I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 39: come back to the village

Yun Ting had been coveting the crystal ball of the third generation for a long time, and now it finally fell into his own hands and his wish was fulfilled.

It\'s just that after he happily tried a few times, he unexpectedly discovered that the crystal ball was not as omnipotent as he imagined.

In principle, it is indeed able to remotely monitor every move of a person within Konoha Village, but this requires mastering the person\'s Chakra characteristics as a condition.

That is to say, it is difficult for people who do not know each other very well to detect each other in the crystal ball.

The third Hokage was able to keep his eyeballs in the crystal ball without moving for a day because he had known everyone in Konoha very well for decades.

Now that Yun Ting uses the crystal ball, he can only check a few acquaintances at most.

Originally, he had secretly picked up several bathhouses that were full of business... Bah, bah, bah, bah!

It should be said to be a commercial street near the bathhouse.

This allows him to learn about the people\'s livelihood in Muye Village without going out.

It\'s a pity that this livelihood project cannot be realized in a short time now.

Forget it, talk is better than nothing, let\'s see how Ritsuko Yamanaka\'s black silk girl... is doing in poverty alleviation.

Just do it.

Yun Ting casts a telescopic technique on the crystal ball.

In an instant, a familiar face appeared in the crystal ball.


Konoha gate.

When Yun Ting, the fourth Hokage, was tirelessly inspecting the work of his subordinates, the two ninjas of the Konoha Guard who guarded the entrance and exit of Konoha suddenly frowned, and their two pairs of Sharingan eyes opened, looking not far away. Running towards here, the extremely fast figure sternly said:

"Who? Stop it!"

The speed of arrivals remained unabated.

Just when the two Uchiha ninjas couldn\'t bear it and were about to make a move, the other party finally stopped at the gate, full of emotion:

"It\'s still back!"

"Who are you? Come...huh? Are you Jiraiya-sama?"

An Uchiha ninja was about to scold the person who came, but when he noticed the other person\'s conspicuous white hair and the word "oil" on his forehead, his heart moved. Then he looked at the face of the person who came, and after finally confirming that it was correct, he changed his words.

"You are... Shigeru Uchiha, right?" Jiraiya, one of Konoha Sannin, turned his head at the gate and said with a hearty smile.

"I didn\'t expect Jiraiya-sama to still remember my name." Shigeru Uchiha said in surprise.

When Konoha was at war with the Land of Earth before, he briefly followed Jiraiya, who was the commander in chief of the Land of Earth at that time. This is also the reason why he can recognize Ziraiya.

"As a commander, it is only natural to recognize every subordinate."

If it was normal, when he said these words, Jiraiya would definitely show a displeased expression on his face.

But now there is a bit of reluctance in his usual smile.

Shigeru Uchiha, who saw it in his eyes, combined with the major events that happened in the village before, quickly guessed the reason, and quickly registered Jiraiya without any further delay.

"Master Jiraiya, welcome back to Konoha, you can go in now." Shigeru Uchiha said.

"Thank you, Mao." Jilai also patted the other party\'s shoulder, and when he was about to enter, he suddenly paused and asked in a low voice, "Oshemaru...is it really as rumored by the outside world? "

Shigeru Uchiha nodded.

Jiraiya was also silent for a while, and finally stepped into Konoha.

Looking back, Uchiha Shigeru felt that the back of one of the famous Konoha Sannin was very sad.

After a quarter of an hour.

While Yun Ting was still tirelessly watching the crystal ball, suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the window, followed by the appearance of Anbu who was guarding him and the sound of stern reprimand.

Yun Ting frowned slightly, and quickly put away the crystal ball to cover it up, then turned around and went to the window, only to see a familiar person on the eaves surrounded by a team of Anbu ninjas.

"What a fuss, let Mr. Jiraiya come in." Yunting smiled and waved his hand.

Hearing that the darkness around him quickly dissipated.

Jiraiya, who caused all this, scratched his head in embarrassment.

After jumping into Hokage\'s office from the window, he quickly apologized to Yun Ting: "I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry! When the three generations of teachers were here, I was used to climbing the window, and I forgot to change it back."

Yunting didn\'t care and said: "Mr. Jiraiya doesn\'t need to change it in the future, I will tell you to go on and Anbu won\'t stop me."

Ji Lai also shook his head: "Forget it, after all, it is a willful act, and it should be corrected if it can be corrected."

As he said that, he looked at the Hokage office, which has a completely different style now, and suddenly felt a sense of strangeness to Konoha in front of him.

After all, it was a newcomer who replaced the old one. In the past, after seeing his face, Anbu would never come out to stop him.

But now, times have changed.

The freedom and arbitrariness of the previous three generations is no longer suitable for the current fourth generation.

In particular, the relationship between the latter and him is not very familiar, and even because of Tsunade, he is still a rival in love in a sense.

Therefore, Zilai, who looks optimistic on the outside but has a very delicate heart, knows that he must also change.

Seeing this, Yun Ting didn\'t try to persuade him any more, but instead asked, "Mr. Jiraiya, why did you suddenly return to Konoha? Didn\'t you write the letter earlier because you were collecting wind in the west of the mainland?"

"Yeah, the witches in the ghost country in the west of the mainland have a special flavor. I originally wanted to collect more materials there. But I heard a piece of news in the middle, so I hurried back." At the end, Zilai also had a complexion. down in awe.

"Is it because of Orochimaru?" Yun Ting said lightly.

Ji Lai also took a deep breath, nodded heavily and said, "Yes."

"So what does Mr. Jiraiya want to do? Accusing the village of not killing Orochimaru? Let\'s not talk about the fact that he didn\'t want to be caught without a fight and has already defected. Just talk about the fact that he mutilated the villagers for his own selfishness and carried out inhumane taboo experiments. It is not a pity to die. These allegations have sufficient evidence. Mr. Jiraiya, if you don’t believe it, you can check it out. But please remember one thing, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Don’t put your personal feelings on Konoha’s legal principles Come on!" Yun Ting said bluntly.

Listen to it yourself, but haven\'t spoken for a long time.

To be honest, he didn\'t know why he ran back desperately after hearing the news.

Things had already happened, and it was too late for him to change.

But it was that impulsiveness, the emotion that had been with Orochimaru for decades, that drove him back.

It\'s just that standing in front of Yun Ting who is the Fourth Hokage at this moment, he doesn\'t know what to say.

As the other party said, Orochimaru\'s death deserves more than guilt, and everything Konoha did was reasonable and courteous.

So, what can he ask.

Ask Yunting why he didn\'t show mercy at the beginning, and when he comes back, he will influence Dashewan and let him be a man again?

Can it be done?

Jilai also shook his head. Although he is sometimes naive, he also knows that Dashewan\'s character will not be influenced by him.

If you want to blame it, blame yourself as a teammate for not pulling him back in time after discovering the strangeness of Orochimaru, which made him go on the road of no return.

Jiraiya\'s eyes dimmed, and finally said: "I have no objection to the village\'s approach. It\'s just that as an old friend who has been with me for many years, I want to say goodbye to Orochimaru at the end, and I ask Hokage-sama for permission."

"Oshemaru\'s body is now in the analysis room. Senior Jiraiya will take my warrant and say goodbye."

Yunting did not refuse Jiraiya\'s request, but wrote a warrant and handed it to the other party.

After Zilai also thanked, he quickly left the Hokage office.

This time he walked through the door.

At this time, looking at his back, Yun Ting thought it was another person.

Now that this one is here.

Then the other Sannin should react.