Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 254

"Zheng --!"

In this moment, an unprecedented bright crimson light bloomed.


It's not so much a bloom as an explosion.

Like a flame thrown into oil, the crimson light rose from the Fei bomb like the flame of a riot.

That performance, let a person think of the animal that was startled, suddenly wake up from the state of sleep.

At this time, the dagger in Fangli's hand had not entered the dead line of Fei bullet, and cut the extremely small crack like dead line to half.

The remaining half, if you want to continue cutting, does not need to blink.

However, the remaining half of the dead line, how can not cut in the square.

After an explosion of scarlet light blooms, the speed of the Fei bullet flashing through the space accelerates sharply. Before cutting the remaining half of the dead line in the square, it seems to be flashing in the space and quickly skimming away.

As a result, the square that turns into a knife light rubs Fei bullet and passes by.

As for the Fei bullet, it was completely turned into a crimson laser and swept into the mirror.


This is the sound of a bullet penetrating the human body.

The metal bullet, which can endow people with extraordinary power, traverses time and space in this moment, and goes back to three years ago. It pierces the back of Arya's back to everyone in the mirror.


This rapid lament, from three years ago in time and space through the mirror, into the ears of all people.

Then, Arya in the mirror slowly fell to the ground.

That's the end of the picture.

"Hum --!"

With a burst of buzz, the calendar mirror suddenly a tremor, like in the water dissipated ripples, gradually disappeared.

All of a sudden, there was silence.

At this moment, Arya was dull.

At this moment, snow white showed an incredible expression.

Even Shylock didn't seem to think that such a situation would happen suddenly. His eyes opened slightly.

"Ha Ha Ha... "

Fang Li's breathing began to become rapid, half kneeling on the ground, his body that burning like a flame of white phosphorescence convergence and finally completely disappeared.

The ice blue magic eye in Fang Li's eyes faded down and became a pair of dark pupils.

And under that pair of dark pupils, fatigue and surprise emerge one by one.

Fatigue is not only from the body that has lost a lot of water, but also from the soul who has used the holy mark.

Surprise is aimed at the phenomenon just caused by Fei tan.

"Did Fei Tan react to my attack?"

This phenomenon is not big or small.

The reason why it's not big is that Fei Tan is originally a kind of magic metal, or there is a mechanism to cause certain phenomena when it is attacked.

The reason is not small, it is because the phenomenon just caused by Fei Tan can prove one thing.

"Fei Tan Is there consciousness in frasequin

This conjecture has been proved.

“…… You are right, Fang Lijun. " Shylock cast his eyes on Fang Li's body, and what appeared in his eyes was the depth and enlightenment that had never appeared so far. He said: "feisejin does have consciousness, and intelligence may be higher than human beings."

Therefore, just after Fangli's attack caused a fatal threat to Fei Tan, Fei Sejin's consciousness was awakened. In order to avoid being killed by Fangli, he triggered his ability to increase the speed of Fei Tan and break away from Fangli's attack.

"This means that the attack you just made has an effect on Fei tan. It's amazing." Shylock sighed: "it can erase the super ability, but also can cause effect on the non living body. Once hit, there will be nearly fatal damage to the human body. Unexpectedly, you have this ability. The title of gun magician is not suitable for you."

"However, your attack doesn't seem to work." Shylock sighed, looked straight into the square, and said, "but because of your attack, all the mysteries are finally solved."

"All Mystery? " Fang Li met Shylock's eyes.

"The riddle of Fei Tan in Arya, and..." Shylock turned his eyes to the other direction and looked at the girl. If he had a deep meaning, he said, "the mystery of Xingjia shrine is abnormal."

"Xingjia shrine?" Fang Li couldn't help but be a little stunned and looked at the direction of snow white.

I saw that all the steam had stopped. It seemed that Shylock had cancelled the function of ability. Bai Xue was sitting on the ground, looking at Fang Li with complicated eyes and silent.

At this time, however, the exclamation of Arya suddenly started.

"Great grandfather?"Accompanied by Aryana's panic like voice, Fangli and snow white reacted, and immediately turned to Shylock's direction.

There, Shylock's appearance changed.

From the original appearance of a handsome man in his twenties, he began to age little by little.

That's also natural.

Originally, Shylock's life was extended because of the Fei bullet.

Now, Fei Tan has passed through time and space and was inherited by Arya three years ago. Shylock, who lost the means to prolong his life, naturally began to run out of oil and light.

"My time is up."

Shylock's expression did not have a trace of panic, but a sense of relief in general.

"At the end of the last, I can solve the two mysteries that I have been thinking about. I have no regrets."

Shylock looked at Fang Li, a gradually aging face, showing a big boy's cheerful smile, and said this.

"You're an incredible person. You did something unexpected at the beginning, and then ended up with my army. So far, no one has been able to do this."

"It seems that I can rest assured that you are the partner of Arya."

"So, Fang Lijun, I will leave my great granddaughter to your care. I hope you can fight against the fate of the next generation together with Arya, inherit my research, and one day solve the mystery of the scarlet."

Leaving these words, Shylock turned around and left slowly.

"Wait...!" Fang Li stood up, but because of the weakness of body and soul, he knelt down again.


At this time, the whole hall began to tremble.

No, it should be said that the whole nuclear submarine began to tremble.

The unusual vibration told Fang Li.

This nuclear submarine is leaving the sea floor at the fastest speed and heading for Shanghai.

As for Shylock, he stepped up a ladder and disappeared from the horizon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!