I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 40: Tsunade's reaction

Pushing back the time a little bit, the shocking news from Konoha had just spread out.

Fire Nation, Pamphlet Street.

As a well-known gambling and consumption street in the entire ninja world, Tsunade spends a large part of his time here when traveling.

This time is no exception.

In front of a gambling hall with a large area, Tsunade held a large amount of money borrowed from IOUs, and hurriedly pushed the door open and entered.

Beside him, the little girl Kato Shizune, who was holding a pink piglet in her hand, could only follow in with a look of lovelessness after several times of persuasion to no avail.

The casino was originally in full swing.

However, when Tsunade came in, there was a moment of silence, followed by a more intense boiling like a volcanic eruption.

They may not know about Konoha Sannin.

But they were deeply impressed by the wealth-spreading boy who was well-known in Baanchu Street and the legendary Big Fat Sheep.

The woman who came in had blond hair, huge breasts, and was beautiful, with a green coat with the word "gambling" on the back.

All this perfectly fits the appearance of the legendary big fat sheep.

So, here\'s your chance to make a fortune!

In an instant, the entire casino was boiling.

The gamblers present rushed forward one after another, hoping to be the first to grab the table seat next to Tsunade, so that the female Bodhisattva could save him or her.

After a lot of flirting, it finally subsided under the intervention of the casino owner.

The game begins.

Tsunade started shaking the dice excitedly.

For her, she doesn\'t need to care about losing money at all, she\'s already used to it anyway.

What she really enjoys is the whole process of gambling.

It\'s just a bit of a surprise today.

The gamble has been carried out several times, and Tsunade was very surprised that there were still winners in the series of losses, so that the stack of money on her table was moving around, and in the end it was almost the same as the beginning .

How is this going?

Over the years, Tsunade has also summed up his own unique situation in gambling.

If she keeps losing money, it means that everything around her is normal.

If she suddenly won money, then something very bad for her must have happened around her.

But after going on for such a long time like now, what is the situation without winning or losing?

Tsunade expressed his incomprehension.

Also incomprehensible are the gamblers who have gone through untold hardships at the same table as her.

At this time, they were also muttering about why this big fat sheep is so wrong today, what about the Bodhisattva giving alms? Could it be that it wasn\'t me who came?

They heard that there is a transformation technique among ninjas that can transform into others.

At this moment, the only person on the scene who is most happy about this situation is undoubtedly Shizune Kato.

After all, if the money is lost, she and Tsunade-sama can only sleep on the street at night.

Time passed by like this.

Compared with the past, Tsunade has undoubtedly stayed in the casino for a longer time this time.

When she was happy, she didn\'t bother to think about it, rolled up her sleeves and continued to work vigorously.

The surrounding onlookers saw that the legendary Big Fat Sheep seemed to be an exaggerated name, and they all dispersed regretfully.

All of a sudden, the sounds of "opening up" and "opening up" resounded continuously.

Gambling halls are originally places where fish and dragons mix together, and when the gamblers are having fun, there is often nonsense from all over the world.

Soon, a very exciting news came from the mouth of a new gambler.

"I heard no, something big happened to Konoha some time ago!"

"Big thing? What big deal?"

"Oshemaru, one of Konoha Sannin, defected!"

"Konoha Sannin? That\'s a famous big shot! How could he defect?"

"Who knows? It is said that he was doing experiments on living people frantically, and he defected after being discovered; others said that Orochimaru was forced. You must know that Konoha\'s Hokage was a competitor with him at the beginning, and the latter almost died. I won. Do you think the current Hokage can tolerate such a person who threatens his position by his side?"

"It makes sense!"

"Where did Orochimaru escape to? Don\'t come here. If you do anything, the short book street will be destroyed."

"Yeah yeah!"

"Don\'t be, don\'t worry! Not long after Orochimaru defected, he was killed on the spot by the current Fourth Hokage!"

"Really? That\'s one of the Sannin. He gained a great reputation on the battlefield a few years ago, so he was killed so easily?"

"Of course it\'s true! You must know that the Fourth Hokage that Orochimaru is fighting this time has Mutun!"

"Wooden??? That Mutun from the first Hokage? It\'s not a lie, is it?"

"The news has been spread in Konoha a long time ago, how can it be false. You must know that the current Fourth Hokage has the same surname as the first generation, and they are both Senshou!"

"If it\'s true, then it\'s normal for Orochimaru to die under the wooden escape."



All of a sudden, the news about Konoha quickly spread in the casino, and everyone was talking eagerly about this kind of struggle between big shots.

Among them, a well-informed gambler glanced at Tsunade\'s position and muttered, "I don\'t know who said it, it seems that the legendary big fat sheep is one of Konoha\'s Sannin, and I don\'t know if it\'s true?"

At this moment, Tsunade\'s blushing face gradually froze.

She is not deaf, so she naturally heard the conversations in the museum.

If at first she thought it was just a drunken person talking nonsense, then after many people mentioned it one after another, her brows could not help but wrinkle.

The initial defection of Orochimaru had already shocked her. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Although she was very dissatisfied with Orochimaru who was a teacher but did not protect Zhou Dao because of the death of Nakoki, after all, she had fought side by side for so many years, and she felt very complicated when she heard that her teammates had defected.

One must know that this is one of Konoha\'s three ninjas defecting, one can imagine how much the blow to Konoha\'s reputation will be.

However, one piece of shocking news after another made her feel uneasy like a wild wave in her heart.

Orochimaru was actually killed by Yunting?

Although there is no such deep bond with Orochimaru as Jiraiya, but after hearing this news, Tsunade is still in a bad mood.

But soon, the news that Yun Ting would be able to escape was like a sharp sword, which directly broke her defense, who was still incomparably complicated just now.

Wood escape?

Is it really Mu Dun?

It can\'t be fake, right?

However, she is very clear about the strength of Orochimaru, Yun Ting can kill the opponent, it is indeed possible to use Mu Dun to do it.

So, is it true that Yunting will escape from the wood?

Tsunade didn\'t know whether he should be happy or sad now.

Congratulations, Konoha has an extra Mudun strongman, both fame and strength can offset the impact of Orochimaru\'s defection.

Sad, Orochimaru is dead after all.

In addition, the most important thing is!

She, the granddaughter of Qianshou Zhujian, Senzhi Qianshou\'s direct lineage failed to awaken Mu Dun, but Qianshou Yunting succeeded, which made her feel so embarrassing.

You have to know that when I was a child, I learned that I didn\'t have the talent of Mu Dun, but I cried many times in private.

Looking at the same amount of money on the table as at the beginning, Tsunade, who seemed to have a dyeing workshop on his face, finally understood the meaning of this special situation.

That\'s half the joy and half the sorrow.