I Will Marry You

Chapter 24

Ye Xuan hesitated for a moment and followed closely behind Gong Mou.

Because of the commotion, a lot of people have been attracted here, and the scene just seen has shocked them all.

They looked at each other, even if it didn\'t happen to them, they were still in fear: there are many strict management personnel and leaders, but they will achieve the level of general manager Gong. They are really the first to see it. In the future They are all going to work under the supervision of the general palace?

I\'m afraid of it when I think of it. It\'s a lot of pressure.

"It\'s office time. What are you doing here? Hurry back to work, remember to carry out self-examination in strict accordance with the construction regulations, don\'t be caught by the general manager Gong! No, no, no one can violate the rules. Even if the palace is not in, you can\'t be careless... " Some whispered and told their men to return to the post.

"I\'ve warned you for a long time. You don\'t listen. See what happens to them! Hurry back to clean up the scene. Don\'t make a mess, or you\'ll be dismissed. It\'s all for yourself... "

"It\'s illegal for us to watch here, isn\'t it? Let\'s go, don\'t be found... "


All the onlookers felt the fear of "killing one as an example". They ran back to work one after another and did not dare to think carefully. This is not to say that the construction team or workers recruited by the development company are not good, but that in such a large construction site, there are thousands of workers, and it is inevitable that some people fish in troubled waters, and Gong Mou Gang\'s one is absolutely frightening.

The onlookers ran away, and the workers, contractors and managers who had nowhere to run were all withered.

"Brother Liu, what shall we do now?" A worker was about to cry.

It\'s very lucky to be able to work on the construction site of Huaxing and Heishi, which is a regular large enterprise. They don\'t have to worry about arrears of wages, bad environment, overwork and being squeezed. They can live and eat well. They don\'t want to lose this job.

"What else can I do?" The contractor hung his head and said, "go and apologize to the company leaders and let them let us go."

After the completion of this project, it will certainly bring huge economic benefits and popularity to Meixiang town. The company and the local government can at least achieve a "win-win situation". Just now, he said that the project would not be carried out without local support, which was just a bluff.

Ahead, Gong Mou continued to inspect the construction area under the scorching sun.

"Assistant ye, from now on, you should write down every word I say."

"Yes." Ye Zhen immediately took out his notebook and ballpoint pen and entered the shorthand state.

"At the construction site of area a, materials are placed in disorder and the marks are not clear..."

"The quality of the kilogram rope in area B is not good, let the purchasing department replace a batch, and investigate the responsibility of the original buyer..."

"Those supervisors in area C are lazy, so they should be replaced immediately..."


It was not until close to the off-duty time that Gong Mou said, "sort out what I just said, form the meeting materials, and inform the heads of all departments to have a meeting at 10:00 tomorrow morning."

Tomorrow is Saturday. However, it is not long before the construction of the construction site, and the management is also established soon. There is a huge backlog of work. All departments are in urgent need of running in. Overtime is a common thing.

Ye Xuan immediately said, "yes."

After the meeting, there were all kinds of implementation, self-examination, supervision and follow-up. Ye was busy in the following week, and had no time and spare time to worry about personal problems.

It wasn\'t until the next Saturday that she got enough sleep in and went into the office to work overtime.

Busy in the past time unknowingly, until the ear came "Dui, DUK, DUK" knock on the door, Ye Zhen raised his head: "who? Come in, please

The door "squeak" was pushed open, and Shen Sisi, Secretary General of the administrative office, appeared at the door and said kindly: "Xiaoye, it\'s nearly 12 o\'clock. I know you\'re working overtime. I\'ll bring you lunch. If you don\'t mind, let\'s eat together?"

Ye Zhen said, "ah," and got up: "it\'s so late. Thank Secretary Shen for his concern. Please have a seat."

She and Secretary Shen sat on the sofa by the door, opened the lunch box and prepared to eat.

Secretary Shen handed her the chopsticks and said kindly, "Xiao Ye, you can call me sister Shen. It\'s very kind of you to call Secretary Shen."

Ye Xun or shallow smile: "you are the elder, I respect you."

Unless it\'s a conventional address, such as "sister Chen" in the headquarters office, she never calls her elder sister with clients, colleagues and superiors in the workplace. In her opinion, it is hard to separate the public and the private when they become "brothers and sisters" in the workplace.

