I Will Marry You

Chapter 23

Ye Zhen immediately saw that Gongmou was surrounded by a group of workers. Gongmou didn\'t bring any assistants and directly gave the order to a site manager.

The manager took a towel to wipe his sweat, and said timidly, "Mr. Gong and Mr. Gong, you have just come to the construction site, and you may not understand the situation here. The successful construction of our construction site is inseparable from the support and care of the leaders of this town. These bricks come from the enterprises in the town, and they are also considered as strategic partners with our construction site. We can\'t say that if we go back, we can\'t go back... "

Gong Mou\'s eyes were hidden behind the sunglasses. He couldn\'t see what kind of eyes he was looking at. His voice was still soft and light: "what\'s your name?"

"My surname is Chen and my name is Chen Minliang. I\'m from the engineering department. I\'m mainly responsible for the construction of underground storage rooms..."

Gong Mou interrupted him: "Chen Minliang, I will inform you that you are dismissed. You can go to the office to handle the resignation procedures now."

"Ah, Mr. Gong and Mr. Gong, I\'m the management personnel sent by Huaxing Group. You can\'t dismiss them just by dismissing them. The purchase of these bricks is also approved by the company, and I don\'t violate the rules..."

"here I has the final say." Gong Mou ignored Chen Minliang and looked at the workers. "You can go now."

"Well, if you tell us to go, we\'ll go." "Laozi\'s brother-in-law is the mayor of Meixiang town. If you don\'t look at the monk\'s noodles, you have to look at the Buddha\'s noodles. I\'ll tell you plainly that the brick factory is built by my family. You don\'t need our bricks. You can\'t get the cooperation of our town in the future."

In his opinion, although the "Heritage Resort" is a key project in the city and the developer is also a famous large enterprise in China, the land of the villa belongs to Meixiang town. The so-called strong dragon can\'t hold down the local villain. If the developer doesn\'t give the mayor face, it\'s not easy to get local support in the future.

"You are not ashamed of the inferior quality of materials and the workers fishing in troubled waters, but proud of them?" Gong Mou\'s voice is not terrible, but his attitude has no room for maneuver. "For people like you, there will never be room for survival in my enterprise. I promise that if you have not left before work, I will throw you out one by one."

Then he turned and left.

However, several stout workers stopped in front of him: "boss, we signed a contract with the company, not if you want us to go, we leave. Are you so unreasonable that you force us to sit still and pull banners on the construction site, and then invite the media to report? "

Gong Mou said politely: "if you want to make trouble, I will let my lawyer talk to you. Now, please get out of the way."

Several workers took up thick arms, raised their chin, provocative: "not allowed?"

As soon as the words fell, they felt a flower in front of them and their shoulders ached. Gong Mou put his hand on their shoulders and gently pushed aside. They sprang out of control and made way for a path. Gong Mou\'s several darts flashed past them.

Several workers turned around and looked at Gong Mou in a daze: How did he do it? They didn\'t even have a chance to make a move, so let him break through. This man is a little too powerful, isn\'t he?

Under normal circumstances, can a rich and powerful young boss have such strength and speed?

Gong Mou ignored these people\'s eyes and walked forward.

"Hello, Gong --" the contractor suddenly grabbed a brick after a few seconds, pointed to Gong Mou\'s back and said, "let me ask you again, my brother-in-law is the mayor, do you really dare to fire us?"

He has been traveling in Meixiang town for so many years. All the construction sites in the town have his share. He has never suffered such a loss. What\'s more, the resort villa is the biggest project he has ever been in contact with. How can he be excluded?

Gong Mou did not return: "of course."

"Well, you said that the quality of our bricks is not good. I will prove to you how good our bricks are." The Contractor\'s anger starts from his heart. He waves the brick in his hand and rushes toward Gongmou, ready to give the back of Gongmou a brick.

He didn\'t really dare to kill people. He just wanted to give Gong Mou some color to see. Anyway, Gong Mou was wearing a hard hat, so he couldn\'t die.

He has been on the construction site for so many years, and he has already developed a strong muscle and a strong body. He rushed to Gongmou\'s back in a flash.

All of a sudden, everyone did not respond to it. Ye Zhen was shocked and "ah", but it was too late to stop it.

After a while, Gong Mou suddenly turned around, clenched his fist, and struck forward.

Pa -

the crowd did not see Gong Mou\'s action clearly. They felt that a shadow was faintly striking the contractor in the dazzling light and shadow, and then there was a loud sound of breaking hard objects in their ears. When they looked closely, the brick had been smashed, and the dust was splashing all over the ground.

However, Gong Mou stood in front of the contractor and calmly wiped his hands with a towel. He could not see any fluctuation on his face.

There was no blood, no swelling, no cramps in his hands. It looked normal, but everyone was sure that he had broken the brick with his bare hands. Even if he could not see clearly, the blow was absolutely easy and easy.As a result, everyone was petrified.

The Baotou worker looked at the empty hand, and his eyes fell down.

What happened? What was the real scene? It\'s not that the sun is too poisonous. Is he dizzy?

After a while, he slowly raised his head and glared at Gong Mou: "you, you..."

Gong Mou took off his sunglasses. At that moment, his eyes were like ice skates out of their scabbard, which made the Baotou worker step back two subconsciously: "do you dare to sell this brick made of flour? If I see this kind of flour brick on my construction site again, my decision is not to dismiss, but to file a lawsuit. "

"Gong, Gong Zong," Chen Minliang was the first to respond and stammered, "this kind of brick is only used to build cellars. The quality requirements are not high. You need not worry about quality problems..."

What the hell is going on? Isn\'t Gong Mou\'s fist made of iron?

He knew that although the quality of this kind of brick was not so good, it was definitely not the extent that it could be broken with a man\'s fist. Gong Mou was able to smash bricks with one punch, and 80% of them had been trained.

In other words, a young man born with a golden spoon, what iron sand palm does he practice? Do you want to give it back?

"There are many cigarette butts scattered on the ground here." Gong Mou ignored him. He squatted down and picked up a cigarette end from the ground. "Look at the antiquity of the cigarette end. Someone has been smoking here for a long time. Is the" construction site, no fireworks "posted on the construction site for fun

Chen Minliang:

Gong Mou walked away a few steps, picked up a helmet from the ground and put it on the head of a bareheaded worker: "you must wear a helmet when you enter the construction area. You don\'t even know this kind of common sense. How do you work?"

"The steel bar is exposed to the sun in the open air without covering the rain cover. This corner has become an open-air toilet. There are empty wine bottles in the grass, and two screws on the scaffold are loose..." After listing a lot of problems, Gong Mou glanced at the crowd coldly, "can such workers and managers ensure the quality of construction? The company pays to hire you, and that\'s how you treat the job? "

Everyone was speechless.

Ye Zhen was also shocked by Gong Mou\'s sharpness and courage.

The construction of holiday resort is mainly in the charge of Huaxing Group. Huaxing is definitely not an enterprise with loose management and muddling along, but the construction site is too large. This location is just in the deep and partial part of the construction site, and the construction project is not so important. Ordinary people will not come here at all, which makes it a blind area for management.

Unexpectedly, Gong Mou not only inspected here, but also noticed all kinds of problems. He pointed out on the spot and solved them on the spot. There was no trace of softness and procrastination. This style of work made Ye Zhen ashamed and convinced.

After returning to the office area, she must report this situation to Huaxing headquarters. The same problem can never happen again.

Gong Mou put on Sunglasses: "in the future, don\'t let me see these problems in the construction area."

He turned away again. This time, no one dares to stop.

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