I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

290-Free tomorrow

After the magic practice is over and we receive some grateful words from Mother Erna and Father Nord, we return to the mansion and take a bath.

Then we eat a delicious seafood meal for dinner and then it\'s time for each of us to have our own free time.

Although I\'ve only been here for three days, it feels like my own mansion now.

In the large room where the family is gathered, Mother Erna and Father Nord are drinking tea at the table, Brother Silvio is looking out the window at the sea at night, and Sister Elinora and I are laying on the sofa.

It\'s no longer much different from my own mansion, this relaxing atmosphere.

On the first or second day, I was still a little confused and nervous about the unfamiliar mansion, but on the third day, it\'s like this.

I realized that human beings are creatures that get used to each other.

Ah, I can\'t stand this state of mind and body satisfaction after this bath and meal.

When I lie down on my knees, I feel the exhaustion drain out of my body, which was exhausted from all the hard training.

When I move my arms and legs around a bit, the hard couch makes a creaking sound.

The couch is only a little less cushy, and as I get used to it, I\'m starting to think this isn\'t so bad. The resilience of the couch, which seems to take your weight and push it back, gives you a kind of floating feeling.

When I tap the sofa with my arm as if enjoying the sensation, I hear a binging sound that bounces back and forth.

I feel like I\'m on a balance ball from a previous life.

\'Al, shut up.\'

As I\'m enjoying myself and tapping it over and over again, sister Elinora, who is lying face down on the sofa on the other side, says a few words.

With that, my arms stop snapping too.

Well, I understood that this would be noisy, so I don\'t have a problem with it. Still, I did it because I was having fun.

Anyway, Elinora sister doesn\'t seem to be in good spirits today.

It\'s a good thing that you\'re able to have a good time with them.

I\'m sure the usual Elinora sister would be moving her arms and legs, fiddling with her hair, and talking to you, but today, as soon as she enters the big room, she\'s in the same position.

When I think back, I feel like I was silent on the way home and at meals.

I was curious, so I asked him.

"Erinora, your sister is very quiet today, what\'s going on?

I\'m just tired, that\'s all.

Sister Elinora is tired!

My brother Silvio and I are shocked by the unexpected words that leaked out of sister Elinora\'s mouth.

Surprised, I involuntarily got up from the couch I was lying on and went to stand beside Sister Elinora.

Brother Silvio, who had been looking out at the sea at night, also came over to say that he was in no mood for that.

Then I put my hand on the forehead of Elinora, who was lying on her face, and

I\'m fine, you don\'t have a fever.

Why is that in this conversation?

When I check the heat on my forehead, Elinora\'s sister brushes her hand away, a bit annoyed.

It\'s a good thing that you\'re able to do that, because from the point of view of Elinora, "I\'m tired" is one of the softest words you can use. It\'s just that I used my head too much in my studies.

The troubled Silvio-san and I looked at each other.

No, it\'s just that I don\'t like to hear you say it like that.

It makes you feel like you\'re coming down with something, doesn\'t it?

What do you guys think I am?

Me and brother Silvio immediately take two steps away from her as sister Elinora shows her fists and threatens her.

However, Elinora sister didn\'t particularly get up and attack me, but just plopped down on the sofa.

\'\'..........My body is tired because I used a lot of magic power today.\'\'

"Oh, I see,

We scream in agreement as sister Elinora wears the reason why she\'s tired.

\'Sis, you\'ve been practicing fireball all day.

\'Yes. That\'s when Mom and Al get the hang of it, because they\'ll make you do it all the time, saying repetition and all that.

\'It\'s good. It\'s how I got my fireball to work properly.

When Sister Elinora complains, Mother Erna, who was sitting at the table drinking tea, interrupts her.

Whatever, it\'s a little scary that she\'s keeping a firm grasp on our conversation while chatting with Nord Dad.

\'\'Well, yes, I do,\'\'

Elinora sister\'s expression softens a bit, perhaps glad that Mother Erna told her that she can now use the fireball.

It\'s a choroi, even though she was battered a while ago.

Be that as it may, is the current Elinora sister tired of her magic power being significantly reduced........

