I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

281-Dream plane escalator

Mother Erna gave me the task, and I had to manipulate 30 water polo\'s, each one of which had different sizes.

At first I was puzzled by the size of all the waterballs because they are all different sizes, but as long as I could figure out the amount of magic power for each size of the waterballs, it was not so difficult.

As long as you know the size of each one by magic power distribution, you won\'t be confused about the difference in size and maintenance.

Rather than meticulously adjusting each one of them, it\'s easier to just play out the value of the magic power within yourself and decide on the size!


Thanks to this, I can now use my own flowing magic power to guess the size of the water ball even when I\'m meditating. In this case, it\'s no different than operating the water polo as usual.

However, thanks to the task Erna gave me, I\'ve gained a better grasp of the magic power I cast and the ability to control it delicately.

With this, I might be able to expand my tactics in a snowball fight with Elinora.

As I was thinking about the water polo in the air, Mother Erna approached me from behind.

\'\'Al, how are you doing.........\'\'

Oh, Erna, Mom. I\'m getting the hang of it, and it\'s moving a lot smoother.

I smoothly pull the thirty water balls floating in the air to show the results of my practice.

I let them pass in front of Erna\'s eyes to show that they are properly separate in size, and then I let them go up again in one go, forming them into a circle or spreading them out and then bringing them back up again.

When it was done, this time it changed the size of the water ball to the extreme, to the random shape that Mother Erna had instructed it to take.

Even so, none of the waterballs floating in the air crumbled and danced gracefully.

\'Well? Is the task complete?

Well, yeah, yeah, I guess. That doesn\'t sound like a problem. By the way, may I ask you how you thought about it and put it into practice?

As Mother Erna asked me to confirm, I told her that instead of adjusting the size of the water ball, I knew exactly how much magic power would fit the size of the water ball and that I thought I could activate it with ease by releasing it correctly.

\'It\'s a pain in the ass to manipulate when there are so many of them and they\'re so disparate in size. We have to think of magic as being easy to use.

My programming in a previous life was in the same vein.

There may still be a lot of waste in my magical thinking, but we should always improve it by having a sense of ease.

\'That\'s right. Magic is only good when it\'s easy to use.

Yeah, yeah, can we take a break now?

With the flow of chatting naturally with Erna\'s mother, I briefly begged for a break.

Of course, I won\'t get tired from this level of magical manipulation, but it\'s hard to stay in a place where the sun is shining all the time in the f*cking heat.

"Okay, but after a quick break, come back and teach Luna-san a few things.

\'What? Isn\'t it your duty to teach them, Mother Erna?

Why do I, as a student, have to take care of the other students?

Isn\'t that a dereliction of duty on the part of Mother Erna, the teacher?

\'Luna-san has earth magic as an attribute to deal with. I don\'t have an aptitude for earth magic and it\'s hard to teach you, but Al is very good at earth magic, right?

Oh, I don\'t know about me having all the attributes, but it would be difficult to be asked to teach magic of an attribute I can\'t use.

It\'s like being asked to teach English when you can only speak Japanese.

\'\'Well, I think I\'m good at it, but...\'\'

\'It\'s part of learning to teach others. Luna-san taught you in sword practice, and Al should repay you in magic.

Without worrying about me stagnating, Mother Erna said that and headed towards Eric.

Well, in sword practice, Luna-san was relatively gentle with me. Unlike some older sister, she didn\'t get serious in a mature way and told me what was wrong with me.

In return for that, I\'ll teach you a little magic this time.

With that in mind, I activated my ice magic to reduce the heat.

I return to Meena, who is waiting in the shade, surrounded by cool air.

\'\'Huh? Master Alfried, are you taking a break?

Yeah, just a little bit. Can I have some lemon water?

Yes, I understand!

I ask for a lemon water, and Meena instantly takes a water bottle out of her bag.

While I was waiting, I sat down with a goody-goody, and felt my gaze being directed from Natasha-san sitting on the seat.

\'\'........What is it?\'\'

So, Alfried, you are Master Elna\'s son?

Again. What did you think I was, Aegal-san and Natasha-san, what did you think I was?

"...Al-kun, teach me earth magic.

As I was sitting on the shady seat, sipping lemon water, Luna came over and said so.

Apparently, Mother Erna had given her an order for me to teach her any more.

However, I had just taken a break too. I\'ve just sat down and don\'t feel like getting up right away.

\'\'Well, first of all, Luna-san should take a break too--\'\'

"I\'m fine. Time is limited. I can\'t wait for you to teach me the tricks of earth magic.

I tried to encourage Luna to take a break as well, but she simply refused to do so.

Time is limited. What a highly conscious word.

\'\'Come to think of it, it was Alfried-kun who built the Misfirito Castle with earth magic! Please, please teach Luna a few tricks of earth magic.

Furthermore, Natasha-san\'s covering fire from right beside me.

After being told to this extent, I can\'t say something as swallowing as after a break.

Was it aimed at? If that\'s the case, he\'s quite the schemer.

I understand. Well then, let\'s get started.

After drinking the lemon water, I had no choice but to get up and dance back to the sandy soil where the heat of the sun shines again.

