I Will Marry You

Chapter 14

He sat up, covered his abdomen, bent down and threw up at the ground.

When the sour water came out, he stopped powerless and fell back. His face was as white as a corpse.

And David didn\'t know where to run.

"Why, it stinks. What\'s the smell?" Yun Fangze came into the bedroom with a bath towel, frowned and fanned his nose.

"Ah, you vomit? What\'s the matter? Are you feeling sick? " She did not go in and leaned against the door.

Lovi glared at her with anger in his eyes: "you, why didn\'t you let me go last night?"

"Are you angry about this?" Yun Fangze was surprised, "didn\'t you have a good time last night?"

"I, I was out of my mind to do that!" Lovey was furious. "You and I have known each other for many years. Don\'t you know who I am? How could I accept that! If you treat me as a friend or have a little affection for me, you should not detain me and tempt me! "

At this moment, he hated Yun Fangze, who made him suffer such humiliation.

I hate to know what kind of woman she is, and still be fascinated by her.

"How angry are you when you look like you lost your life?" Yun Fangze disagrees, "we all get the ultimate enjoyment, and no one is responsible. As a man, what can you think of?"

"I just can\'t accept it. There\'s no etiquette and shame..."

"What do you want?" Yun Fangze spread out his hands, "do you want compensation, or do you want to accuse me of using strong? Last night, you didn\'t come into the bathroom, but you didn\'t come to see me. Besides, just like you did last night, I let you go. Can you go? "

Lovey:.... "

It\'s really him who is mean.

At the party on the night of his return home, he promised to help Yun Fangze by kissing Gong Mou with the wine order and taking the opportunity to feed the laxative in his wine to Gongmou. In return, yunfangze will give him her room card in the cloud Hotel, so that he can find her at any time. Last night, he came back from a business trip and quietly stayed in yunfangze\'s room to spend a good night with her. This was the disgusting experience.

"Well, don\'t be depressed any more." Yun Fangze yawned, "you go to take a bath or sleep in another room. I\'ll send someone to clean the room."

Lovi fixed looking at her for a while, "ah," and hit his head against the wall.

The wall is pasted with thick sound-absorbing sponge, which is because Yun Fangze often brings men back for the night, and specially decorates it to avoid the sound coming out.

Lovie couldn\'t break his head no matter how he hit it.

Yun Fangze looked at his appearance, shook his head and went out.

Lowe is like this, looks, talent, birth are all good, but the personality is not man, is her sleep on the type of little interest. However, she swore in public that no matter how she played before marriage, she would be loyal to her husband after marriage. Therefore, she could not keep her virginity for him, either physically or spiritually.

So far, only Gong Mou can make her want to marry.

Half an hour later, Lowe, dressed like a thief, rushed out of room 3818 and ran to the front of the elevator and pressed the button.

He doesn\'t want to come to this place in his life!

The elevator opened quickly. He rushed into the elevator, ran downstairs, got into his BMW and left.

While driving, lovi always thought that Yun Fangze was not the woman he should love. Even though it hurt him to give up her, he would never be so infatuated with her in the future.

As for what happened last night, he would quickly forget it as if nothing had happened.

However, he took things too simply.

An hour later, he went back to his apartment, and just sat down, his cell phone rang with a prompt - there was a new email.

He didn\'t have much spirit to open the email, it was actually a 2G long video.

The sender\'s email is strange. Is it a prank?

He opened the video casually. First, he heard the music of Carmen, then the sound of love. Then he saw the content of the video. In an instant, he almost fainted.

On the video, it was last night Some of them are in the bathroom and some in the bedroom.

It can be seen that this is a video secretly shot with a micro camera. Although the image quality is not up to the standard definition or high definition level, such a short distance and more than half an hour\'s time are enough for him to see the three people on the screen The faces of him, Yun Fangze and David, as well as a variety of ugly scenes that are comparable to island love action movies.

The mobile phone fell to the ground, and he looked back, pale and staring at the ceiling.

Someone recorded last night?

Who is it?

What do you want?

Blackmail or threat?The sound of a new email on the mobile phone is ominous.

It was a long time before he opened the new email. There was only one sentence on it: This is a love souvenir for you. Please keep it so that it can be remembered in the future.

After staring at the letter for a long time, lovi stood up and smashed his mobile phone on the ground, roaring: "who did the good thing in the end? Don\'t let me find out, or I will kill him and feed the dog! "

The mobile phone suddenly issued a pleasant ringing tone, which was not affected by his anger.

He stares at this mobile phone: this mobile phone relies on the quality to be good, how to fall can\'t break, so want to laugh at him like this?

He depressed to pick up the mobile phone, caller ID is actually his foreign boss, he dare not not answer. But as soon as he pressed the answer button, before he could open his mouth, the boss\'s mouthful of American Mandarin began to ring: "lovi, I\'m Steve. Please go to Shangdu space-time to see the most popular post immediately, and then tell me how to explain this matter."

Lovey said, "what does that post have to do with me?"

"Go up and see." Steve\'s tone was rather unpleasant, and he hung up.

Lowe had to log in to Shangdu time and space network, the city\'s largest and most famous public forum, to see what\'s going on there.

"Super exciting, better than the island, Shangdu Hilton\'s unspeakable video, late will not," he just glanced, an enlarged bold, super eye-catching title on his eyes.

Another glance, the title is marked with a flame shaped word "fire", with more than 10000 followers.

"Shangdu Hilton" is one of the nicknames given to Yun Fangze by Shangdu netizens, isn\'t it

His heart sank, quickly opened the title, a video hanging on the forum, just looking at the initial picture, he was scared to faint.

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