I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

256-Dinner before dinner

"...Dinner in a little while. Largo will call for you when it\'s time to go, and until then you can relax in your room.

Eric tells me as I get out of the bath, with a somewhat disheveled look on his face.

\'Where\'s Eric?\'

I\'m going to go to my room to get some rest.

Eric said in a powerless voice and walked down the corridor with a tobogganing gait that was oozing with fatigue.

No, it\'s just that Al has provoked the trauma.

Brother Silvio is so disciplined to get into my silly blurbs, isn\'t he?

But thanks to what happened just now, you were able to hold Eric in a vulnerable position. Now, when it comes to the game against Eric, we can use this to our advantage.

........Al, you look so bad, don\'t you?

\'That\'s not true, brother Silvio. For that matter, Eric\'s right, we should go back to our rooms to take a break too.

I hope you don\'t tease Eric too much.

Rude. I\'m not a bully.

I\'m not a bully.

I\'m home.

Welcome back.

When we returned to the large room we had been assigned, Mother Erna, Father Nord and Sister Elinora all answered our questions.

Mother Erna is standing by the window looking out at the ocean, while Father Nord is sitting on the sofa reading comfortably. Sister Elinora is spreading out her armor and other items on the carpet and taking care of them.

Everyone seems to be spending the time until dinner.

I love this sense of calmness.

When you are traveling, you are usually not able to work, even if you are a worker.

I\'m not sure if it\'s because of the lack of such a means of communication in this world, but when you leave your place of work, you basically can\'t do anything, let alone in a previous life when computers and the Internet were widely used.

Thanks to that, Nord Dad, who is always busy with his lord\'s work, is also in a perfectly off mode. Now he has an expression of liberation on his face.

This kind of sense of freedom from the mundane world must have been lost in the previous life. Even if it is a holiday, I am forced to respond to e-mails or receive phone calls. Can we really call it a holiday? The convenient world is something to think about.

Well, such a previous life has nothing to do with me now that I\'ve been reborn.

I\'m just going to enjoy this slow time to the heart\'s content.

My brother Silvio and I move to the sofa to take a break for the time being.

\'\'Oh? Al and Silvio\'s skin is totally burnt.

\'Oh, it\'s true. Especially with Silvio\'s flushed skin.

Apparently, the change in our skin is so obvious that I can see it at a glance.

Mother Erna, who was looking out at the sea from the window, also smiles gently and says

Smiling at the window like that, she looks like the daughter of a deep window. The way her hair is fluttered by the sunset and sea breeze that comes through the window is very picturesque.

\'Aside from Al, who has strong skin, Silvio better put some cream on and a hat on tomorrow.

Mother Erna compares me and Brother Silvio, then moves and starts fishing through her own bag.

\'\'Hm? What is cream?

It\'s a sun protection cream.

\'What? What\'s that? If there\'s such a thing, I\'d use it too.

If there\'s such a useful cream, I\'d use it too.

I wonder if they used it every year. I didn\'t even know it existed.

\'You don\'t need it because Al has strong skin, do you? I don\'t use it all the time. Besides, this cream is a luxury item and you can\'t get it very often.

Saying that, Mother Erna took out a jar of amber cream from the pouch. And when she opened the lid, a fruity smell wafted out.

It\'s a very nice smell. I\'m sure it contains medicinal ingredients, but it must have been scented in consideration of its users.

As I was thinking this, Erna\'s mother closed the lid and fixed the bottle.

It seems that she put it out just to make me understand the luxury.

\'No wonder Sister Elinora and Mother Erna don\'t get a tan every year.

I don\'t let Elinora use it anymore, aside from me.

\'What? Why?

Mother Erna would definitely let her sister Elinora apply it to keep her girl power intact.

It\'s strange that she wouldn\'t let her use it.

\'Because she doesn\'t tan very often, and she\'s out there so much that even sunscreen is useless.


Me and my brother Silvio shouted in agreement at Mother Erna\'s words.

I couldn\'t help but look at Elinora\'s sister, who was polishing her leather armor with a serious expression.

I stared at her skin and saw that it hadn\'t been tanned at all. It remained white as usual.

I thought it was strange that she had been out all day today, playing harpoon picks in the ocean.

\'I\'m so jealous of your beautiful skin, my daughter.

Well, Elinora is still young.

As I casually answered Mother Erna\'s envious voice, I suddenly felt a chill run through my body.

\'\'...............................Does that mean I\'m not young anymore?

A voice that seems to echo from the depths of hell.

