I Will Marry You

Chapter 25

After leaving the construction site, Ye Zhen had no time and spare power to think of Wenrun except when he had nightmares at night.

She thought that she could continue to be so busy that her heart wound was cured by time. However, after more than a week, the office called her and told her, "where are you, assistant ye?"? If someone comes to see you, can you come to the office? "

It\'s already the afternoon off work time, here is the construction site, how can someone come to her?

Ye Xuan was a little strange: "did the other party say it was someone?"

"It\'s your family. You must see you."

Ye Zhen immediately thought of Ye Zili, and his heart was a sink: "I\'m in the construction area now, I\'ll go back right away, please don\'t let him walk around."

Outsiders are not allowed to enter the construction area. Who knows if ye Zili, the fool, would break into the construction area by relying on her brother.

From ye Zili\'s point of view, she has lived a smooth life since childhood, and has a bright future in the company. Especially here is the construction site. She is a person sent by the head office. Ye Zili may think that he can display his style here with her potential. She has to go back to take care of him.

She hurried back to the office area. As soon as she got close to the administrative office, she heard laughter coming from inside. A group of people chatted happily. She immediately thought that ye Zili would not talk about her affairs with the people in the office?

She walked into the office with a calm face: "who is looking for me?"

"Oh, it\'s me." The man, who was surrounded by several female staff members, turned to her and said, "I\'ve come to see you."

Ye Xun\'s face changed greatly, warm and moist?

Wenrun even found here?

She shivered, turned and ran. Run to the construction area.

"You wait, let\'s have a good talk -" Wenrun is also prepared today. It doesn\'t have a suit of suits and leather shoes, but a suit of casual clothes. He runs very fast.

"Oh, you don\'t want to hide from me. I won\'t leave without saying clearly today..."

"I\'ll take the next three days off, with plenty of time..."

The construction area is only more than 100 meters away from the office building. Ye Zhen hears the footsteps behind him getting closer and closer. He is flustered and rushes into the gate of the construction area. He has no time to see the road clearly.

"Dudu -" the horn of the car sounded.

She looked up and saw an off-road vehicle coming in front of her. She was about to run into her. She turned around quickly and wanted to dodge.

"Ah --"

the road is very hard and bumpy. As a result, she twisted her foot and fell to the ground. Her ankle hurt so much that she hardly cried.

The SUV stopped by her side. The window of the cab pulled down. Gong Mou\'s face with sunglasses appeared behind the window: "assistant ye, are you ok?"

Ye Zhen wanted to say "nothing", but her ankle hurt so much that she couldn\'t even get up.

"I seem to have sprained my ankle..." With her teeth canthusked, she grabbed a pile of wood on one side and tried to get up, but as soon as she pulled her right leg, the pain from her ankle spread all over her body.

She fixed her eyes and found that her ankle was swollen a lot.

More than ten meters behind her, the guard is blocking Wen Run: "Hello, this is the construction site, please show your employee card, if you don\'t have the employee card, please go to the administrative office to issue the pass, or let the company staff bring you in."

"I\'m here to visit my girlfriend. My girlfriend\'s name is Ye Zhen. She\'s in front of me. I just need to say a few words to her, not to enter the construction area..."

"According to the company\'s regulations, no one is allowed to enter without access certificate or under the leadership of employees."

"Well, I\'ll wait here until she comes out." Wenrun this time is also stubborn, pestle in the door does not go, the eyes continue to aim at the door.

Ye Juan didn\'t want to be seen by Wenrun, so he dragged his right leg and moved to the side of the wood pile, trying to block Wenrun\'s sight with the wood pile.

Gong Mou wanted to leave, but he opened the door and walked down when he saw Ye Xun in pain.

"Assistant ye, I\'ll take you to the health care room."

"No Ye Zhen shook his head. "I\'d rather stay here for a night than meet that man."

At this moment, she hated Wenrun a little. He ran to the construction site to find her, didn\'t he embarrass her?

When she saw it, she felt bad; if she didn\'t see her, she wouldn\'t leave, wouldn\'t she make a lot of noise then?

Gong Mou glanced at Wen Run: "otherwise you get on the bus first, and I\'ll take you to the clinic in town?"

Ye Xuan still shook his head: "No. I\'ll come back after I go to the clinic in town, and I\'ll still be caught by him. "

Gong Mou laughed: "are you so afraid of that man?"

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment: "I\'m not afraid of him, but I don\'t want to see him. I have reasons not to see him. I\'m sorry, Mr. Gong. You can go and leave me alone. "

Gong Mou picked his eyebrows: "I\'m going back to the city now. Do you want to take my car back? If you sprained your foot, you should rest for two or three days even if it\'s not serious. It\'s better to go back to the city to recuperate. "Ye Xuan thought for a moment: "then you Lao Gong always sent me back directly."

Today is Friday. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there is no work to finish overtime. She can go back to the city to hide for two days.

Gong Mou leaned over slightly, put one hand around her armpit, and gently held her half up. He went to the side of the SUV, opened the door to put her in, and then he went in.

Ye Xuan was surprised: "Mr. Gong, you are..."

"I\'ll ice your wound first." Gong Mou presses a button on the wall of the car to reveal the small refrigerator embedded in it.

There is ice in the refrigerator. Gong Mou finds out a towel, covers the ice in the refrigerator, and presses it on Ye Xun\'s ankle: "press it yourself. When the ice melts, it will be replaced. When I get to the city, I will send you to the hospital for further treatment. If you are quick, you can walk on the ground on Monday."

Ye Xie was grateful: "thank you, Mr. Gong."

Gong Mou smiles, gets out of the car, returns to the driver\'s seat, and drives to the exit.

When the SUV passed by Wenrun, Ye Fan pulled down the window slightly and said to Wenrun: "Wenrun, I\'m back in the city, you can go back."

In this way, we should be able to spread the warm and moist.

"Oh, you wait --" Wen Run made a thrill and rushed to grab the door handle.

However, as soon as his hand touched the door handle, the off-road vehicle, which had been slowly driving out of the construction area, suddenly accelerated and ran out several meters away like lightning, leaving him behind.

Wenrun can\'t catch up with two legs. He quickly ran into his car and drove to catch up.

The mountains in this area are gentle, so it is not difficult to drive, but the mountain road is still under construction. The road surface is uneven and winding, and there are a lot of building materials on the side of the road. In contrast, the gentle Toyota is not as good as the Land Rover of Gongmou.

Moreover, even ye Xuan can see that Gong Mou\'s driving skill is just a traffic jam. This Land Rover not only drives fast, but also accurately avoids the obvious pits and stacked building materials along the way, without making Ye Zhen feel very bumpy.

Looking back in a complex mood, Ye Zhen sees the familiar white Toyota slowly driving on the mountain road, which is getting farther and farther away by Land Rover.

She could also see that the white Toyota was covered with a thick layer of dust, and it was turning into a gray Toyota. Wenrun must have spent a lot of effort to find this site without even marking the navigation. It\'s really hard for him.

She took back her eyes, put her head on the back of the car, closed her eyes, and swallowed all the bitterness.

If she didn\'t find out that Wenrun betrayed her, every weekend, Wenrun would drive to pick her up from work as before, and then they would go to dinner, go for a ride, go to the movies and see the night scene. What kind of romance and joy is that?

That romance and joy will never come back.

After losing her beloved father, she lost her beloved lover. The difference is that the former is dead, but the latter is still alive.

The pleasant bell suddenly rings, forcing Ye Xuan to open his eyes and take out the mobile phone in the bag.

Strange number?

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