I Will Marry You

Chapter 15

After shaking his hands to open the video, "Dong" fell on the chair, unable to move for a long time.

That video was indeed the indecent video he had just received. It had the same picture and the same quality. Probably because of the large number of viewers, he felt that the video was more shameful and disgusting than the one he had received

The other party actually sent this video to the Internet?

What kind of hatred does the other party have with him?

What\'s more terrible is that the bottom of the video can\'t see the end of the message, countless people are shouting: "download quickly, late will not be!"

"Ha ha ha, brother has already downloaded and saved. I want to send a private message to you."

"I sent it to my circle of friends. For the first time in my life, I got so much praise and forwarding. It\'s so cool!"

"Wow, is this goddess Yun Fangze? What kind of teacher Cang is weak? Those two handsome men are too beautiful. They are actually love action idol dramas... "

"Thank you for uploading the video. I wish you all a safe life..."


Watching the video release time, has passed nearly an hour, how many people download and reprint? He couldn\'t even think about it.

But he knows exactly what he should do.

He quickly called a lawyer friend: "king, do me a big favor. You should find a way to contact the top management of Shangdu space-time network or find a public relations company. You must delete the most popular video on the forum completely. How much money you spend is on my account. I just want to delete it immediately. In addition, you quickly in the name of a lawyer to the network police complaints about that video yellow, investigate the responsibility of the publisher and the repeater. "

After hesitating for a while, he bit his teeth: "after finishing these things, I hope you can accompany me to report the case, and help me to pay attention to which accounts have this video on the Internet, and I will sue them."

He knew that even if the video was completely deleted from the Internet, there would be a large number of netizens hiding and forwarding it in private. His scandal is firm and certain. I\'m afraid it will not be wiped out in three or five years, not to mention ten or eight years. But he must take a tough attitude to fight back from the beginning. No one can make fun of him, threaten him or attack him with this video.

Although this is against the Chinese tradition of "family ugliness should not be publicized", he has lived abroad for many years and is much more tolerant of this kind of thing than domestic netizens. He will never be made to cry by this video.

"I see. I\'ll do it now." After hearing what happened, king said this and went to "tackle key problems".

Lovi then sat in his room, didn\'t eat breakfast, didn\'t come out of the door, didn\'t answer any other phone calls, drank a little water and waited for King\'s reply.

More than half an hour later, king called: "Shangdu spatiotemporal website doesn\'t need my help at all. The cloud family calls in and immediately deletes the video, tracks down the upload address of the video, and warns all netizens not to download and reprint this video, so as to avoid being sued. Now, those big V, micro signal, forum that spread video are stepping up to delete video. It is said that the cloud family has used its own lawyers to send lawyer letters to websites and netizens with videos. "

Lovey:.... "

The response of the cloud family can be described as a thunderbolt, and the spirit can run for thousands of miles. Think about it. Cloud international is a big customer of Shangdu multimedia. Who dares to offend the cloud family?

"I don\'t think I\'m going to have anything to do with me," king said

"No, you\'re going to accompany me to the police. Where are you now? I\'ll pick you up

"Alarm? No need? With cloud home, this video will never be released again. "

"The cloud family has the cloud family\'s attitude, I have my attitude, I can\'t let the bastard who secretly takes video be so arrogant."

"But the video has been widely spread, even if the case is reported, I\'m afraid we can\'t find the source."

"It\'s one thing if you can\'t find it, it\'s another to show my attitude." Lowerton said for a moment, "it\'s because of the wide spread that I need to make the communicator understand that I\'m not that weak."

"I admire your attitude, but why should I accompany you? Wouldn\'t it be better for you to go with your family? "

Luo family is also a famous family. If Luo family comes forward, the police will definitely pay more attention to it.

Lowe stammered: "I\'m sorry to see my family and other friends. You\'re a lawyer and a good friend of mine. I\'m afraid I\'ll laugh at you."

King\'s tone was sympathetic: "OK..."

Tiangong building at this time. In the chairman\'s office on the top floor, Gong Mou\'s mother frowned and closed the video, saying to the Secretary, "help me cancel the dinner for tomorrow night immediately. Don\'t arrange for me to meet with the cloud family in the near future."

I saw this kind of video in the morning, which really polluted her eyes and her mood.

She can\'t control Yun Fangze. She can only say that if you walk too much at night, you will meet a ghost. If you play more, you will be seen sooner or later.

Over the years, Yun Fangze has been planning to marry her son while opening the harem. Of course, she is extremely dissatisfied with Yun Fangze\'s private life. On the one hand, she appreciates Yun Fangze\'s talent and attitude towards life. On the other hand, she also knows that the marriage between the Gong family and the Yun family is good for both parties. In addition, Yun Fangze has vowed to be loyal to her husband and marriage after marriage His son\'s behavior is not supported or opposed, and he wants to wait and see before deciding.But now, after the video came out, Yun Fangze\'s "cover up" has been completely torn off. The palace family can\'t accept Yun Fangze any more. She doesn\'t want to see the cloud family again in the short term, so as not to entangle with her about the marriage between Yun Fangze and her son.

The Secretary quickly called Yun Fangze\'s mother and found a suitable reason to cancel the dinner party tomorrow night.

Mica felt guilty about the video and didn\'t dare to say anything more. After receiving the call, she called Yun Fangze and said, "how do you do things? How you play with a man is your private matter, but you let people secretly shoot and leak such videos, which disgraces the cloud family and the cloud group. I dare not see anyone now... "

Yunfangze interrupted her lazily: "Paris. Hilton\'s video has been spread all over the world, and you haven\'t seen anything wrong with the Hilton family and the Hilton company. What are you panicking about? "

After mica choked for a while, angry way: "do you think after this kind of video spreads, the palace family still wants you?"

After Yun Fangze was silent for a moment, "I will deal with the affairs I plan with the palace, so you don\'t have to worry about it."

"I don\'t worry! I\'ve never worried about it! " Mica said angrily, "as long as you don\'t implicate the cloud family, I don\'t care what you do. But this time, because of your scandal, the share price of cloud has fallen by 5%. What do you think of this account? The old lady of the palace family also cancelled the dinner with me, and even I didn\'t answer my phone. It seems that the family can\'t help you with the matter you planned with Gong. If you still refuse to give up the palace plan, at least don\'t irritate the palace family. It\'s not good for us to fall out with the palace family. "

If the Gong family and the Yun family get married and join forces, it is estimated that both of them can become the strongest family enterprises in country C. whether the two families can achieve this goal depends on whether the heirs of the two families can combine.

"I see. I\'ll take care of myself." Yun Fangze hung up her mother\'s phone call and asked the personal assistant, "how\'s the check?"

"That David checked out at five in the morning and had been on the plane to Argentina an hour ago."

Yun Fangze sighed and put down his mobile phone. After pouring a glass of wine for himself, he went to the window and looked at the prosperous Shangdu. He said: "Gongmou, you\'re really cruel. This time, you\'ve done a lot of harm to this palace."

Obviously, that David is the "beautiful man spy" that Gong Mou found. He brought the micro video recorder into her residence, and he secretly took the indecent video. After the incident, he ran away immediately. As for lovi, it is obvious that she was drugged and foolishly sneaked into her room to have a tryst with her. As a result, she also became a victim. To be exact, it was Gong Mou who was taking revenge on him.

"A tooth for a tooth" is one of Gong Mou\'s best techniques.

Only Gong Mou dared to do such a thing to her.

"It is worthy of being the imperial palace of our palace." She smiles slightly, the potential in must get expression, "authentic husband."

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