\'Well, first of all, I want to know how much earth magic you can do, so can you show me some easy magic to do?\'

Okay, fine. And no, it doesn\'t have to be a polite word.

Oh, yeah?

If Luna-san doesn\'t mind, I\'ll let her explain in the same tone of voice.

Honestly, it\'s a pain in the ass to talk in polite language all the way up to the time of the explanation.

Luna-san pulls away from me and holds out her hand towards the ocean.

"\'I seek you, O earth, rise up and become an earthen bullet.\'

When Luna\'s cool voice sounded, the soft soil on the ground rose up and became a clump of soil.

However, it\'s shape was quite distorted, as if the magic power wasn\'t compressed well, and the soil was crumbling in tatters.

Even so, Luna managed to lift it into the air and shoot it straight into the sea.

It\'s not just a matter of time before you can get your hands on it, it\'s a matter of time before you can get your hands on it.

"Is that the limit of distance and size now?

It\'s hard to go any further.

I see, that\'s about as far as I can go as far as flying dirt bullets go.

What else can you do?

I ask, and Luna bends down and puts her hands on the ground.

\'I seek you, Earth, rise and become a wall of earth.\'

Then, a square earthen wall was created in front of Luna-san.

Compared to the clay bullets from earlier, the rate of activation is faster, and it\'s large enough to completely hide a large adult.

However, that earthen wall is not well infiltrated with magic power paste and its compression is poor, so the difference in hardness is clearly visible.

When I strengthened my body and struck the fragile part where the magic power is not well kneaded, it was easily chipped off.


\'\'Your magic was a bit underdone. When I hit him with my body strengthening, he chipped away.

As expected, I explained it properly, since it could cause a loss of confidence if it was destroyed by arm strength without physical strengthening.

\'\'What else?\'\'

"...in the Kingdom of Rasul, I learned to manipulate the sand.

When I regain my composure and ask, Luna-san says something interesting.

I wonder what kind of earth magic I learned in the Rasul Kingdom. With my heart filled with curiosity, I watch Luna-san as she focuses her mind.

\'\'I seek, sand that exists in the earth, as I will.\'\'

As I chanted the spell, the sand under Luna-san\'s feet stirred.

The moment I thought that, I made a zoo-o-o-ooh sound and Luna-san moved on her own without moving her feet.

Luna-san on top of the sand is just riding on top of the sand. The sand moved on its own and carried Luna-san standing on it straight away.

\'\'........This, this can\'t be right!

Everyone dreams of this at one time or another. We wonder if the ground that exists on the ground will not become a flat escalator because it\'s too cumbersome to walk on.

A dream born of that laziness is being realized right before our eyes!

What a surprise. Even in a past life of fairly advanced science, they couldn\'t do it.

I hadn\'t felt this kind of emotion in a long time. I didn\'t expect to come to another world and see this flat escalator.

Before I knew it, I was running up to Luna-san\'s bottom, who had lifted the earth magic.

\'\'Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Luna, this is awesome!

Really? It\'s a little nice to be praised by a wizard as good as you, Al,

Maybe it was because of my lack of reaction earlier. Luna-san smiled happily.

Maybe it\'s because she doesn\'t move her face much, but the smile she occasionally shows is beautiful.

No, it\'s more magic than a smile right now.

\'\'It\'s amazing. Is this kind of magic used in the Rasul Kingdom? As long as you have this, wizards don\'t have to walk!

I can\'t wait for the wizard to stop walking and get weak in the legs and feet!

\'\'........As expected, this one consumes a lot of magic power, so you can\'t do it all the time. It\'s only for combat in the desert. This magic can only be done in places with soft sand.

It\'s true that moving the entire sand eats up quite a bit of magic, and it\'s impossible to do it without the soft sand itself.

If I tried to do this in the village of Colliat, I\'d have to grind the soil into small pieces and turn it into sand before I could move forward. With my magic, it\'s not impossible, but the villagers would be in trouble, and Father Nord would be angry with me.

It\'s a vast desert, which is why the wizard thought to take advantage of it.

\'\'Heh, the wizards of the Rasul Kingdom do things like move themselves on the sand.

\'\'Well I\'m not very good at it, so I can only do straight lines and short distances. But a good wizard can move around in all directions, moving the sand in all directions.

Gosh, that\'s a sight I\'d love to see. It would be like a natural sand surfboard.

When I imagine it, I want to do it too.

I can move the sand, so maybe I could do it sooner than later.

I put the sand under my feet under my control with my magic and move it.

The fine, smooth sand sloshes around with me on it.

\'Oh, this is something fun!\'

I missed the controls and a lot of sand got into my shoes, but I don\'t care.

I\'m now making my way through the ground without walking. I was inexplicably happy about that.

I\'m the one who can use a super useful magic called shifting magic, but this is what it\'s called.

The sand scraped through the sand and I went straight ahead everywhere.

And then I stop at the appropriate place. Then I make a board with earth magic under my feet and put my feet on it.

I feel like a snowboarder when I let it go like that. I\'m on the board and I\'m advancing with my magic.

I enjoy the curves and skate around them, then turn and go back to the sand.

Then Luna-san looks a little shifty.

\'\'Well it took me over a month just to go straight.

Hey, I\'m sorry about that.