I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

280-Challenges from Elna mother

"\'I seek, O burning flame, gather and be a ball.\'

As Sister Elinora spun the spell, the flames converged in front of her outstretched right arm and gradually approached the sphere.

Hoho, it seems that it wasn\'t a waste of time for Erna-mother to practice her magic on the road, and the magic activation is smoother than before.

As I was impressed, the flames turned into a fireball. However, that\'s not a very fast enough activation speed, but it\'s certainly an improvement in being able to create a fireball consistently.

With the warm air from the flames curling up her reddish-brown hair, Sister Elinora turns her keen eyes to the target in front of her.

And when she moves her hand to it, the fireball follows her.

It\'s a very important part of magic, so moving your body is an aid to it.

I\'m sure sister Elinora is moving the fireball while moving her body, desperately trying to visualize a direct motion to the target in front of her.

After concentrating like that for a few seconds, Elinora sister sends the fireball flying with great force.

Then it hit a target made of earth magic that extended from the surface of the sea with an impressive hit - but not before hitting the seawater three meters to the side.

The fireball was sucked into the seawater and exploded in a small explosion.

It only wet the target with seawater in vain.

\'\'I\'m not going to hit it five times in a row!

The challenge for sister Elinora is to hit the target five times in a row.

She has learned to make a fireball slowly, but hitting a target farther away is still difficult. It would be a good thing if he could snatch the target even once every three times.

It\'s a good thing that you\'re a good magician. I\'m sure you\'ll find that the target I\'ve reworked is firmly etched with scars.

\'\'I seek from the atmosphere, gathered from the atmosphere, a sharp blade of wind.\'\'

Brother Silvio sent the wind blade flying once more.

However, it was deflected from the target by the strong sea wind.


The blade of the wind that had no destination to collide with wandered dizzy in the air, decayed and disappeared.

Magic is something that loses its power the further away you are from it. Unless you put a lot of magic power into it, the power drops dramatically if you fly ten meters.

In this case, the magic power is attenuated, and it is impossible to even keep its shape, so it disappeared.

\'\'It was two more times...\'\'

"Don\'t miss.

I comfort brother Silvio, who makes a sound of depression.

Mother Erna\'s assignment is ten times in a row. If you miss even one in the middle, you have to start over from the beginning.

The more you use your magic, the more it drains, and activating your magic is also a nerve-wracking experience.

It\'s a good character to let them use wind magic in a difficult situation where the sea wind is strong and difficult to control, Erna mom has a good character.

Now, this is not the time to worry about others. I have to guess forty-nine more times.

After watching the two of them moderately, I activated the water magic method. The same as before, I send the water ball flying and make it hit.

Forty-eight, forty-seven, forty-six, forty-five............It\'s not fun to just activate the water ball and fly it away.

Let\'s change the size and shape of the water ball as we hit it.

I tried to make it pointed, extremely small, and imitate the water flow.

As expected, the variation is getting less and less. Can I finish quickly because I\'m getting bored?

Mother Erna said that I should just hit the magic continuously.

If that\'s the case, then if I extend my water arm and hit the target twenty times, I\'ve hit the target.

I immediately made an arm out of seawater and extended it to the target 30 meters away.

Then I make an index finger and poke the middle of the target with it.

"Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen.......

Hey, hey, hey, that\'s not a good idea!

As I poked the target with my water arm like a woodpecker and counted, Nord Dad, who had been watching in the distance, came over.

\'Er, why? I\'m just doing what Mother Erna told me to do, and I\'m just applying magic in rapid succession, okay?

\'No, that\'s true, but this is a practice for the purpose of hitting and concentration and continuous magic activation and all that, right?

Well, I knew it was going to happen! I thought to myself that this was a bit impatient.

\'I understand. Then I\'ll use some more ordinary magic.

I put a psychic on the pieces of the hard targets that Brother Silvio had broken down earlier.

Then I lifted it all at once and shot it into the distant targets one by one.

The shards that were continuously sent flying hit the middle of the target one after another as if they were sucked into the middle of the target.

Yes, I\'ve hit this target twenty times.

In the first place, these targets were all calculated and made by me, so there\'s no way to miss them.

\'This won\'t be a problem, right?\'

\'Well you can ask Erna for her next instructions.

For some reason, Nord\'s dad says with a subtle look on his face.

Nice work. I\'m done with my task for now. It\'s a lot easier to practice magic than sword training.

I\'m sorry...

...like this?

Yeah, that\'s the idea. It\'s like having a tube inside your body and letting the magic flow through it to the whole thing.

When I went over to Mother Erna, it seemed that Luna-san and Eric were listening to the tips and conducting the circulation of magic power.

I wonder if Luna-san\'s swallowing is rather good, the circulation of magic power is smoother than what I saw earlier.

\'\'........Great. It\'s easier to flow magic power than before.

