I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

255-Eric's Trauma

\'Oh! So this is Eric\'s home bath!

It\'s a different shape than ours.

As soon as we entered the bathroom of Eric\'s house, my brother Silvio and I exclaimed in admiration.

Then our voices echoed in the bathroom.

The bathroom of Eric\'s house is a simple one with a washing area on the left side and a huge half-moon shaped bathtub on the right side.

The washing area is a bit small, but the bathtub is spacious enough.

\'My family often goes to the beach to take in the sea breeze and practice and work up a sweat. We just make sure we have a nice bath.

Indeed. If you\'re close to the ocean, get some sea breezes, and practice, you\'ll probably want to take a bath more often. If this is the case, then of course you\'ll want to make sure the bath is a good one.

I\'m sure the Eric family has made the right decision. It\'s a good thing that I can take a good bath, too.

It\'s a small thing compared to Kagura\'s luxury inn, of course, but it\'s a poor comparison.

Then let\'s wash up first.


Yeah, just wash up properly and get in the tub.

Now I want to wash off this sticky skin as soon as possible. Maybe it\'s because we\'ve been waiting for the ladies to come up, but the discomfort in our bodies is maxed out.

We exchanged a few words and promptly sat down in a row of bath chairs to our left.

\'Come to think of it, it\'s been a long time since I\'ve had a bath with Al,\'

As soon as Brother Silvio sat down on my left side, he said such a thing.

If this were a brother with a normal face, it would be uncomfortable to say it, but when a handsome man like Brother Silvio says it so refreshingly, I don\'t feel any disgust.

\'\'That\'s right. As expected, at my age, I can go in there by myself.

But Al has been wanting to go in on his own since he was about three years old.

I can relax in a bath by myself, after all.

It\'s not that our mansion\'s bathroom is small. Rather, it\'s bigger than this one, so the whole family can fit in it.

It\'s still fine if it\'s the same man who goes in with us, Brother Silvio or Father Nord. However, when they were little, they would sometimes go in with Erna Mother or Elinora Sister.

It\'s not that I\'m lusting after the two family members, but if you put my previous life together, my mental age is a thirty-four year old man. It would be hard to say that I could relax.

That\'s why I said I wanted to go in alone when I was about three years old, when my body was starting to get stronger.

\'But for the first three months or so, brother Silvio was with you the whole time, right? Why did he want to keep such a close watch on us?

\'That\'s because my dad and mom thought I\'d drown if I let Al take a bath by myself.

When I say what I\'ve been wondering about, Brother Silvio reveals it with a bitter smile.

\'\'What\'s that?\'\'

You don\'t think I\'d be dumb enough to die from drowning in a bath, do you?

No, because Al is pretty absent-minded.

\'Indeed. If you have eyes like those of a dead fish like you did on the beach, your parents have every right to be concerned.

Eric, sitting on my right, nodded in agreement with Brother Silvio\'s words.

If I thought I was the only one who strangely wouldn\'t let him go in alone, that\'s what I was thinking.

That\'s rude. I\'m sure I was a very good listener and a firm believer since I was a kid.

Oh well. I\'d rather run my body through hot water than that now.

I place the bath tub on the faucet part of the wall. Every time I look at the bath tub, I look for the word Kellorin, it\'s like a habit from my previous life now.

When I touched the magic tool embedded in the wall, it sucked out the magic power and spat out warm water instead.

When the bath tub was filled with enough hot water, I lifted it up and poured it over my body in one go.

The warm water washes away the sweat and tide clammy skin at once.

The warm water made me feel refreshed, but I felt a slight tingling in my arms and neck area.

\'Oh, it\'s kind of tingly,\'

Me too.

Brother Silvio, who was also covered in hot water, was surprised that he felt the same way.

Haha, both of you have a great tan. Your skin is red.

Oh, it\'s true. If you look closely, your skin might be a little red.

When I stared at my skin at Eric\'s suggestion, I saw that my arms were slightly reddened, probably from the sunshine of the sea. Apparently, I\'d gotten sunburned.

\'Ah, I\'m pretty burnt. This looks a bit painful to pour hot water on.

I wonder if it\'s because my skin is white from the start. Brother Silvio\'s arms and other parts of his body look quite red and burned.

Brother Silvio is fair-skinned and has rather weak skin. This will cause a tingling pain when you pour hot water on it.

\'\'If you\'re afraid, I\'ll pour hot water on you.

Ow, that hurts! Hey, Al, stop it! I can call it myself!

When I poured the hot water I had drawn into the bath tub, Brother Silvio let out a scream and wriggled around.

What is it? Brother Silvio\'s reaction is strangely tasteless. I know he doesn\'t like it, but it makes me want to do more.

\'d*mn, I\'m sure Al is the same way with the tan! Eh!

When I\'m pouring hot water over the body, Silvio\'s brother can\'t stay beaten up, or he\'ll pour hot water over the body in retaliation.

However, it doesn\'t bother me because I\'m not so tanned. It\'s just a little tingling.

I ignore the hot water being poured on me and pour it back on Silvio-san.

\'\'Ugh! Why!

\'\'Hmmm, brother Silvio. I have stronger skin than you, so I wouldn\'t make a sound with such mild pain.

That\'s not fair.

I was born with a strong skin. I can\'t do anything about it.

