I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

288-Eric and magic confrontation

After the mock battle with Brother Silvio was over, Eric came over with a wry smile on his face.

\'\'Hahaha, Alfreet. It\'s our turn at last. I\'m sorry for you, but I\'m going to let you win by magic following your swordplay, okay?

Okay, can I make myself useful?

I tell him once and for all, and Eric\'s face instantly goes straight.

\'That\'s no good. It\'s not good. You can\'t get out of there again if you eat that kind of magic.

So what do you want me to do?

It\'s the right amount. It\'s in the bounds of human nature. Do you understand?


Eric tells me to give me a reminder and walks away with his back to me.

I wonder if he would be happy if he won even if he won with me holding back.

However, I\'m sorry Eric, but I\'m not going to prolong the fight by cutting corners and slacking off.

When this fight is over, today\'s training is over. I\'m going to end the fight with this guy as quickly as possible and take a bath in the mansion.

\'\'Then we\'re ready, right?\'\'

When Eric and I were in place and facing each other, I heard a confirmation from Mother Erna.

Eric and I nodded persistently, and then Mother Erna raised her voice to begin, "Then, begin.

\'\'I seek, O burning flame........\'\'

Then, Eric starts chanting immediately.

Come to think of it, I didn\'t know Eric\'s aptitude for the attribute due to the fact that he is constantly circulating magic power, but it seems to be the fire attribute.

Is it the same as Elinora\'s sister? If that\'s the case, it\'s not that difficult to deal with.

I\'ve already guessed Eric\'s strength by looking at the magic cycle, but I\'ll confirm it just in case.

That\'s why I didn\'t even use my magic and just stood there in a daze, but Eric\'s magic doesn\'t get completed in the middle of the day.

Flames are coming out of my right arm and gathering in my palm, but they don\'t seem to be converging fully.

How long is it taking to create a mere fireball? Sister Elinora is many times faster than you.




Come on. You need to activate it a little earlier.

Shut up! We\'re almost done with the fireball. Wait quietly there!

When I called out to her, she snapped back at me.

\'\'........become a ball!\'\'

And after waiting for a while, Eric finally completed the fireball.

\'Eat it! Alfried!

Eric shouted, thrusting his hand out and firing a blazing fire.

The fireball thrust straight towards us - it didn\'t, but deviated wide at an angle and hit the sand.

\'\'That\'s why I don\'t like magic.

When I turned my gaze back to finish looking at the dust cloud that had rolled up, I saw that Eric was depressed.

Well, he\'d said he wasn\'t good at magic from the beginning. He must have been strong from the beginning.

I had guessed that he was roughly as good as the old Elinora sister, but I guess that\'s about the same as the old Elinora sister.

\'Okay, is the one-shot performance over? I\'ll settle for a bath, okay?

\'Who\'s a one-trick pony? And I\'m not going to give up on this yet!

When I say that, the fire is lit, and Eric gets back on his feet and gets better.

\'\'Even so, what\'s the point if the magic doesn\'t hit you?\'\'

"If you can\'t hit it from a distance, you\'ll have to come close and hit it!

That brainstorming theory again. I\'m not sure if there are any decent wizards in this group - I mean, there aren\'t. The only thing that matters is that they are all swordsmen except me. It\'s natural for this to happen.

As I\'m thinking about it now, Eric prepares the fireball again.

I\'ve already confirmed Eric\'s ability, so there\'s no need to wait for him to do so dutifully, but I have an idea and I\'m going to wait for it.

\'\'I seek, burning flame, gather and become a ball.\'\'

Then Eric\'s fireball was completed a little earlier than before.

\'Hmm, I don\'t know what you had in mind when you waited, but you\'re going to regret it later?

"I\'ll regret it" was the exact phrase I used.

When I replied with a wry smile, Eric also grinned and ran towards me while floating the fireball near my right hand side.

Being able to use magic means that he understands the dangers of magic itself and the things he doesn\'t like to do if he is done with it when handling it.

The fact that the fireball is maintained in conjunction with the movement of your right hand means that if you move your right hand, the fireball will also move towards you.

So I send a small clayball at high speed to Eric\'s left forehead in order to aim for self-destruction.

Then Eric stupidly held the painful spot with the right hand of the one holding the fireball.

\'Nuh-oh! Ahhhhhh!

Naturally, there was a fireball in his hand, and Eric screamed in surprise at the heat of his own fireball.

He rolls with a rumble as he throws himself down and Eric lands in the water.

It works surprisingly well, and it surprises us too. It\'s bad enough from a desperate Eric\'s point of view, but it\'s kind of funny.

I wonder how many times Eric has been in the water today.

After a while Eric comes out of the water soaking wet.

\'\'Ha, ha ... you, Alfried. How vicious of you to try to induce a magic-induced explosion.

No, Eric just blew himself up.

Lack of awareness of the magic you have invoked. It\'s a typical pattern for people who aren\'t used to using magic.

That said, I\'ve had the same thing happen to me in the past.

I was lying down with the fireball out to raise the temperature in the room, and about an hour later I forgot about it, got up and walked over to the fireball and got burned.

It\'s failures like that that make you feel deeply that people learn.

\'Now, do you want another fireball?\'

"Yea, no more fireballs! I\'m going to go up to you and shower you directly with flames!

I couldn\'t have expected to come up with that idea just because of the use of fireballs.

Based on what you say and do, you\'re thinking that they\'re going to come close and radiate fire, right? That\'s scary.

It\'s not that I can\'t at least use magic to prevent Eric\'s fire magic, but right now this guy has a fearsome fear of what he\'ll do like a dying beast. It\'s best to keep them away from it.

That being the case, the handy thing to do right now is to move with earth magic.

I\'ve been told not to use the running machine I did for Elinora\'s sister. I\'m going to use it in a different way to avoid being cheated and to get the upper hand.

I measured the distance between me and Eric, who was running, and activated my earth magic at around six meters.

The sand rises at Eric\'s feet and moves backwards slightly.

\'You! You\'ve used that magic again! But not me falling for the same trick! We\'ll be out of time before the sand gets to maximum speed!

In fact, at this close range, that would be one of the right things to do. If it was a vast area, as it was with Elinora\'s sister, it would be hard to escape, but if it was such a small area, it would be a matter of running as fast as you could before the sand rose to its maximum speed.

I knew Eric would think of that.

So I moved the sand forward, first moving it back a bit as a feint, then pulling it back the other way just as Eric started to run.

I stretched out my right leg to run, but the sand where I landed moved forward with great force.

If that happened, the human would lose his balance and flip over as he slid.

\'\'What? HUGH!

Eric, who had flipped over backwards and hit the back of his head hard, was rumbling and writhing in agony in front of him.

Apparently, even on the soft sand, it was still painful in its own way.

However, it would be too much of a lick to roll in front of the enemy\'s eyes.


I call out to him and Eric comes to himself with a "haha".

But I\'m not kind enough to wait there.

I activate my earth magic to promptly end the game and form a sand arm to end the game.

Then I grab both of Eric\'s ankles that are lying around.

Okay, let\'s just drag him into the sand.

When I smile wryly, Eric\'s face turns pale with realization.

\'\'Well, yikes! I don\'t want to do that because I got a sore throat.