The image is also important when it comes to magic control. If you find a method that fits your image, you will be more efficient. Now I\'ve given you an analogy that is easy to imagine, but if you have an image that fits Luna-san, switch it up and try it.


Okay, let\'s keep the magic circulating for a while.

Compared to this one, Eric.........

\'\'Huh, ouch, kuohhhh!

He was only screaming desperately as he clenched his teeth and his face turned red.

The magic power in my body only moved a little bit faster, not much different than before. The magic power is still being released in vain, the magic power hasn\'t even firmly reached the extremities.

\'\'Eric-kun, let\'s calm down for once. You can\'t make your magic power move as you wish even if you\'re strained. It\'s better to go around in a calm state.

Yes, sir.

After being admonished by Mother Erna, Eric stopped the circulation of magic power and exhaled heavily.

Just like Mother Erna said, magic power doesn\'t move smoothly even if you force it to do so. Rather, it flows better when it\'s natural.

I was unable to flow the magic power when I was a baby, so I had to try to force myself and go through a lot of trial and error.

"Mm, Alfried. Why are you here?

Of course I\'m here to laugh at Eric\'s lousy control of his magic.

f*ck you, you little...

I said to emphasize that I was terrible at it, and Eric tugged at my cheeks.

\'Yes, yes, we\'re practicing now. Go back to your own practice and don\'t interrupt others.

I\'m here because it\'s over?


When I told her that, Mother Erna made a goofy noise.

Then I looked at my Nordic father, and I think he noticed me looking at him, and he slowly nodded his head.

\'Yes, that\'s right. \'So it\'s all over. Fifty times in a row...

It\'s amazing how clearly they can communicate with each other just by looking at each other.

Is this the end of today\'s practice?

\'No way. Al will have to do the next assignment.

With that, Mother Erna walks away and I follow her, a little excited to see what she has to say.

Once I\'m well away from Luna and Eric, Mother Erna moves her arms smoothly in a circular motion to create a water ball.

I see, by moving her arms in a circle, she reinforces the image of the water ball. So that\'s how she\'s activating her magic smoothly. That\'s a learning experience.

I moved my fingertips in a circular motion to make a water ball, and I was able to make a water ball accurately, even a small one.

\'I see, it\'s really easy to make like this, isn\'t it?

"........yeah, yeah. I know. But that\'s not the point.

When Mother Erna waved her arms in succession, ten water balls appeared.

Then, with another light wave of her arm, they rose to form a circle, or circled around Mother Erna.

Oh, as expected of Mother Erna. Even Aleusha and Illya could manage to move five of them.....

After all, when you\'ve reached the level of Elna\'s mother, this level of magic control is not a problem.

Anyway, the task this time is to control ten water poles at the same time.

After understanding the purpose, I immediately floated the ten water poles and moved them to imitate the movements of the water poles that Erna-Mom moved.

\'I\'ll have Al do the same thing with ten water poles--no, I\'ll have him operate twenty water poles at the same time!

Huh? Yeah, okay.

I float ten more water poles as the correction comes in along the way, and I add ten more.

Then I add them to the group of ten and move them in rows or zigzags.

It\'s beautiful, like soap bubbles dancing around when you have this many water balls floating around.

"....let me have 30 water balls...


That\'s ten more to add. There\'s still room for more.

I add ten more water poles.

\'Ugh, don\'t just float, move them.


That\'s right. I don\'t count inoperable water polo\'s in the count. As instructed by Mother Erna, I\'ll add that to the herd of water polo\'s as well.

Huh, it\'s easy to move about 30 water polo\'s at the same time. These guys weren\'t just sailing around in the Kagura.

Whenever I had time, I would manipulate the water poles in a way that encouraged Aleusha to do so.

\'\'........Then change the size of all of them, please.

\'What? Whoa, all of them!

Yes, all of them. I don\'t accept the same size.

I scream in surprise, but Mother Erna says it as if it\'s obvious.

Well, I can manipulate the water polyps floating in the air, but I\'ve never tried manipulating them all to change their size.

I pull the water ball floating in the air, all of it, and gradually change its size.

To put it simply, I make them thirty different sizes.

Soon after, the water polyps were lined up in front of me as if they had been drawn in the process of growing.

I slowly moved the water polyps in that state.

After all, it takes a lot of nerve to change the size of all thirty water cells.

Unlike the past, if you move the ball even a little bit bigger, the size of the water poles will be blurred.

I can manage to make it float, but it\'s a little difficult to move it smoothly.

\'Well then do it for a little while. When you\'ve done that, make each one irregular in size.

Mother Erna exhaled a small breath and instructed her to do so, and headed towards Eric and Luna.

Huh? Is it just my imagination that Mother Erna seemed relieved?

Well, okay. Let\'s just enjoy this magical control for now.