Yes, just like Brother Silvio is naturally handsome, I can\'t help it...let\'s not. I\'m starting to feel empty thinking to myself.

As I\'m lightly depressed like that, cold water unexpectedly flies in from the right side.

\'\'It\'s cold!\'\'

Brother Silvio and I, who were both splashed with the cold water that suddenly flew over us, involuntarily straightened up and shouted because it was so cold.

If it wasn\'t Brother Silvio, there was only one culprit who had sent the water flying.

When brother Silvio and I involuntarily glared at each other, the culprit, Eric, was laughing happily.

\'\'Hahaha, you have an interestingly good reaction.

Okay, Eric. You know, if you\'re in the mood, I\'ve got an idea.

I\'ve fought Irvine and Malt a lot in these Kagura. I\'m confident that my skill at sending hot water flying through a hole in the human body is second to none.

As I swing my arms in a random kung fu-like fashion to get ready for battle, Eric lets out a still voice.

\'Wait, wait, wait. I didn\'t throw water on you guys to be mean to you.

So what\'s the point?

He answered with his mouth, but never unraveled his wariness. There was a cowardly adventurer who took me by surprise in Kagura\'s bathhouse, saying tammas and all.

\'I suppose we both have sunburns. If that\'s the case, you should put some water on it to cool it down a bit. That will help with the pain of the sunburn.


Yeah, it should. You should try it.

Brother Silvio asked, and Eric nodded dully.

Come to think of it, I\'ve heard of something like that. As I recall, a sunburn is a condition similar to a mild burn.

Cooling down and getting rid of the burn should reduce the progression of the inflammation.

I remembered that from Eric\'s words, so I immediately used a water-spouting magic tool to cool my arm.

\'\'Ah, it feels good to take away the heat from the burning heat.


For a while, my brother Silvio and I cooled our arms by means of a magic tool that produces water.

However, in order to keep the water flowing, the magic power must be supplied continuously with one hand, which is inconvenient for us who want to cool both arms. Even my waist is bent, so even my back hurts.

\'\'Oh, it\'s a pain in the ass, let\'s do it with magic.

When I activate the water magic, I make the water cling to my tanned arms and neck area only as if I had clothed a water ball in the village.

Ah, the water that clings to these tanned areas feels good. I can cool down the sunburned area without any inconvenience with this.

"...you\'re doing weird things with your magic again.

Ha-ha, that\'s weird, but that sounds handy. Can I get one?


I\'ll clothe my honest brother Silvio with the same water.

\'Wow, it\'s cold! But it feels good.


My brother Silvio and I meditated, and for a while we were intoxicated by the comfort of the water.

I decided to use the water magic method I developed along the way to wash my hair.

I imagined a human arm and used the water magic method to make it look like an elephant.

\'\'Huh! What is it this time? The water arm is here! You\'re with the Desert Hand!

Eric backed away, surprised that he had appeared in the water arms that suddenly appeared.

\'You\'re overreacting when you just used water magic to make an arm of yourself.

\'No, you\'d be surprised if a water arm like this one suddenly appeared. Besides, this figure resembles a desert demon, the Desert Hand. It\'s a demon with arms made of sand that grabs a man\'s feet and drags him into the sand.

I was taken aback by Eric\'s reaction, but apparently there\'s a reason to be surprised.

Eric\'s mother, Natasha, is a Rasulian, so she must have been to the desert of the Rasul Kingdom.

\'\'Oh, there are such demons?\'\'

Yeah, I got my foot in my hand once... I thought I was going to die that time.

Eric talks about his past with a glum look on his face.

Apparently, he\'s provoked a trauma. That\'s surprising.

"I\'m afraid of demons dragging me into the sand or something.

My dad says desert demons are so perverse.

I mutter sincerely, and Brother Silvio says casually.

To say that Nord Dad has a lot of crooked people, he must be at a very high level.

After all, in a harsh environment, the demons living there must have grown up to be strong.

\'\'By the way, what do you use those arms for?

It\'s obvious. That\'s what you use to wash your head.

What a simple thing to say. This is obviously an arm for washing hair, isn\'t it? I manipulate the water arm to wash my hair and scalp in order to make silly Eric understand.

\'I don\'t want you to take this for granted. I\'ve never heard of washing your hair like that before, for the most part.

\'I don\'t blame you. I\'m going to show that clueless Eric how good this is, even if he\'s not that clueless.

It\'s faster to make him experience it than to make him understand it in words.

I generate a new water arm and move towards Eric.

\'No, wait. Keep that thing away from me!

Then, for some reason, Eric gets up and tries to run away, so I maneuver the water arm and grab Eric\'s ankle.

\'Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I\'m not going to be dragged into the sand!

Then Eric started screaming while struggling all over.

Hey, what the hell is this guy doing all of a sudden?

\'Oh, Al. Eric, you\'re traumatized by having your leg grabbed by the desert hand.

When I was wondering, Brother Silvio gave me a guess.

I see. Is this reminiscent of the trauma of having my feet held by a water arm that resembles a desert hand?

Even the sensation is completely different from sand, and this is not a desert.

You\'re a totally imaginative guy. I think he is more suited to be a wizard than a swordsman.

When I was thinking about this, Silvio\'s brother came in late and said.

\'\'For now, why don\'t you let go of the water arm?


I disarmed the water arm and Eric, who had been struggling, fell down with great force.