I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

289-Wizards can't underestimate

Okay, practice is over. Gather round, please.

When the fight with Eric was over and they were taking a break, Mother Erna called out for the assembly.

Then everyone who had been working hard on their respective magic training instantly cut up and ran out to Mother Erna\'s side. Especially Elinora\'s sister\'s radiant smile as if she had been freed from magic.

To be honest, I don\'t want to get up, but hearing that the practice is over gives me the strength to do so.

I manage to lift my heavy back and head to the place where everyone is gathered.

Unfortunately, the meeting place this time is not in the shade, but in the sun.

Perhaps they needed to go out to a larger place to demonstrate specific magic.

Erna-Mother and I have similar thoughts in these situations, so that must be it.

As we all lined up in front of Erna-Mom, she cleared her throat with a "Kohon" and coughed to clear her throat.

\'\'Yes, thank you for your hard work today. It was hard work, practicing swords in the morning and magic in the afternoon, but you did a great job.

If you know it\'s going to be hard, I\'m willing to relax my schedule a bit more.

Specifically, I\'m glad I took the morning off or practiced magic as well.

If I did that, I wouldn\'t have gotten tired.

What a thought in my mind, and I listen to Erna mother\'s touchy greetings.

It\'s a good idea to be able to have a good time with your friends. First of all, Luna-san.


\'Luna-san, you\'ve got the basic parts of magic down, but you\'re still very rough around the edges and haven\'t quite got your own image of it. But it looks like Al was teaching you that part, and you were able to compress the clay bullets a little better.

Thanks to Lady Erna and Mr. Al.

I\'m not sure if it\'s a good idea, but it\'s not.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to use your magic more smoothly if you circulate your magic power every day and improve your control of your magic power as well. You were able to use it well in battle, so keep up the good work.

Yes, I\'ll do my best.

Yeah, Luna seems to have the most magical background, and if she continues to grow, she\'s going to be good. Her swordsmanship and body skills are great, and in the future she\'ll be like a well-balanced magic swordsman who fights while using earth magic.

Can an ordinary person win, like a seamless swordsmanship, body arts and magic, or is it possible for an ordinary person to win? Once again, Elinora sister\'s friend feels amazing.

\'\'Erinora is next.\'\'


It\'s a good way to strengthen your body and circulate magic power inside your body, but you are not very good at releasing it. It seems that you\'ve improved your fireball, but you still have a lot of work to do with scale control and defense.


Oh, as expected of our relatives, they are a bit harsh. But in the next moment, Erna mother\'s expression softened.

It\'s a good thing that you\'re not a fan of magic, but it\'s a big step for Elinora to get her hands on one magical weapon. I\'m sure you\'ll be able to use more magic in this way, little by little.


It\'s true that I\'ve gained an effective means of magic attack.

That throwing fireball was absurd, but it was quite powerful, and I had no problem controlling it.

It\'s not much of an application, but it would be useful enough as a simple magic attack.

\'As for magical combat, you\'re rushing in a little too thoughtlessly. In the case of an opponent like Al, who\'s good with a rearguard, it\'s better to watch what\'s going on and stand around and guess the opponent\'s intentions.

Mother Erna looks at me with a glance and gives me advice.

I understand that I\'m that type of person, but it\'s a complicated feeling when I\'m told to my face that I\'m the one to talk to.

You are cunning.

Call me smart.

He immediately refuted Eric\'s blurted out words.

He\'s resenting the fact that he was cotenanced by magic earlier.

I felt sorry for him for overdoing it in the end, so I just let him drag it out a bit, but I should have buried him in the ground to about his neck.

As I was thinking about that, my advice to Elinora\'s sister ended and I moved on to Silvio\'s brother.

It\'s a good thing that you\'re Silvio but you\'re strangely good at defensive magic, right? If I could do that much attack magic that smoothly, I think the balance would be much better...

Only Brother Silvio was strangely good at defensive magic.

Whether it was the shield handling in swordsmanship or defense with the sword, Brother Silvio must have a talent for defense after all.

Barriers with air-controlling wind magic are quite difficult to use, so it must be so.

\'\'Yo, Silvio Barrier.\'\'

There\'s no such thing as wind magic.

\'It\'s called Silviobash, and what\'s that word?

I\'m curious too.

Eric and Luna-san asked me if they were curious about the exchange between me and my brother Silvio.

"Hmmm, that\'s not--Bu.

You don\'t have to tell me!

I was about to tell him proudly, and brother Silvio pressed his hand to his mouth.

He\'s the one who would sulk if I taught him here and now. If Eric asks me later, I\'ll tell him in secret.