I feel as if my heart is being held directly in my hands and I can\'t breathe air well.

Even though it is summer, the air in the room feels so cold, and my skin tingles with the tension that drifts through the air.

Everyone in the family was silent and the only sound in the room was the sound of sister Elinora polishing her leather armor.

What do I do? I can\'t find the words to cover what I just said. Twist it out, twist it out. Use every grating word and flattery to get through this desperate pinch.

Get your brain spinning. First, you need to sort out the words I\'ve let loose.

"I don\'t envy you, my daughter, how fair your skin is.

"Well, Elinora is still young...

\'\'........Does that mean I\'m not young anymore?\'\'

...I don\'t think that\'s possible. No matter how I try to fix it, it can only be taken to mean that Mother Erna is getting old.

I can\'t help it, even though I\'ve gotten over this with my many sycophants. Why can\'t I take back the words that have come out of my mouth?

Oh, no. Oh no, this is bad. It\'s not a good idea to be silent as it is.

We have to say something. I know this is so, but I can\'t move my throat due to an unknowable feeling of pressure and tension.

You are right. I\'m going to pass the buck to my brother Silvio.


\'Sis, it\'s good to take care of your armor, but you should wipe your hair a little more thoroughly, right? It\'s still wet.

\'You can\'t wipe this stuff off. I\'m fine as it is.

\'No. You have beautiful hair. I\'ll wipe it off for you now.

You bastard! You\'d go out of your way to talk to Sister Elinora and even act indifferent to her by wiping her with a towel! It\'s terrible, isn\'t it, that my brother is in trouble?

\'Si--what is it?\'


Mother Erna talks to me, but I can\'t answer anything.

Am I going to be able to eat my dinner?

Have you had any more wrinkles or...

\'No, it\'s not. Erna\'s skin is so beautiful. I see it every day and I can vouch for that.

As I was half-heartedly escaping reality in my mind, Dad Nord suddenly stood up and said.

\'Well, it embarrasses me to hear you say that.

Can I just touch your cheeks for a second?

It\'s too bad we can\'t have that.

The way he casually hides me from her sight by hiding me from her side.

I can honestly say that I\'ve never admired him more than I do now. Can a good husband dismiss even a son\'s rough edges?

I shiver at his courage and move out of the way.

There\'s nothing I can do if I\'m conspicuous again and rehash what I just said.

I spend a few minutes in that way, trying to catch my breath. There\'s a knock on the door.

The door quietly opens and Largo enters as Father Nord replies, bowing.

\'Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready for you. Dinner is now ready and I will take you to it.

All right. Well, then, let\'s go to dinner.

Yeah. I\'m hungry too. I\'m looking forward to the sea food.

Apparently it\'s time for dinner. Even Elinora, who was silently polishing her armor, came to her senses at this, and quickly stood up.


I still seem to hear only convenient dialogue.

As we were in the process of moving to the dining room for dinner, my brother Silvio, who was looking out the window at the ocean, and I, who was jittery at the end, moved from the room.

Largo walks to the front of the line, with Dad Nord and Mother Erna walking arm in arm, followed by us kids.

Mother Erna and Father Nord seem to be getting along very well. It\'s good to see them, though. I\'m glad to see that Mother Erna has changed her tune. I don\'t know what would have happened if Nord-Dad hadn\'t followed up.

As I exhale in relief as I pat my chest, Brother Silvio says in a whisper, "I\'m glad to hear that.

\'Good for you, Al. I\'m glad you got your dad to help you.

\'\'Well how can you say a line like that when you\'re running off to your sister Elinora?

\'That\'s because Al looks at me with a bad smile on his face. As expected, I don\'t want to get involved in that thing either.

As for the original, it was Al\'s fault for saying something out of line.

Ugh, sister Elinora was too right to say anything back. It\'s a bit humiliating.

\'\'Well, next time mom is waiting for a seafood meal, she\'ll forget about it once she\'s had it.

Brother Silvio says that to encourage me, but to me it doesn\'t seem like that\'s enough to make a woman forget things.

Women have a strong tendency to remember things that were inconvenient forever.

As I\'m walking around thinking about this, Erna\'s mother, who was arm-in-arm with Nord Dad, suddenly glances back at me.

\'There won\'t be a next time, will there?\'

I had a feeling he was saying that with a small mouthful of food.

See, after all, they won\'t forgive you for just cooking for the sake of a short term. I guess I\'m just sparing Father Nord\'s forgiveness this time....

Tomorrow\'s training will be for my Nordic father, so I thought it would be okay if I worked a little harder for him.