I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 37: big purchase

Yunting refocused on the sealed book.

Naruto\'s poor physical skills, the idiot who can only win by numbers is very suitable for the multiple shadow clone technique.

But it doesn\'t mean he needs to.

The number of shadow clones does not help him much.

Instead of spending this chakra, it is better to use it on various ninjutsu that he is better at.

In addition, although his prestige points are very sufficient this time, it is not to the point where he can learn a forbidden technique after seeing a forbidden technique.

Still have to choose one or two carefully.

Yun Ting continued to flip through the sealed book and looked back.

"Four Elephant Seals...don\'t consider it for now."

"The seal of the ghoul, bah bah! Bad luck! I won\'t learn it even if I\'m killed!"

"The art of darkness, the powerful illusion, can make up for my lack of illusion, and it\'s not too expensive, so I can consider it."

"Reincarnation of Dirty Earth... Very good and powerful! But the technique created by the Second Hokage has not really been completed. It is Orochimaru who will complete it and further develop it on the basis of it will be the real Dirty Earth in the future. Reincarnation. Now Orochimaru has received the lunch box, and I don’t have the ability, so forget it.”

"By the way, to prevent accidents, I\'d better mark down the knot of the reincarnation of the dirty soil first. If I die after many years, and I don\'t know how many years, if someone fills up the reincarnation of the dirty soil and summons me, then I will backhand the reincarnation of the dirty soil. Wouldn\'t it be a big surprise."

Thinking of this, Yun Ting quickly remembered the reverse seal of the reincarnation of the dirty soil firmly in his heart.

Then, he continued to read, roughly browsing through all the sealed books.

In addition to the above-mentioned ninjutsu, the book of seals also includes such things as mutual multiplication detonation talisman, spiritual transformation technique, eight gate armor, flying thunder **** technique and so on.

The prestige points required for these ninjutsu exchanges vary from high to low.

At a lower level, 20,000 is needed for the technique of the dark walk, and 30,000 for the detonating talisman.

The highest one, the Art of Flying Thunder God related to time and space, costs 250,000 yuan, the eight-door dunjia costs 300,000 yuan, and the incomplete reincarnation of dirty soil costs 320,000 yuan.

You must know that the original price of Mudun Xueji\'s boundary is 500,000, and this is because the bloodstained boundary is generally much higher than ninjutsu with the same power.

One can imagine the power of these forbidden techniques.

Especially the reincarnation of the dirty soil, this forbidden technique that snatches people from the hands of the **** of death, which can be called a BUG, ​​even if it is incomplete, the price is ridiculously high in the system.

Obviously, the system\'s evaluation criteria for ninjutsu is not just based on the strength displayed.

Fortunately, Yunting didn\'t need to exchange for the reincarnation of the filthy soil, otherwise he would not be able to afford such consumption with what he thought he was rich and powerful.

Now after experiencing Orochimaru\'s defection and Mu Dun\'s reappearance, Yunting\'s prestige points are as high as 800,000.

This is a number that was unimaginable in the past. However, under his careful layout and maximum influence, it has ushered in a bumper harvest.

800,000 reputation points, most of which came from the leeks that Yunting once cut.

Different from the previous saying that the Queen of Heaven could only get +1, this time they faced Yunting again, with different +5, +10, +15 and so on.

Unfortunately, there is still no one who surpasses Maitekai.

In addition, what made Yun Ting criticize is that reputation points can only be obtained within a certain range where he is, which means that as soon as the news of Mu Dun that he expects comes out, the whole ninja world will continue to bring him the idea of ​​reputation points shattered.

Of course, even without this limitation, the latter is fantasy.

After all, prestige points can only be generated by admiration and respect for Hokage.

For people outside the Fire Country, the news that Yunting owns Mu Dun is definitely more joy than worry.

Even in the Land of Fire, apart from Konoha, the reaction of other citizens may not be very high.

After all, you can\'t count on how much respect these people have for Hokage when something bad happens and you have to spend money to hire ninjas to deal with it.