\'Yes, yes, we\'re still talking.

As we were doing this, Mother Erna clapped her hands and said.

Then everyone, who had been moving and talking on their own, immediately returned to their positions.

I can\'t help but feel uncomfortable with Erna\'s way of speaking, because she\'s softer than Nord-Dad and Aegar-san," she said.

\'Silvio\'s future task is to be able to activate attack magic smoothly as well. It\'s a good idea to be aware of the air and wind flow on a regular basis, since wind magic is more delicate and difficult to perform than other magic.

\'\'Yes, yes, I\'ll do my best with attack magic too!

Brother Silvio replied with a bluster, and Mother Erna turned her attention to Eric.

Then Eric straightened his body upright with a snap and stood upright.



He was quick to reply.

Seeing Eric like that, Mother Erna gently admonished him.

\'Let\'s work on the basics more. First of all, let\'s do the magic circulation and smooth out the handling of magic power. When you can do that, then we\'ll be able to use magic one by one.

Yes, yes....

The words seemed to pierce his heart the most, just because they were said gently.

Mother Erna, who couldn\'t bear to see Eric like that, gently stroked Eric\'s head.

\'\'More, relax your shoulders and take it easy and enjoy your magic.


Hey, who are you to blame for being angry at someone\'s mother? I\'m sure you\'re not the only one with a high-class line of work called Alecia-san.

When I gave him a scathing look, Eric went through with a blank expression.

As I was taken aback, Erna\'s mother turned her attention to me next.

Oh, so I\'m next? I\'m getting a little nervous about what you\'re going to say.

It\'s a good thing that you are good at magic, so you are able to do the basics. There\'s not much I can say about that kind of thing.

Thank you.

Hmmm, it\'s a pure pleasure to be praised by a wizard as good as Mother Erna.

I have a lot of magic, and I don\'t have to sit on it and use rough magic. But I think that because I can do most of the magic with my own magical power, I don\'t have the idea of supplementing it with the smallest details.

What\'s the complementary idea?

Is sand shifting and sand surfing not enough?

As I was wondering, Mother Erna activated her water magic method and sent a stream of water drifting around the area.

\'\'For example, what would Al do if an enemy attacked him with his water magic law in effect?\'\'

\'Hmmm, I\'ll either blow you up with the mass of water and knock you out, or I\'ll stick a water ball in your face and choke you out.

The moment I said that, Elinora\'s sister, Luna-san and Eric who were around me reacted with a scowl.

"Oh, was that your intention when you were trying to hit me in the face with your water polo?

That was a close one.

What the hell, if you\'re going to use water magic, this level of thinking is natural.

\'\'That\'s right. With Al\'s amount of magic power, you might think so. But I don\'t have that much magic power, so I\'ll conserve my magic power and neutralize it in a more hassle-free way.

\'A more hassle-free way? It bothers me a lot.

I think what I just came up with is a pretty easy way to handle it, but I\'m curious to see if there\'s an easier way.

When I ask curiously, Mother Erna takes out a bottle from her pocket.

\'\'It\'s going to be a bit fussy, but I would mix the water magic with a numbing potion.

\'Oh! I see! He said he could mix it with water magic and manipulate it at will, just by hitting the opponent to numb them and disable them!

\'\'Yes, if you can use lightning magic, that\'s not too bad, but this one can be added or subtracted, and since it\'s colorless, I can tell you that it\'s just water magic and catch you off guard.

Oh, I have a certain amount of respect for you as a mother on a daily basis, but I don\'t think I\'ve ever had as much respect for you as I have for today.

Erna mom, you\'re a real genius.

I have a lot of magical power compared to others. It\'s so much that I can\'t use it up unless I\'m willing to.

Maybe it\'s because I have a lot of magic power, or maybe I\'ve become a bit clumsy in my use of magic somehow.

I\'m not sure I\'m going to be able to find a way to make it easier and less laborious, and if it\'s lacking, instead of using magic power to make up for it, maybe the idea of multiplying it with something else will expand.

Yes, I could be a swordsman-killer.

Hmmm, now you have more ways to defend yourself against sister Elinora.

\'Erna, Al, everyone\'s pulling back a bit.

As me and my mom Erna were laughing at each other, my dad Nord stepped in between us.

Looking around, I could see that the four of them were more scared than when I was choking them with a water polo.

I\'m sure they were more scared than I was when I told them I was going to choke them with a water polo," he said.

You should never underestimate a skilled wizard like this," he said, "because they will attack you in unexpected ways.


I felt like Dad Nord\'s closing statement was the one that resonated with everyone the most.