I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

254-Barren conversation

Once Meena and brother Silvio, who had been down with seasickness, recovered, we decided to return to the mansion quietly.

\'\'That castle earlier was awesome! It looked just like the Castle of Misfillit I saw in King\'s Landing!

Yeah, I didn\'t know you could do something like that with just sand.

Meena and brother Silvio walk down the road, smiling and talking about the sand castle.

They seem to have recovered from lying down for a while and resting, and their complexion seems to have returned to its original state already.

With this, I won\'t have to worry about reversing suddenly.

Luna and her sister Elinora, who are behind me, seem to have succeeded in catching the fish with a harpoon stick.

There are several fish in the net hanging from their waists.

Her clothes are a little wet with seawater and dirt, but she looks very radiant. He was having so much fun that he didn\'t care about the dirt.

What a manly sister she is, catching a fish with a harpoon as soon as she comes to the beach.

\'.........Al-kun is still strange.

As I look at the fish in the net, Luna-san, walking next to her sister Elinora, mutters to me.

\'Indeed. What would we do with a sand castle on the beach?\'

\'Well Elinora is strange too. That\'s not what I\'m trying to say. Because normally you can\'t make something that precise with earth magic.

\'Really? Even on the journey, I usually used earth magic to build a house, but...

I nodded sincerely at Luna-san\'s words.

On the road, Elinora said to build a house as if it were a simple matter, but it is quite difficult to build things with earth magic.

Even a chair can\'t be sat on if the legs that form the base are even slightly distorted. I\'m not sure if I\'m going to be a good fit, but I\'m sure I\'m going to be a good fit.

I always seem to make it easy, but when I make it, I have to use some nerves.

Well, I\'ve gotten used to even that.

\'\'........Al-kun is better at earth magic than your mother, a desert people.

"Deserters are Rasulians, right? Are the Rasulians that good at earth magic?

Unusually, Elinora\'s sister asked me a good question.

The Rasul are desert dwellers who often come to King\'s Landing to sell their spices. They are very Arabian in appearance, with dark skin and a turban of sorts. That\'s the impression I got.

I\'ve never actually heard of them, so I know very little about how the Rasul people live and what kind of culture they have. So I\'m curious.

Most of the Razur Kingdom is a desert. They are adept at dealing with nature and magic in order to survive the harsh environment.

\'The thing that is most familiar to people, especially, is the seemingly endless sand. That\'s why the Rasulians are especially good at earth magic.

Eric says to complement Luna\'s words.

From the point of view of the Lazur people who live in a harsh environment, magic would be a very wonderful boon.

For example, even if they run out of water on their journey, they can still survive with water magic. If you use earth magic and use the sand in place, it will become a building as it is. If it gets cold at night, you can use fire magic to create flames and you won\'t freeze to death.

If you use your magic well, you can break out of a severe situation where you live or die.

People will have no choice but to get serious about it and master magic.

I guess people can usually manage to do something about it if they want to live.

\'Then why don\'t you, Elinora, who\'s not very good at magic, just fight the demons with magic alone? You see, you can get by for a living, right?

So Al, who can\'t rely on his sword, should just use his sword to fight the demons?

I\'m not going to be able to get a good idea of what to do with it.

The eyes seem to aim at their prey, and I could feel the will to make me and the demons confront each other, even if I had to bear the fetters of only magic.

\'\'........this argument is barren, so let\'s not do it.

\'I\'m sure Al is the one who started it.

I pull back, and sister Elinora sniffs boringly at me.

I\'m really glad. It\'s just a joke and it\'s over.

\'Welcome back, gentlemen. Your skin must be sticky after your trip to the beach. Why don\'t you take a bath in the hot water that\'s ready for you?

As soon as I returned to Eric\'s mansion, Largo, the butler, said that as he reverently thanked me.

Suddenly, I looked at my body and saw that a lot of sand was on my clothes and skin.

It must have gotten on me when I was building the Misfirito Castle with sand. And my skin is a bit sticky because of the sea breeze all the time.

\'\'Huh? I\'m not supposed to be sweating that much, but my skin is sticky.

\'\'It\'s true. Both Silvio-sama and I were taking a break the whole time due to seasickness, so we shouldn\'t be sweating so much...\'\'

That\'s probably because of the sea breeze and spray. Not only the water, but the air near the water contains salt.

I see. That\'s why my skin is so sticky.

It\'s not like normal water at all, is it?

Brother Silvio and Meena let out a word of admiration at Largo\'s explanation.

For two people who have never been to the sea before, everything is new to them, I guess.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find a way to make your hair creak. Is it just me?

Elinora sister, who has been fiddling with her own hair, strokes my hair without permission to check.

Oh, I also feel like my hair is somehow squeaky clean because of the sea breeze or something.

\'....Al\'s hair is a bit stiff, so I can\'t really tell.

Tell me you have frizzy hair.

Lumpy is something I hate to describe.

Sister Elinora thought she wouldn\'t get anything out of stroking my hair, so she easily let go of my hand.


Eric gave a small laugh as I gave my sister Elinora a disgruntled look.

\'What are you smiling about?\'

It\'s definitely a bit choppy.

"He has frizzy hair. I mean, don\'t touch my hair.

It pisses me off that he\'s touching my hair with a look that makes me look like a fool.

d*mn, you\'re getting carried away just because your hair is a little silky.

"...the seawater makes my hair squeak. Let\'s get it out of the water as soon as possible because it will hurt my hair if it\'s left unchecked.

I don\'t feel good about staying like this, and I think we should take a bath.

I agree!

Rather than go into the room and relax, it\'s better to take a bath first to refresh yourself. By consensus, the ladies move in to get ready for the bath.

\'Oh, Miss Meena,\'

Yes? What is it?

Meena turns around with a big smile on her face as Largo calls out to her to keep her back.

I\'m no longer feeling like a young lady on vacation. Without a trace, she\'s about to join Luna and her sister Elinora\'s circle of friends and head for the bathhouse without a care in the world.

You may have forgotten that you are a maid.

You\'ll need to get up early, Meena-san. It\'s time to get ready for dinner.

Yes, I understand.

Perhaps brought back to himself by Largo\'s nail-biting words, Meena replies with a shadowy expression.

How much better it would have been if I was a noblewoman. I think I\'d be thinking about that.

\'\'Well, it\'s nice that they let me bathe first.

\'Yes. I suppose I should be grateful that my maid-like appearance allows me to take a bath first.

Meena moves on while being comforted by her sister Elinora.

Well, it can\'t be helped since Meena is a maid. From now on, she\'ll have to work hard and be the maid of the Rowlett family.

Well, brother Silvio, Eric. Let\'s take a bath too, shall we?

What are you talking about? There\'s no way we\'re going to have separate bathrooms for men and women in our house.

I said casually, and Eric instantly poked me in the face.

Come to think of it, that\'s right. Even our mansion doesn\'t have separate baths for men and women.

\'\'........that means?\'\'

Ha-ha, we\'ll wait until you get up there.

I knew it was going to happen.