearm into the magazine.

Seeing this, Fang Li guessed it even though he was slow.

Shylock, ready to send the Fei bullet to the time and space three years ago and shoot it into Arya's body.

In this way, Arya can inherit Fei Tan three years ago, and Shylock can also protect the safety of Arya who has inherited the Fei Tan three years ago, taking the Fei Tan that has not been sent out as the source of strength.

Using the power of Fei Tan to open the door of the past, Shylock successfully let his successor appear in this form.

Therefore, when Shylock's feitan glows, Arya's body also glows.

Because, as early as three years ago, Arya had inherited the Fei tan.

"This is the last act."

Shylock pointed the muzzle of the gun at Arya in the lens.

Seeing this scene, the performance of the three people present was totally different.

Arya is not from this state of affairs to respond to the appearance, still a face at a loss.

Snow White is as if incarnated as an observer, with quiet eyes, watching all this.

Only Fang Li, looking at the muzzle of the gun aimed at the lens of Arya's Shylock, was finally burning up for the first time in his heart.

"Sherlock Holmes..."

This man is really a great detective.

From the beginning, all people's actions have been under the control of Shylock. They have become chessmen in Shylock's hands. They act under the control of Shylock. Finally, Shylock has achieved his goal.

Shylock already knew that Arya would come to Yi you today.

Therefore, Joan of arc kidnaps snow white. Is that what Shylock instructed?

He knew Fang Li would come here to save snow white.

As a partner, he will follow his mother.

In other words, from the beginning to the end, Fang Li was just a part of Shylock's plan, and was led by Shylock by the nose.

Whether in action or in battle, Fangli was calculated by Shylock from the beginning to the end.

It's like a clown.

"You think..."

Fang Li's fist hit hard on the ground, so that the skin split, bone frustration, infiltration of blood.

The pain came to Fang Li's mind.

"You think..."Fang Li squeezed out the strength in his body, raised the dagger in his hand and roared loudly.

"Do you think I'll make you happy?"

The eye of straight death flashed in Fang Li's eyes again.

In this moment, Fangli saw it.

A dead line of power flowing in one's own body.

Aiming at the dead line, Fang Li used the last trace of strength and stabbed the dagger into his body without hesitation.

"Pa --!"

With a clear sound, the external forces inside Fang Li dissipated like an exploded balloon.

It was killed by Fangli.


The steam from Fang Li's whole body subsided at once, making the blood in Fangli's body flow again, and strength began to burst from the depths of his body.


At the same time, Shylock pulled the trigger of the gun in his hand and turned the scarlet bullet into scarlet streamer, which shot at the space-time lens called the calendar mirror, and shot away in the direction of Arya three years ago.

In this moment, Fang Li moved.


A burst of white phosphorescence burst from Fang Li's body, like a white flame, slowly burning and opening.

At this moment, Fangli finally used the holy mark.

Immediately, Fang Li fiercely stepped on the ground, his body turned into a white streamer, and with amazing speed, he rushed to the front.

The ice blue magic eye twinkles with unprecedented intensity.

The target is the pink bullet.

Fei bombs flying in space at subsonic speed are clearly reflected in the field of vision.

Including the dead line with a crack.

"Choke --"

The knife light, mixed with white phosphorescence, suddenly appeared.

The knife light is cold and dazzling.

"Flash scabbard - eight falcons!"

It's a move that allows the user and the attack to become one.

As a result, Fang Li's body shape was swept out directly with the cold knife light, like a falcon falling from the mid air, flashing through the space.

Then, the sharp point of the dagger, gently into the Fei bullet shot by the pole, cut into the crack like dead line. , the fastest update of the webnovel!