Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 252

"Once Zu Father

Looking at Shylock in confrontation with Fangli, in mid air, Arya is completely dull.

It's totally dull.

It was a gaffe that Fangli had never seen before.

It was as if even the soul had been completely lost in this moment, and as if the soul had suffered the greatest degree of trauma, Arya's young face was no longer bloody and stayed there completely.

That's also natural.

It's just one of the reasons why my most respected ancestors are here.

The more important reason is that just before he came here, Arya had seen the research group and the main battle faction who started the war, and even saw Yuanshan Jinci, and learned that Fangli was fighting against the leader of Yiyou.


"Great grandfather is the leader?"

Arya's voice was shaking.

You know, it's Yi you who made Arya's mother go to prison.

Not to mention that Shylock, as the world's most famous detective, has always been a party to uphold justice, but now suddenly becomes a criminal. How can Arya accept it?

In this regard, Shylock is a smile, looking at Arya's eyes full of softness, said: "finally meet, Arya, for this day, I have been waiting for a long time."

"Ah Ah... "

As if his whole body lost strength, he slowly fell down from mid air, and finally, he landed on the ground and knelt down directly.

At this time, Bai Xue also rushed in from the outside.

"Lijun." Snow White looked at the lost Arya, then lowered her head to Fangli, as if crying out quickly, and said, "sorry, I didn't know that Arya had flying props. As a result, she smashed the ice door and rushed out."

"It's not the right time." Fang Li finally began to smile bitterly and said to snow white, "no matter what, snow white, you should take Arya away first."

This sentence was immediately rejected by Shylock.

"That won't do." Shylock shook his head and said, "my life has come to an end. The opportunity is only for today. You can't hinder me."

With that, Shylock pointed to the direction of the snow.

"Hiss --"

Fang Li and Bai Xue's body suddenly gave out steam without any reason.

Under the loss of steam, Fang Li felt that all his strength was also losing. His throat became extremely thirsty, his skin became extremely dry, and even his blood seemed to stop flowing. He fell down on the ground in the dark.

"Ah...!" Snow White also can't help but make a light call, kneeling on the ground, his whole body is smoking.

Under such circumstances, Fang Li felt that he had no strength to hold the dagger, and his body was so heavy.

This is caused by the loss of water in the body at an alarming rate.

"Shylock..." Fang Li hung his body powerless and raised his head with difficulty. He said in a hoarse voice: "you..."

"Don't worry, Fang Lijun. I won't kill you, but for a while, I hope you can watch over there." Shylock turned his eyes to Arya, slowly raised his hand holding Fei Tan and opened his mouth.

"The conditions for inheriting Fei Tan are very complicated. In addition to high self-esteem and childlike character, we must also have a close relationship with Fei Tan for at least three years."

"The first condition made me choose Arya. The child's self-esteem is very high, and the childishness is even higher than the self-esteem to some extent, which is undoubtedly the most suitable for inheriting Fei tan."

"The problem is the second condition. The second condition seems simple, but actually it is the most difficult. Because of the power of Fei Tan, it is coveted by many people. Even the country covets it. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to let Arya keep it for three years until it wakes up."

"Therefore, only I, who has become the awakening person of Fei Tan, can protect Arya, but I have to give him custody for three years."

"It is up to me, who has the power of Fei Tan, to protect Arya. Therefore, I must carry it all the time, but I must let him carry it for three years. How to make up for the contradiction of these three years is also the biggest problem in my life."

"However, it is Fei Tan who can help me solve this problem."

So saying, Shylock's whole body once again blooms the scarlet light.


At this time, there was the same light blooming on the lost Arya.

This made Arya finally react from the state of losing his soul and said: "this What's going on? "

Fang Li was also surprised.

The scarlet light is clearly the light of Fei tan.There's a bomb in Arya?

No, it's not right.

Shylock has not inherited the Fei Tan to Arya. According to the principle, there should be no Fei Tan in Arya.

On the contrary, snow white, looking at this scene, although the expression is extremely weak, but there is a feeling of enlightenment in the eyes, murmuring.

"Sure enough, Arya is the successor of Fei tan."

Obviously, snow white knew the existence of Fei tan from the beginning.

In this regard, Shylock only took a deep look at the snow, and then looked at Arya, who was full of scarlet light and was bewildered, and said in a gentle tone: "don't worry, Arya, it's just a resonance phenomenon caused by the same holders of the feisegold. When I trigger the power of feitan, you will naturally produce Resonate and release the same power. "

"But that's not enough."

Shylock held out a finger in the direction of Arya.

"Zheng --!"

The crimson light that blooms on Shylock suddenly converges on his fingers.

"Hum --!"

Just like a correspondence, the crimson light of Arya's body also converged to the tip of a finger.

Once again, Arya opened his eyes.

"Arya." Shylock suddenly said in an unquestionable tone, "aim that finger at me."

Arya trembled all over, but could not help but raise his hand, and pointed his crimson fingers to Shylock.

"Hum, hum!"

In this instant, the scarlet light on the fingertips of both Shylock and Arya rose and trembled.

The next second, two crimson rays of light, like pulling each other, burst out at the same time and turned into light beams and shot forward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!