In comparison, it is not as impressive as the officials and nobles who directly lead them.

Therefore, in the previous time, no matter how busy Yunting was, he had to find time to harvest among the people.

The villagers, who didn\'t know why, thought that his attitude towards the people had never changed, so they respected him more and more.

Back to the present moment again.

Although Yunting now has a huge sum of 800,000 yuan, he cannot touch 500,000 yuan of it.

Because these are prepared for the wet bone forest fairy art.

In the system, the price of Xianjutsu is much higher than that of Ninjutsu, and even Blood Succession Limit.

The Immortal Technique of the Shibone Forest is comparable to the most expensive Wooden Dungeon.

The reason for this is not only because it brings a brand-new energy system, which doubles the strength of the caster, but also because the immortality exchanged by the system is by no means the kind of semi-disabled magic that must rely on Shen Zuo\'s immortal couple to succeed. It\'s not the state of Naruto who has to hold back for five minutes to enter the fairy mode, but the state of the fairy mode that quickly enters with a snap of his hands like Senshou Zhujian, and waits for a long time.

With the Immortal mode, coupled with Mu Dun, Yun Ting can be said to be infinitely approaching the state of a ninja god.

Therefore, for Yun Ting, the 500,000 yuan must not be moved.

As for why he didn\'t exchange it right now, apart from the fact that it\'s too scary to succeed in cultivation all at once, it\'s hard to explain especially when he\'s witnessed it all the time, and he also wants to take advantage of the fact that it\'s still early, so he might as well practice in fairy art. The idea is to spend more effort on yourself and improve your progress, so that when you exchange it in the future, you will spend less reputation points.

I am used to living in poverty, and I always have a kind of careful calculation.

Anyway, there is still a lot of time before the Nine-Tails Rebellion, so even if something happens to him with his current strength, he doesn\'t need to be so anxious.

Of course, some preparations still have to be prepared.

Just like the 500,000 prestige points are at the bottom.

In this way, Yunting can only use 300,000 yuan.

Among them, such as the technique of Flying Thunder God and the forbidden technique of Bamen Dunjia, you can only choose one of them.

Yun Ting did not hesitate much, and quickly chose the technique of Flying Thunder God.

Bamen Dunjia is indeed an extremely powerful forbidden technique, but for Yunting who has mastered Mudun, opening the first seven doors can only be said to be icing on the cake. dispensable. After all, at that time, one wood escape secret technique will be enough to replace the power of the first seven sects of the eight sects of dunjia.

For the eight doors of dunjia, the real essence is undoubtedly the eighth door.

It\'s like when Kai opened the seventh door, he just tickled Uchiha Madara, but when he opened the eighth door, his last kick almost hit the finale.

But such a brilliant result is based on the condition that he must die.

Yunting didn\'t even want to learn the ghoul seal, so how could he be willing to learn the equally desperate technique of Bamen Dunjia.

Especially when it still costs 300,000 yuan, the first seven doors are of little help to me, and the last door is dead after only one use, how can I lose money no matter what I think.

With that skill, I might as well learn the technique of flying thunder god. Even if you can\'t fight at that time, you can always escape.

Besides, if he can\'t defeat the enemy by using Wooden Dungeon in immortal mode, he doesn\'t think that the power after opening the eighth gate can really kill the opponent.

Taking such a comprehensive consideration, Bamen Dunjia is indeed a powerful forbidden technique that can reach the sky in one step, but it is by no means an indispensable help for the current strength of Yunting.

In comparison, the space-time ninjutsu of Flying Thunder God is much more helpful to him in combat.

So, after choosing the technique of Flying Thunder God, he chose the technique of walking in darkness and the technique of multiplying the detonating talisman, which was considered to be a waste of his budget.

Next, there are thousands of prestige points left, and he plans to exchange some common ninjutsu to expand his ninjutsu pool and make himself more comprehensive.

In this regard, a big purchase has come to an end.

The strength of Yunting will usher in all-round improvement.

And if you want to make such a big deal again in the future, I\'m afraid you can only wait until after the Nine Tails Rebellion.