I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

291-Breathing morning

The next morning, as I was meditating, I had an unfathomable feeling of blurriness in my eyes.

But now is the most precious time of my life, the time of sleep, and nothing should interfere with that. I dare to ignore the discomfort, saying that this pleasant sensation of falling down to the bottom is pleasant.

After a while, the fuzzy feeling of discomfort disappears, and the moment I was about to drop my consciousness into the deepest depths of the darkness again, something rides on my back and my consciousness is brought back to reality.

"What, what!

I hurriedly opened my eyes and tried to get up, but something was on my back and I couldn\'t get up.

I turn my head to see what\'s on it, and there sits sister Elinora with a nice smile on her face.

\'Good morning, Al,\'

Uh-huh? Good morning, Sister Elinora. So, what do you want, riding on someone\'s back?

Today is a free day. Since each of us will be going our own way, each of us will be allowed to have breakfast whenever we want.

Naturally, I\'m going to sleep late until around noon, so there\'s no reason to get up this early in the morning.

"Well what do you think you want?

I\'m not going to practice. It\'s a free day for me to rest my body.

\'Yes, I know that. I also know that Stubborn Al would never attend a training session.

Hmm, that\'s a very perceptive thing for sister Elinora. Hmm? Wait. When has sister Elinora ever come to wake you up outside of a practice or breakfast meeting? This sister is not the kind of auspicious person who would go out of her way to wake me up out of concern for my health.

If that\'s the case, what the hell is she doing barging in early in the morning for?

And moreover, how could he mean to get on my back.....

\'\'Can\'t you understand even this?\'\'

The moment Sister Elinora\'s hands were inserted into my sides, I understood everything.

It was as if my brain, which had been in a daze, was suddenly clearing up.

What had I been thinking about all this time? Isn\'t it a little too blurry because I\'m awake and asleep?

It was crazy that sister Elinora didn\'t even notice that she had come into the room, or that she wasn\'t alerted when she got on my back.

\'\'Well, no way...\'\'

Yeah, payback for yesterday.

When I said fearfully, Sister Elinora grinned and moved her hands that she had inserted into her sides.

\'\'Hahahahaha! Hey, stop, stop!

I\'m not going to stop you. We\'re running low on magic, and you\'re the one who\'s been working on it all day!

I screamed for stillness, but Elinora didn\'t listen and continued to tickle me.

You\'ll be able to get a good idea of what you\'re looking for, and you\'ll be able to find out if you\'ll be able to find it.

Hey, no, no, no!

At least you get to be tickled for the same amount of time as me.

\'Hahahahaha! Hey, why am I the only one doing that then!

Of course I\'ll do it for Silvio later.

What a terrible thing to do. I\'m going to get even with him by carefully treating each one of them.

Brother Silvio! Run--hahahahahahahahaha!

I tried to scream out to save at least Brother Silvio, who was sleeping in the next bedroom, but he instantly covered my mouth and tickled me.

Sister Elinora\'s slender fingers moved in all directions, making her squirm.

Why are humans so ticklish at the mere touch of their sides? You must be wondering--ahahahahahahaha!

Nah, no. I can\'t breathe if I\'m laughing too hard. I must do something to resist and escape.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

I moved my body and tried to crawl out of it, but it was completely holding my hips and I didn\'t jerk.

\'What the hell! It\'s heavy!

\'Excuse me! I\'m just sitting where it\'s getting hard to move! It\'s so light!

\'I\'m pretty sure that\'s a capture technique you learned in Father Nord or the Order! I\'m a bandit!

\'...in terms of doing harm, you might as well be a captured bandit.

That\'s a terrible thing to say. And I can\'t believe you would misuse the skills you learned in it like this.


\'Yes, yes, there\'s no point in trying to close your sides,\'

I try desperately to curl up and resist, but Sister Elinora pry and tickle me with far more force than I can muster. I try to wrap my hand around her with my signature rotation, but I can\'t do it because she\'s holding my body firmly in place.

\'It hasn\'t even been a minute, and I\'m not done yet.

\'No, me and brother Silvio didn\'t do it for that long - hahahahahahahahahahaha!

I was tickled by sister Elinora, and I had trouble breathing all morning.

"Ha, ha, I\'ve had a bad morning.

The enforcer left the room, and after a bit, I finally got my breathing under control.

Really, that sister was of poor quality, as she would use advanced body techniques for nothing. I\'ve never been tickled so locked up, unable to move and helplessly tickled in my previous life combined. If you abuse your fighting skills, you can do some extraordinary things.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Hey! What! Sister Elinora!

Payback for yesterday. Now that Al is done, Silvio is next.

As I was thinking sincerely, I heard a faint voice like that from the next room.

This is the only time I heard the words properly, and from then on, I could hear brother Silvio\'s laughter incessantly.

I know this because I\'ve tasted the same tickle. Brother Silvio is screaming with joy, but I know that this is a desperate scream for help.

\'\'Forgive this helpless brother, Brother Silvio........\'\'

My brother is in the next room, and he knows what\'s happening to his brother, but he can\'t move.

I want to save my brother Silvio, who is a friend in arms, too, but I\'m more afraid of being tickled by sister Elinora. But I\'m even more afraid of being tickled by Elinora\'s sister.

I don\'t want to experience that tickling hell anymore.

Forgive my pathetic brother. Brother Silvio.

I apologized in my heart one last time and pulled the covers over my head to fall asleep for a second time.

I didn\'t hear anything, not even a sad laugh from the next room. That\'s okay.