As someone who repeatedly runs out of magic power every day in an attempt to strengthen it, I\'m well aware of that languor. I\'m not bothered by it because it\'s like everyday life for me now, but if you\'re not used to it, Elinora-sister must feel quite dull.

It\'s rare that Elinora\'s sister is in a state of weakness.

I send eye contact to Brother Silvio and waggle my hand.

That\'s enough to make Brother Silvio understand, he opens his eyes and smiles bitterly in surprise.

He is puzzled, but he doesn\'t deny it. I can do it.

Brother Silvio, "Are you going to do it? When I sent eye contact with him, Brother Silvio also nodded, holding his hands up in readiness.


Taking my voice as a cue, me and my brother Silvio put our hands under our respective sides to the side.

\'\'Wait! What are you-- kyah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Sister Elinora raises her voice, but she doesn\'t mind, and invokes the choo-choo technique she was trained to use in her previous life combined.

Elinora lets out a distinctly high-pitched laugh.

Okay, it\'s working. The tickle is effective on Elinora\'s sister. Keep attacking her like this.

My brother Silvio and I mindlessly continue to tickle her.

I\'m here to avenge the grudge that you beat me to a pulp in sword practice.

I hope he continues to tickle me and make it difficult for me to breathe.

\'\'Kyahahahahaha! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, you\'ll remember it later-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Sister Elinora was about to let loose a few boisterous words, so I made her cut off the words by making her laugh.

Words don\'t count as having been said if you don\'t say them all the way through.

To be honest, both me and brother Silvio are afraid of what\'s to come, but there\'s no going back.

The only thing I can think about now is clearing my resentment in this place.

If it\'s now that my magic power has decreased and I\'m tired, Elinora sister shouldn\'t be able to put up a decent resistance.

\'\'Kyahahahaha! No, no, no, no!

Oh, my God.

I don\'t know if it was a coincidence or if she did it on purpose, but Sister Elinora\'s arm, which she rolled out laughing, hit Brother Silvio in the cheek. Brother Silvio falls down in a heap.

\'\'A little too violent for all three of you,\'\'

Mom Erna says something from the table, but it doesn\'t matter.

Right now, we have to cover for ourselves due to the reduced attack factor first.

I\'ll have to cover for Brother Silvio and continue tickling him.

Thinking that, I tried to put my hand into the side that Brother Silvio was in charge of, but was stubbornly blocked.

I didn\'t expect this vise like grip........

\'\'Hmph, how dare you do it...\'\'

Bah, nonsense! Sister Elinora must be tired from the loss of her magic...

I\'m tired, but not so tired that I can\'t move at all.

That means he still has a little bit of magic left in him! If you\'ve trained in magic, you\'ll have to use up all your magic!

Now, are you ready for this?

Hi, hi, hi, hi!

"Okay, okay, that\'s enough fun. Everyone sit down over here to talk.

I was screaming as he grabbed my wrist, and as I was screaming, Dad Nord clapped his hand and said, "I\'m not going to let you go.

I felt like I had seen a god at that moment.

No, I met a real god when I was reincarnating, but the timing was so nice that I could think that from my current state.

Brother Silvio, who looked like he was in pain after his arm was bumped, hurriedly took a seat.

Sister Elinora tightened my wrist for a moment before moving to her seat.

Ta, thank God.

\'Come on, Al, you should come too.

As I let out a breath of relief, Mother Erna called out to me and I sat down.

Well, you can pretty much imagine the timing of the talk.

It was the same with Kagura.

When everyone is seated properly, Father Nord opens his mouth.

Well, it\'s the third day since we arrived at Silford territory. That\'s almost over, and tomorrow will be the fourth day.

We nodded persistently at the words that seemed to confirm to all of us.

\'\'We originally planned to stay in Silford territory for three to five days. We can\'t move any more than that because we have to prepare for the harvest festival.

Hmmm, considering the calendar, it\'s the middle of August now. After four days in a horse-drawn carriage back to the village of Koliat, it\'s almost the end of August.

Well, the harvest festival will start in less than two months.

The first time I met Thor last year, it feels like just a few days ago. We\'ve been together for almost ten years now.

It\'s hard to understand the sense of time.

While I\'m mulling over the passage of time in my mind, my father speaks up and says in surprise, "That\'s why we\'re going to have some free time tomorrow.

