I Will Marry You

Chapter 13

The man said in nonstandard Chinese: "38th floor."

Yun Fangze said: "I am also on the 38th floor. May I ask, are you staying in this hotel? "

The man said, "yes. It\'s a great hotel. "

Yun Fangze smiles: "I\'m Carmen, this hotel is my home. Welcome to stay in yunshang hotel. If there is anything else we can do better in this hotel, you are welcome to tell me. I will be very grateful."

"Oh," the man shrugged. "The cloud hotel is wonderful. The room is comfortable, the food is delicious and the service is very good. The best thing is that the owner of the hotel is so beautiful that I can\'t bear to leave."

Look, there\'s a play.

Yun Fangze gave him a charming smile: "I feel honored to receive such guests as you in our hotel, and sincerely hope you can stay in our hotel for more time."

"If I stay for a long time, can miss Carmen be my guide?"

"Of course."

At this point, the elevator stopped and the door slowly opened.

The man gracefully made a "please" gesture.

"Thank you." Cloud Fangze tiny jaw head, twist water snake waist, curling Tingting out.

A woman with hot body twists her waist slightly and walks with small steps, which is the life of a man. She usually does not walk like this unless she meets the man she wants.

She immediately felt the hot look behind her.

"Oh, I almost forgot the most important question," she patted her forehead. "What do you call it?"

"My name is David. I live in room 3809."

"I live in room 3818. If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to come to me. "

"Well, thank you for your enthusiasm."

When they came to room 3809, David stopped and said, "Miss Carmen, see you next time?"

Yun Fangze looks back and smiles: "see you next time."

After that, she swayed 36d, 28, 38, and walked to the end of the corridor.

Cloud Hotel is an international standard six-star hotel. The top floor is full of president suites. It seems that David is either rich or expensive. Of course, she Yun Fangze is not short of money, and has never been rare to men\'s money potential. However, a man with status and cultivation will never be bored by her.

Walking to room 3818, Yun Fangze presses his index finger on the fingerprint detector, which flashes green light, and the door slowly opens.

After entering the door, she did not rush into the room. She stood behind the door and silently counted: one, two, three, four... "

When she counted to eight, the doorbell rang.

A proud smile came to her lips, and it took seven or eight seconds to open the door.

David stood outside the door with a card in his hand: "Miss Carmen, this room card has fallen in front of my room. I think it may be your property."

Yun Fangze took a look and was pleased: "this is really my room card. I didn\'t notice that my room card was missing because I could open the door through my fingerprint. Thank you very much. "

Of course, she left the card in front of his room on purpose.

"You\'re welcome." David said politely, "if you can see how I found my room card, it would be great to have dinner with me tomorrow."

Yun Fangze laughed: "there is a saying in our country, it is better to choose a day than to collide with the sun. I haven\'t had dinner yet. I\'ll treat you now. How about having dinner in my room?"

David grinned: "I can\'t get it."

David came in and the door closed.

The two experienced drivers knew exactly what was going to happen next, so it was all right.

Candlelight dinner, whispering, the atmosphere is not romantic.

Then we shared a bath, mandarin ducks playing in the water, how delicious.

At the same time, in Yun Fangze\'s bedroom, lovi slowly opened his eyes and felt that his body was very hot.

The bedroom is dark, and the window is a bright night view.

It\'s so late. Hasn\'t Fangze come back yet?

He sat up, undressed, and went out barefoot for a cold bath.

As soon as he walked out of the bedroom, he heard the familiar and passionate Carmen coming from the bathroom. It was Fangze\'s favorite music, and Carmen was also her favorite female type. Therefore, she gave herself such an English name.

In other words, Fangze is back?

In his heart, he walked quickly through the living room and turned the corner. At a glance, he saw the dim light coming from the translucent glass wall of the bathroom, and heard the sound of "Hua Hua Hua" in the music.

Think of Fangze standing under the shower picture, his whole body temperature suddenly soared dozens of degrees.

Then he crept out of the bathroom to control his mouthA man and a woman who were making love in the bathroom were stunned and turned to look at him in surprise.

Lowe was completely lost.

Then anger and shame sprang up, and his face turned pigmented and embarrassed for a moment.

Of course, he knew what kind of woman Yun Fangze was, and he never expected her to care about virginity before marriage. However, when he saw this scene with his own eyes, he was still hit and hurt greatly.

So he turned around and left. He only hated why he would come in quietly tonight and wanted to surprise Yun Fangze? As a result, I was shocked and humiliated.

"Wei -" his hand was suddenly caught, and Yun Fangze\'s ambiguous voice came into his ear. "Your body has become like this. I can\'t help you when you die. Come on, let me, a professional doctor, treat you."

"Go away!" Luo Wei, who was well-educated, couldn\'t accept this kind of thing. He wanted to get rid of Yun Fangze\'s hand.

However, Yun Fangze quickly grabbed him and kissed his lips. He couldn\'t help but cry out and couldn\'t move his feet.

What happened next made Lowe\'s mind unable to recognize and accept, but his body loved this feeling which was more exciting and incisive than 100m bungee jumping, roller coaster jumping and skydiving.

In the end, he completely lost his reason, and was immersed in unprecedented enthusiasm and satisfaction.

I don\'t know how long after, the ear came to the subtle, clothing sound, he opened his eyes vaguely: "Fangze, you get up?"

It was a tall man of mixed blood.

The man has put on a stiff suit. When he wakes up, he politely says hello to him: "Hi, VI, I had a great time with you and Carmen last night. You are a very sexy man. I hope I can play with you and Carmen next time."

Lovi looked at him, his brain "boom" a sound, the whole person is going crazy.

He remembered.

Last night, the three of them even, unexpectedly, together

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