I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 38: Real Estate Tycoon - 0 lots

Inside Naruto\'s office.

With the help of Nara Shikahisa and Namikaze Minato, Yuntei\'s workload as Hokage has been greatly reduced, which allows him to have more energy to review the new ninjutsu exchanged from the sealing technique, and even spare time to spend time with himself The female secretary next to her contacted her.

"Ryukko, are you used to living alone? If you want, you can go back and live with your parents. It\'s nothing, and I don\'t care about it." Yun Ting looked at the few files while looking at the waiting The female secretary said casually.

Compared with the lively and **** character of a certain girl who is also in the mountains, Ritsuko Yamanaka is more stable and calm, hearing the words neither humble nor overbearing: "For work needs, I think it is best to move to a place closer to the Hokage building. My parents think so too, thank you Hokage-sama for your kindness."

Yun Ting smiled: "Ritko, you are very happy to have reasonable parents. By the way, your parents are in a flower shop now, right?"

Ritsuko Yamanaka said: "Yes, many members of the Yamanaka clan have flower shops, and my parents only opened a small one."

Yun Ting nodded.

Just as the Nara family opened a medicinal shop, among which velvet antler is very famous in Konoha and even in the ninja world, the Akimichi family opened a restaurant, the Yamanaka family opened a flower shop, the Uchiha family played arms, etc., each ninja family can spend Graduation, of course, means of making money is indispensable.

Of course, to say that the richest among them has to belong to his Qianshou clan.

After all, most of the land and houses in Muye Village back then were built with wooden houses in Senshouzhujian.

The latter may not care about these, but how could the clever Qianshou Feijian not seize this opportunity to make a lot of money.

That\'s right!

The way the Thousand Hands make money is real estate!

At the beginning of Konoha\'s development, it may not show the gap with other ninjas.

But now, one can imagine the bustling outside.

This is also the reason why Tsunade is notorious for constantly losing money and running away, and there are still people willing to lend money.

Although the original assets have also been reduced due to the withering of the Thousand Hands Clan, even the remaining assets are enough to make Yunting, who now holds the Thousand Hands assets, the richest person in Konoha.

Yunting might have cared about this before, but now that he is in a higher position as Hokage, he doesn\'t pay much attention to it.

No, he suddenly ordered: "Ritsuko, please go ahead and ask someone to count the number of Konohas who are currently living in difficulty or are simply homeless."

Where there is wealth, there is poverty, and Konoha is no exception.

What Yunting has to do now is to help the latter.

"After the statistics are completed, tell these people that if they want to live in the Qianshou Clan\'s land temporarily, they only need to pay a hundred taels a month. If they really have no money, they can also be provided with an interest-free loan, as long as they pay back the money on time. .”

Yunting\'s approach is to rent out low-cost housing, which can be said to be as low as a mere hundred taels, let alone an interest-free loan.

The reason why they don\'t give away for nothing is to prevent these people from slacking off their mentality of getting something for nothing.

This can also be regarded as Hokage, who has the thoughts of his previous life, a little help for the poor.

After all, in this world, almost no one cares about these measly poor people.

Even the will of fire rarely shines on these ninjas who have no talent at all.

But this kind of people accounted for the largest proportion of the population in the entire Ninja Kingdom and the entire Ninja World.

Ritsuko Yamanaka\'s face was full of shock when she heard that.

If it is said that although she was puzzled about the initial investigation work, she would not ask too many questions. Then when Yun Ting said to rent out the family land, even with her temperament, she had to ask:

"Master Naruto, do you really want to open up the land of the Thousand Hands?"

You must know that the land of the clan is not only the residence for the ninja, but also very symbolic.

What\'s more, the land of the Thousand Hands Clan is not in the fringe area, but in the center of Konoha, where every inch of land is expensive!

Ritsuko Yamanaka felt sorry for Yun Ting for only renting such a small amount of money.

Yun Ting\'s attitude towards this is still firm.

"There are only two people in the Qianshou Clan, and one of them is running around and doesn\'t want to come back. It\'s too wasteful for me to live alone. Why don\'t you do good deeds, help the villagers, and at the same time make the clan more popular and lively .”

"I think, if the first generation and the second generation are still here, if the former is kind and the latter is rational, they will definitely agree."

Looking at the Huoying Rock outside the window, Yunting said calmly.

At this moment, Ritsuko Yamanaka felt that the young Hokage in front of her was extraordinarily stalwart.

This feeling is stronger than when he first learned that the other party has a wooden escape.

"I understand! I will do this seriously." She nodded heavily and promised.

Yun Ting thought of something, and added: "Remember to give priority to one, and help the urgent rather than the poor."

"Understood!" Ritsuko Yamanaka said energetically.

"By the way, and since you are my secretary, you must be on standby all the time. The Thousand Hands Clan is very big, why don\'t you move to my side?"

"Ming..." Ritsuko Yamanaka subconsciously wanted to answer again, but luckily she reacted in time.

The long legs wrapped in black silk were quickly squeezed tightly by her.

She thought about it, glanced at Yun Ting several times, and finally gritted her teeth and said:

"it is good!"

Unsurprisingly~www.novelhall.com~Yun Ting\'s good deed spread out, not only surprised a group of ninjas, but also made Muye villagers, especially those at the bottom, feel grateful to him. It was a surprise to gain a batch of reputation points from this.

In addition to these work matters, Yun Ting\'s newly learned ninjutsu has become almost proficient in the past few days.

Among them, the special Kunai required for the Flying Thunder God Art has also been created.

Yunting took out a special kunai from the ninja bag, which was different from Namikaze Minato\'s special kunai that resembled a trident. The kunai in his hand is the same as the normal kunai except that it is pasted with the flying thunder **** formula. .

In this way, the words spoken first are more secretive and undoubtedly more sinister.

I don\'t know what Namikaze Minato was thinking, but taking out such an obvious three-chased kunai, isn\'t it just telling the enemy that this is the coordinates of Fei Lei Shen.

Yunting shook his head, played with the special kunai a few times, and then took it back.

He did not tell others about the news of learning the art of flying thunder god.

For ninjas, the secrecy of their abilities is very important.

The most typical example is the flying segment.

When no one understands his abilities, he can even kill shadow-level powerhouses.

And once his abilities are known, a Jonin squad can easily capture him.

Right now, no one needs Yunting to expose the Flying Thunder God\'s technique.

He naturally hides it, so that he can present a surprise gift to possible enemies in the future.

Back at the desk, looking at the empty and clean table top, Yun Ting smiled sincerely, and then took out a crystal ball from the drawer.

It was the crystal ball that the Third Hokage used to spy on the whole village.