So I\'m going to take some free time tomorrow and go home in the morning after tomorrow.

Father! I have a question for you!

Hey, what\'s going on, Al?

I raise my hand and ask, and Nord\'s father urges me, surprised.

\'Free time means there\'s no practice and we can spend the day as we please, right?

\'Oh, yes. You\'re tired after two days, and the day after tomorrow you\'ll be on a carriage trip, so you can spend your time as you please and nourish your spirits.

Yes! No rehearsals tomorrow, perfect free time!

Finally, you\'re free from the practice of hell.

What is this sense of freedom? Because we have been practicing all day long for the last two days in a row, we can feel a free time very glad.

If it is an analogy, it is so. It is like a consecutive holiday falling at an unintended time. It is such a gladness.

Oh, you are not practicing tomorrow?

As I\'m happy about tomorrow\'s freedom, sister Elinora, sitting next to me, says something stupid.

\'I won\'t. But if they want to do it, they can practice on their own without hindrance to the day after tomorrow.

Because, Al! Silvio!

No way. I\'m not stupid-- ouch!

He was smacked on the head as he bashed away the words of Sister Elinora\'s smile.

What was Sister Elinora\'s fist really made of? It\'s so hard that it seems as if the earthen bullets were compressed by magic power.

\'\'Awful! Why are you hitting me?!

It\'s just the way you talk about it.

Because Sister Elinora really did say something stupid, so I don\'t blame her.

What\'s wrong with calling an idiot an idiot!

\'\'So, what about Silvio?\'\'

Ha-ha, I\'ll be on a boat with my mom and dad tomorrow.

By the way, brother Silvio said at dinner on the first day that he wanted to go on the boat again.

Aren\'t you going to get drunk again anyway?

Hey, I won\'t get drunk this time!

Elinora\'s sister teases me, and Silvio-san talks back.

But considering the tone of voice and the way he was drunk the day before yesterday, it\'s quite suspicious.

It\'s been a long time since I\'ve been on a boat, so I\'m looking forward to it.


Mother Erna says so amicably, but I suspect that the main purpose of the trip is to eat the freshly caught croaker.

\'What are you going to do tomorrow, Al? If you\'re not busy, would you like to go back to the ship?

\'Hmmm, tomorrow I\'m going to take it easy at the mansion or take a random walk.

Father Nord\'s suggestion isn\'t a bad one, but I got on the ship the day before yesterday.

Besides, I\'m physically tired from the last two days of rehearsals, and I want to go at the pace I like.

I\'m the type of person who takes a day off and then decides what to do, depending on how I feel that day.

Well, I understand. So, you are free tomorrow, so do what you want to do.


Father Nord concludes with that and replies.

Then the seriousness of the conversation is over, so each of us gets up from our seats or sits down and goes about our business as we please.

I was naturally wary of any retaliation from Elinora\'s sister, but she didn\'t seem to be attacking me.

I give her a fearful look, but Elinora sis seems to be just sitting there, talking with Elna mom and Nord dad.

Huh? Strange? If it was the usual Elinora sister, she would have come to get back at me the moment we finished talking....

Maybe it\'s because we talked about tomorrow that you\'ve forgotten? Or was he just forgiven for gripping his wrist so hard before he took his seat?

What\'s the matter with you staring at me now?

Maybe it\'s because I was staring. Elinora\'s sister reacts.

For a moment, our bodies freak out, but Elinora doesn\'t get up from her chair.

It\'s an attitude as if what happened just now is over.

It\'s a little uncomfortable, but there\'s no need to go to the trouble of stepping on a land mine, so let\'s not mention it.

It\'s nothing. I\'m tired today, I\'m going to go to the bedroom.

Yeah, good night.

As I stated that, I headed for the exit and everyone, led by sister Elinora, threw a goodnight to me.

\'Yes, goodnight!\'

I walked out into the hallway and slammed the door shut as I replied to it.

\'What ... was the payback over?\'

Maybe it\'s because I\'m shying away from the Eric family, or maybe it\'s because Dad Nord has decided to stop me from going any further. Either way, I\'m glad to hear it.

\'Huh ... looks like I\'m going to have a good night\'s sleep today.

I headed to my own bedroom with a clear mind and slept soundly in bed.