I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

282-Magic only repeats once you get the hang of it!

I\'m so enthusiastic about sand movement magic, saying I\'m going to teach Luna-san a lesson or something. I change my mind and give Luna-san some advice.

\'Well then, let\'s start with the clay bullets.\'


\'\'Luna-san\'s clay bullets are too unstable, to say the least. Maybe one in two or three times they fail?

Well it worked earlier, but that\'s about it in percentage terms.

I\'m the one who did well with that. I thought, but I didn\'t want to say it out loud.

\'Then it\'s tough to use it as an attack. When it comes to combat, you have to build it up perfectly while exposing yourself to your opponent\'s attacks.

Of course, when it comes to combat, your allies may be able to protect you until you complete your magic, but I\'m not sure you can count on that.

In the first place, magic that only succeeds once every three times is useless.

\'\'........Then how do I stabilize it?\'\'

\'First, let\'s learn how to compress the magic. If we can compress it, we can manage the clay bullets. It\'s harder, it\'s more aggressive, and it won\'t collapse and deflect when you fly it.

Earth bullets are relatively easy to use as long as you can compress the magic power. It\'s much less difficult than fire magic, which requires a sense of temperature, wind magic, which requires delicate control, and water magic, which controls fluid objects.

It\'s an easy magic to compress and harden for now, and then you can fly straight through it in no time.

I\'m not sure if Luna-san nodded her head as if she didn\'t understand it very well, even though I told her that.

\'\'........How do you compress magic power?\'\'

\'Put your magic into it so that it sizzles from the outside in and crushes you, but doesn\'t crush you.

I generated earthen bullets just like Luna-san, as if to show her an example.

At first it was just a clump of sand gathered together, but as I gradually compressed it with magical power, it gradually became smaller and harder.

It was large enough to hold in one arm, but eventually it was compressed to a size that could be held in the palm of one\'s hand.

\'See, like this.

........wow. So small.....

I handed him a stone bullet and Luna tapped it lightly with her fist in surprise.

Then, the clay bullets made a high-pitched sound like a metallic sound that I didn\'t think was earth.


You can\'t cut through it with just any sword.

After all, it\'s so hard that Elinora sister couldn\'t cut it with the wooden sword. I\'m confident in its hardness.

Though, afterwards, I was cut in half using the seriousness.

\'\'For now, just practice it first, and I\'ll give you advice from there.

Rather than saying a lot of things, you should practice first. You won\'t be able to understand the theory if you\'ve never done it before.


Luna-san nodded and immediately used the same earth magic as well.

As I was told, the activation speed is slow due to the fact that I\'m focusing on compressing the magic power.

Slowly, the sand lifts up and becomes a clump of soil, pushing the magic power from the outside to the inside.

As I watched it, I sensed the danger from the flow of magic power and deployed an unmagical shield.

Then, the earth bullets Luna-san was making burst as if they exploded from inside. Dirt scattered around the area.

Needless to say, Luna-san, who was at the center of the explosion, was covered in dirt. I sensed from the flow of magic power that this was going to happen and prevented it, so I was unharmed.

\'\'It ... exploded.\'\'

Yeah, that\'s what happens when you don\'t apply your magic all over the place from the outside.

The whole thing means that if you don\'t apply force to the whole thing, other parts of the body won\'t be able to withstand it and it will explode.

\'\'........I wish you would say something like that sooner. Besides, only prevent yourself from........

Luna gives me a jittery protesting look.

\'Sorry, but it\'s the first path a beginner takes,\'

I used to burst the same way over and over again. The only way to do this is to practice it over and over again, to apply force universally.

Everything is an experience. Yes, this is by no means because you\'ve forgotten about it or anything.

While I let Luna-san do the compression method, I looked around for some reason.

Brother Silvio took a break after getting advice from Nord Dad, who is also a wind wizard. It seems that he finally managed to hit it ten times in a row.

And Mother Erna continues to take care of Eric, who is not very good at circulating magic. This means that Eric might end up just circulating magic power for the rest of the day.

From Eric\'s strength, it would be better to learn the basics well than to be taught how to use magic poorly here. It\'s not a good idea to put it off and get into weird habits.