Then she changed the subject: "Secretary Shen, your dishes are really good today. I like them very much."

Of course, it\'s polite.

Secretary Shen\'s eyes flashed with displeasure, but she still smiles and looks around: "it\'s the duty of the administrative office to serve everyone. By the way, what about Mr. Gong? Today, I didn\'t see Mr. Gong go to the canteen for dinner. I don\'t know how he solved the lunch problem. "

"I don\'t know. I think it\'s my own solution."

"Xiaoye, you are the assistant of general manager Gong. You must know what Mr. Gong likes to eat? Mr. Gong is so busy that he can\'t pay attention to the food. The canteen is preparing to introduce a new dish. The director told me to understand the general taste of Xiagong. ""I\'m not sure about this, but I don\'t think the palace is picky."

"Although said so, but the palace chief resident site, the company has the responsibility to take good care of the palace is always not." Secretary Shen laughed as if it was business. "Does Gong prefer tea or coffee?"

"Well, I only know that Gong always drinks boiled water during office hours."

"Well, does Gong always like a light meal or a heavier one?"

"I haven\'t had dinner with Mr. Gong. I\'m really not sure."

"Well, the palace always likes to drink and can drink bars? What kind of wine do you like to drink

"I only got to know Mr. Gong the day I went to the construction site. That\'s the day I saw Mr. Gong drink some beer at lunch. I really don\'t know anything else.

"Is there anything that the palace is not used to?

"I have never been to the dormitory of general manager Gong, and I have never heard the general manager complain about the dissatisfaction of clothing, food, housing and transportation. Ah, I have heard president Gong say that the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Let the company take heat prevention measures to ensure that the construction personnel have a good rest and can not fall ill or anything..."


Secretary Shen ate slowly and kept asking Ye Zhen various questions related to Gong Mou. It sounds like he cares about Gong Mou on behalf of the company. However, Ye Zhen knows clearly that Secretary shen wants to inquire about general manager Gong\'s personal information.

Well, why can\'t these women put these considerations into their work?

Ye Zhen is quick to pick up food and occasionally peeks at Secretary Shen\'s proud chest. Does secretary Shen really want to "hide the rules"?

However, looking at the style of the general manager Gong, he should not engage in a set of hidden rules, right? And it\'s not necessary.

"Secretary Shen, when I finish eating, I\'ll go to work first. You can eat slowly. I\'ll clean up the empty lunch box in a moment." Ye Zhen quickly finished eating the box, and then went to the desk and buried himself in his work.

The baffle block of the card block Secretary Shen\'s sight. Secretary Shen can\'t talk to her. She has to stand up and say, "I\'ve finished eating too. I\'ve lost my lunch box."

After leaving the office building, she angrily threw the lunch box into the garbage can and muttered: "I can\'t look at you at all. I don\'t want to get the support of the administrative office in the future..."

After she had gone far away, a person jumped down from the big tree in front of the office building and landed on the corridor on the second floor two meters away. It was Gongmou.

He glanced at the president\'s office from the half open window. He saw Ye Zhen, who was working, and then opened slightly and left.

At dawn, he went to inspect the construction site. After having lunch with the workers on the construction site, he climbed up to the big tree to take a nap. By the way, he practiced climbing, lurking and body balance skills. He has been a soldier for five years and has developed the habit of daily training of physical fitness and skills.

Because his hearing is very sensitive, by the way, he finished listening to the conversation between Ye Zhen and Secretary Shen.

He sees many women like secretary Shen. As long as they do a good job and don\'t disturb him, he ignores them.

However, if the staff around him, like assistant ye, also play that little action or can\'t keep his mouth shut, he can\'t stay.

At present, assistant Ye is really qualified.

Walking back to the dormitory, he called director Luo: "assistant Ye is good, just her."

Director Luo on the other end of the phone secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "well, thank you, Mr. Gong, for appreciating our little leaf. Xiao Ye is still young. If there is anything not enough in our work, please give me more advice."

This week is actually Ye Zhen\'s probation period. If she fails to meet the requirements of general manager Gong, she will be replaced by general manager Gong. Fortunately, Xiaoye passed the probation period without knowing it.

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