I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 32: Finish

In an instant, three huge Shura Gates with different shapes but with their mouths wide open one after another crossed in front of the wooden dragon.

This is the strongest physical defense technique of Orochimaru at the moment.

After the first Hokage, only Orochimaru can cast Rashomon at the moment.

But he can only summon three gates, not the most peak five gates.

Regarding this, Yun Ting ordered Mu Long to slam it away without hesitation.


The first door was smashed in an instant.

Immediately after the second! Third way!

In front of the mighty Mu Dun, the so-called Rashomon is at best a little delayed.

And in this gap, Orochimaru after Rashomon also resorted to his last resort.

"Array of Ten Thousand Snakes!"

Countless snakes scrambled to get out of Orochimaru\'s inhumanly huge mouth.

hundreds...thousands...tens of thousands...

Soon, countless snakes were intertwined together, turning into a majestic sea of ​​snakes and spreading forward rapidly.

Its power is hundreds of times stronger than the previous latent image multi-snake hand!

As Yun Ting looked, almost everything in front of him was covered by snakes.

For a moment, there was a state of submerging the wooden dragon under him.

\'As expected of being one of the Sannin, although it is not the perfect body after more than ten years, it should not be underestimated! ’ Yun Ting sighed in his heart.

Coincidentally, they had come to the edge of the battlefield at this time, and the faces of everyone in Konoha who saw this scene were also full of horror.

"So it\'s really Orochimaru?" Nara Shikahisa shook his head helplessly, such a huge snake sea, even if they wanted to help for a while, it would be difficult to make it.

A look of embarrassment also appeared on Namikaze Minato\'s face.

Orochimaru is surrounded by snakes, even if he has the technique of flying thunder god, it is difficult to fly to the opponent\'s side in a short time.

Beside him, Uchiha Fugaku also opened his Sangouyu Sharingan, watching the battlefield silently. Perhaps he was deducing in his heart what he should do if he encountered such a situation.

At this moment, Hyuga Hyuzu suddenly said: "Master Hokage will definitely be able to deal with it, you must know that what he has is Mu Dun!"


Wood escape!

As a child who grew up listening to the stories of the gods of the ninja world, and whose parents even witnessed the first generation of Hokage Mudun sweeping the world, the current Konoha ninjas are full of enthusiasm for this long-lost, but still firmly in their hearts. look forward to.

Everyone quickly looked at Qianshou Yunting, and the latter did not disappoint them at this time.

"Wood Dungeon Flower Tree Realm is coming!"

Even now that Yunting is known for its large amount of chakra, after performing many ninjutsu one after another, and finally using this upgraded version of the tree world descending ninjutsu, it is the first time that he feels the lack of chakra in his body.

But the effect is very obvious.

Just like before, the trees that had been dormant in the ground burst out of the ground one by one, growing rapidly.

The difference is that many flowers grew on all the trees this time.

Under the control of Yunting, all the petals bloomed quickly, and the poisonous pollen inside flew around.

As a powerful technique that once had a record of temporarily stunned Uchiha Madara, when the target is turned into a sea of ​​snakes, even if the number of the latter is astonishing, it can still be stunned easily.

But in an instant, the sound of spewing letters resounded across the sky, and the terrifying Snake Sea became completely silent, and the entire battlefield was silent.

In the next second, the wooden dragon under Yunting\'s feet moved.

After crushing a large number of snakes without resistance all the way, the wooden dragon moved its tail and entangled Dashewan who had also sucked the pollen and fell into a short-term coma.

The battle is considered to be over at this moment.

"Now! Orochimaru, do you still want to resist?" The dragon\'s head was lowered, and Yun Ting asked again.

At this time, because of the body modification, Dashewan, who had woken up early, felt the immovable confinement around him, and after hearing Yunting\'s familiar words, he understood the current situation. He sneered and said, "Resist in the corner? Even if I am captured without a fight, does Mr. Yun Ting think that the mere Konoha Prison can hold me?"

Yun Ting shook his head and said: "With your talent, you won\'t be able to shut it down for a long time. So, Dashewan, won\'t you plead guilty?"

"Confession? No, no, no!" Even in the current situation, Orochimaru still had no trace of remorse on his face, and even sarcastically said, "I never think that I am at fault. The process of pursuing the truth has always been the same since ancient times. The dedication of the individual is indispensable. You, the fourth generation of you who are as powerful as the owner of the wooden dungeon, seem to have a frame of mind that cannot escape the frame of a mortal! Like the first generation of Hokage, you who are clearly carrying treasures never know how to dig for yourself , In the end, he died like a mortal. It\'s really sad! It\'s really hateful!"

The mind of a mad scientist.

After Yun Ting came to a conclusion for Dashewan in his heart, he straightened his face and said word by word: "I understand Dashewan\'s thoughts. Then, now I will make the final judgment."

"In the name of Konoha\'s fourth Hokage, sentence Konoha\'s betrayal to Orochimaru...to death!"

The only end for all the traitors in the ninja world after being caught is to be executed.

Not every rebel is Uchiha Sasuke, and there will be no such special existence as Uzumaki Naruto around him.

If the third Hokage was here, Orochimaru might still have a chance to survive.

But at this moment, it was Yunting who caught the other party, so he would not let this huge trouble go.

He stretched out his hand indifferently, and a small part of the wooden dragon\'s body wrapped around Orochimaru\'s body shrank suddenly, accelerating the absorption of the few chakras in Orochimaru\'s body.

Wooden Dragon Art itself has the ability to absorb chakra.

Once the chakra in the ninja body is completely depleted, it will die.

Dealing with Orochimaru in this way, in addition to giving a face to the person who once made great contributions to Konoha, and even earned the title of the third ninja, it is also to prevent the opponent from escaping weirdly like Orochimaru\'s substitute technique means.

Although he doesn\'t understand this kind of secret technique, Yunting knows that no matter how superb ninjutsu secret technique is, it needs Chakra to support it.

Without the latter, it would be a boat without water ~www.novelhall.com~ that would not be able to sway no matter what.

At this time, the chakra in Orochimaru\'s body can be seen passing away rapidly with the naked eye, and his own breath is also constantly wilting.

Surprisingly, however, Orochimaru was silent from beginning to end, but had an incomprehensible smirk on his face all the time.

After ten breaths, the wooden dragon could no longer absorb chakra, and Orochimaru had no breath.

The wooden dragon let go of the restraint.

Looking at Orochimaru who fell on the ground and did not tear out another newcomer from his body like before, Yun Ting was finally able to confirm that the other party was really dead.

So that\'s the end of it?

So flat and simple in the end?

Yun Ting has a very unreal feeling.

Even if the other party was killed by him, and the facts are already in front of his eyes.

In this world, it can be said that no one knows better than Yunting how much impact the future Orochimaru will have on the entire ninja world.

The latter\'s filthy reincarnation technique perfected on the basis of the second generation of Hokage alone subverted the fighting form of the Fourth Ninja World War.

Not to mention that the most impressive thing is the terrifying vitality of the other party who has died countless times, but can still return completely.

So much so that even if he killed Orochimaru with his own hands right now, if he suddenly appeared in front of him alive and kicking later, Yunting can guarantee that he would never be surprised.

But... that shouldn\'t be the case.

After all, the current Orochimaru is not more than ten years later, and the undead reincarnation, curse seal, etc. have not yet been developed.

Thinking like this, Yun Ting nodded secretly, and withdrew those unnecessary thoughts.

Overall, the plan was successfully completed, and he was definitely a great success.

Next, it\'s time to pick up your own achievements.