And finally, Sister Elinora sat down on the beach.

From that somewhat melancholy back, it was obvious that she hadn\'t accomplished the task.

Her red-brown ponytail swayed emphatically in the sea breeze.

As I stared at that figure, Elinora\'s sister, who may have sensed my gaze, turned around.

My mind at that moment is that I met eyes with a bear. I\'m not sure what to do, but if I show her my back, she\'ll say she\'s going to come after me, and we\'ll just keep our eyes on each other and naturally retreat.

I was thinking about this when the bear beckoned to me.

It wasn\'t. Apparently the right thing to do was to promptly avert my gaze instead of glaring at each other. However, even if he noticed such a thing, it was too late.

As long as the bear is calling me, I can\'t ignore it.

I have no choice but to tech my way over to Elinora sister\'s side.

\'Hey, Al,\'


Why is the ocean so big?

No, sister Elinora seems to be having a mental breakdown because her magic is not hitting the target too well. It\'s considerable because Elinora sister, who is a brainiac, is talking about such a philosophical thing.

However, there\'s no way I could answer such a thing.

\'\'Well I wonder why.\'\'

I\'ll just let it slide.


Then we were silent to each other for a while, and all we heard was the sound of the zazzle of waves.

The area was endlessly blue and wide, and the earth magic target standing upright ten meters away was very floating and surreal!

It was.

For a while, he listened to the sound of the waves and felt the sea breeze blowing against his skin.

\'\'Well Al, the magic isn\'t working. What should I do?

Since it\'s Elinora sister, I thought she would say it after going through some more twisted conversations and such, but she\'s unusually straightforward in her manner.

I have gained confidence after having Erna-mother practice on the road, but I wonder if she is depressed because she did not hit the target ten meters away.

\'\'Try it out and give it a try.


When I say this, Sister Elinora scoots up, takes a deep breath, and thrusts out her right arm.

\'\'I seek, burning flame, gather and become a ball.\'\'

With the chanting of Elinora sister\'s powerful words, the flames converge on the tip of your palm.

Eventually, it burns up into a fireball, and Elinora moves her hand to the target, as if aiming at it in the same way as before.

Then he stared at the target with nervous eyes and fired his magic.

A flaming fireball flew away and flew toward the target.

However, it missed the left edge of the target, even though it was driven by the sea breeze, and bashfully rolled up the seawater in the back.

\'This is what it looks like,\'

Please don\'t say it with a smug look on your face, as if you\'ve already done your job.

\'It seems like you\'ve been working on it for a while now, is it really that hard to hit?

I\'ve hit a few times, but not five in a row.

You might be able to hit two or three times on a whim, but as expected, it\'s tough to get five times.

\'\'Hmm, from the looks of it, the process of making a fireball isn\'t too bad.

Perhaps it\'s because Mother Erna taught me exactly what to do during my free time and breaks on the road, but Elinora sister\'s activation of the fireball is smoother than before.

That\'s, of course, the activation speed and the wasteful parts of the magic power are still large, but we can polish that up from now on. For now, it\'s more of a hit power.

It\'s not that it\'s unstable like Luna-san\'s, nor is it fast decaying. Rather, it\'s so far away that it\'s flying because of the excessive amount of magic power being put into it.

Why can\'t I control and hit a target ten meters away?

Honestly, although there is a sea wind, it\'s easy to just fly straight at it.

\'If the target is a demon or a human, I think I can hit it, but...\'

I don\'t want you to turn your gaze towards me while muttering something fussy.

I don\'t want you to act like an experiment like that.

Maybe the image of flying them far away is not good. I\'m going to try and hit the target with a fireball, so watch closely.

Okay, okay.

I do my best to ignore Elinora sister\'s slightly disappointed face and activate my fire magic.

I slowly generate a fireball so that Elinora-sister can be firmly burned into my consciousness, and then I stick out my arm and send it flying in the same way.

Then the fireball I ejected hit the target as if it were sucked into the circle I was drawing on the target.

I hit the target five times in a row to get a clear image of the trajectory of the fireball to hit the target.

How\'s that? Can you imagine?

\'Maybe? I feel like I can do it now!

Sister Elinora generates a fireball while speaking suspiciously.

In the same way, she aimed with her hand and fired the fireball.

However, it smoothly ran past the side of the target.

".........hey, you\'re not being mean by putting up a wind magic barrier or something on that target, are you?

I didn\'t. It\'s just your sister Elinora\'s ability.

But it came off so nicely that I couldn\'t help but think so too.

\'But how could it come off? I didn\'t see that much abnormality in the flow of magic power either...

I\'m not very good at practicing magic. It\'s all about carefully calibrating the magic power. I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find a way to make it work. It\'s a good idea to send a slash through the air to attack at ten or thirty meters away.

No, no, that\'s just because Elinora sister is crazy. Because normal people, no matter how fast they swing their swords, they can\'t make a shockwave, or rather a slash, fly away.

And I wondered how she would attack if she lost her sword, but I thought that Elinora sister would probably send air bullets or something with her fists.

Elinora sister sits down as if she was unfaithful.

Then she grabbed a nearby stone and threw it into the target.

It hit the middle of the target ten meters away. Then it fell into the sea with a splash.

Seeing such a casual scene, I had a plan for improvement.

I said, "You hit the center of the target from so far away. Oh my. Come on, Elinora, try hitting it again.

What? Well, okay, but....

When I praised her as I handed her a pebble, Elinora\'s sister made a dubious noise, but she was soberly happy and honestly threw another one.

And it hit the middle of the target just like the first pitch.

What kind of arm strength and hitting power do you have when you can barely even get any strength while sitting down?

\'Yeah, I guess aiming with your hands isn\'t the right way to go for sister Elinora, is it?

What do you mean?

\'I thought if I could fly the fireball as if I were throwing a rock like I\'m doing now, I could control it.

"...I see. Then I\'ll give it a go.

Elinora\'s sister stands up, perhaps regaining some energy.

Elinora sister is better at moving her body, and I think it would be easier to do it with big movements as well. Mostly because it doesn\'t look good for Elinora sister to fly like a wizard.

\'\'I seek you, burning flame, gather and become a ball.\'\'

As Sister Elinora chants, the flames converge in her right hand and form a sphere.

As she creates a beautiful fireball, Sister Elinora sends a sharp look at the target.

Then she moved her entire body in a large form like a pitcher, twisted her hips and threw the fireball that was in her right hand.

The hardball that left the Elinora sister\'s hand went straight ahead and hit the middle of the target ten meters away.

\'\'Ah! I hit it right in the middle!

Look, just remember how you feel right now and keep going!

Elinora sister looks back at me happily, but the challenge is to hit it five times in a row. The moment you get the feeling is the moment the magic should be practiced repeatedly.

\'\'I know!\'\'

As I said this, Elinora created another fireball and hit the middle of the target one after another.

And for the fifth and final time, Elinora managed to hit the middle of the target without missing.

\'Yay! That\'s it!

The Elinora sister was happy to have completed the task and fell backwards into the sand as it was.

\'\'Oh my goodness, you fell down to get your clothes and hair dirty,\'\'

It was Mother Erna who said the lines that spoke for me. Apparently, she had been watching us from the middle of the game.

If you only listen to the words, it would be like being angry, but the sound of Mother Erna\'s voice is a gentle one that doesn\'t give the slightest hint of such a thing.

She heads down to her sister Elinora, who collapsed while admiring her gentle smile.

\'Well done, Elinora,\'

Mother Erna caresses Sister Elinora lovingly.

Elinora looks a little shy, but she\'s happy and bashful.

Thank you.

\'Huh, I don\'t think I should be the one to say that line, do you?

As if Mother Erna\'s words had made her realize it, Sister Elinora slowly got up and turned around.

Then he looked a little embarrassed, averting his gaze.

Well thank you, Al.

You\'re welcome.

I was a little less than honest, but it was nice to be thanked.

I hope this will make him kinder at his next sword training session, I hope.

\'Come on, Elinora! Magic practice!

\'What? Why? I did my job!

Now that you\'ve gotten the hang of it, you have to keep going. Magic is all about repetition when you get the hang of it!

Oh, my goodness!

However, it seemed that Sister Elinora\'s magic training was still going on.