I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 31: wood dragon art

In the field of vision of Hyuga Hyuzu\'s white eyes, there are obviously three chakras of different origins two kilometers away.

Among them, Orochimaru\'s cold chakra is very familiar to him, and he can tell it without looking at his face.

The other group of chakras should look like a huge snake-like psychic beast, and the nature of the chakras is very similar to Orochimaru. As expected, it is a thousand snakes.

What really surprised him was the last ball of chakra.

When, and who is it, possesses such a pure and majestic chakra of the nature of life?

It is also distributed so widely, what kind of ninjutsu can cause such an effect.

At this moment, the forest trees covered under the chakra actually gave him a feeling of being alive.

A living forest?

All of a sudden, Hyuga Hyuzu began to doubt his eyes.

Then he was silent for a while, and he organized his words: "A battle is taking place two kilometers away to the east. On one side is Orochimaru and his psychic beast Ten Thousand Snakes... Ten Thousand Snakes\' chakra just disappeared, and it should be beaten gone back."

"The fourth generation who fought against Orochimaru?" asked Uchiha Fugaku on the side.

Hinata Hyuzu shook his head: "I... don\'t know very well. I have never seen the Chakra of the person who fought against Orochimaru, and the latter seems to use some kind of extremely wide range of ninjutsu, which is spread all over the world. The Chakra blocked my line of sight, and I couldn\'t continue to look further."

"Whether it\'s the fourth generation or not, since Orochimaru is right in front, then quickly arrest and bring him to justice! Oroshemaru has too many Konoha secrets hidden in his mind, and he must not be allowed to escape." At this moment, the position among the people present was the highest. Shikahisa Nara, the leader of the ninja class, said.


Everyone speeded up again, and the distance of two kilometers quickly shortened.

Seeing that the battlefield was getting closer, Minato Namikaze in the team pulled out a special Kunaidao: "Everyone, I\'m going ahead."

As the well-known golden flash in the ninja world, Namikaze Minato, who has mastered the technique of Flying Raijin and is the fastest among the crowd, is undoubtedly the most suitable pioneer candidate.

"Minato, your task is to hold Orochimaru first and prevent the opponent from escaping. When we arrive, the battle will be settled." Nara Shikahisa reminded.

"Understood." Namikaze Minato nodded, and was about to take a step ahead.

However, at this moment, an extremely strong vibration suddenly sounded from the battle not far away.

Namakaze Minato stopped in his tracks, and the crowd subconsciously raised their heads.

The next moment!

It was as if a bolt of lightning roared in everyone\'s minds, making them dizzy.

At this moment, even Hinata Hyuzu, who has always maintained perfect etiquette, couldn\'t help but grow his mouth in shock when he saw the existence on the huge dust in front of him.

Not to mention everyone else.

"Then... what is that?"

At this moment, the same surprise also happened to Da Shewan.

Just when he was about to rejoice after escaping from birth, he suddenly found that the large forest triggered by Yunting Chakra behind him had a strong change at this time.

"Wood Dungeon Wooden Dragon Art!"

Yunting, who was standing on the top of a big tree, completed his seal at this time.

In the next second, the entire forest boiled.

It was as if all the trees within a kilometer had grown legs at this moment, and they moved quickly to the front of Yunting, and gathered tightly into a group.

At the end, a dragon chant sounded.

I saw a wooden dragon several times longer and larger than the previous ten thousand snakes condensed and formed under the combination of all the trees.

With Yun Ting leaping to the top of its head, the eyes of the incomparably majestic wooden dragon suddenly lit up, and it soared up amidst the earth-shattering vibrations, overlooking everything around it from above.

"Oshemaru, you can\'t escape, just grab it!"

Standing on the dragon\'s head, Yun Ting, with the Hokage Yushen robe flying, looked at Orochimaru, which was just a small black spot below, and announced lightly.

"It\'s really an annoying tone!"

Orochimaru raised his head and looked at the lifelike and dangerous wooden dragon, with envy flashing in his eyes.

Those who have the limit of blood succession are really very blessed.

The former only needs a small effort to surpass the lifetime of most ninjas.

Even if he has researched and developed all kinds of ninjutsu, isn\'t the so-called ninjutsu a joke in front of Mu Dun with a thousand hands in the sky?

This is the tragedy of ordinary people.

But the more so, the more I want to get it!

At this moment, Orochimaru is very interested in the blood successor boundary, especially the extremely powerful blood succession boundary.

But the premise of all this is that he can escape alive.

At this moment, Yun Ting\'s eyes in the sky moved to the right.

There, some Konoha ninjas he is very familiar with have arrived, and they all saw his current state.

"The stage is set, and now that the audience has arrived, let\'s finish the play quickly."

The corner of Yunting\'s mouth twitched slightly.

In his plan, the third generation letting Orochimaru go can only be regarded as the completion of the first half, and only when he defeats Orochimaru with wooden escape in front of everyone can it be considered truly complete.

He is very aware of Mu Dun\'s position in the hearts of everyone in Konoha, and he also knows how shocking it will be if the news of him owning Mu Dun is exposed.

But this is not enough, only by witnessing its authenticity and power, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can deter everyone in one step.

Only in this way can he quickly seize power with a strong prestige after losing power for three generations, thus saving some troubles and conflicts in the middle.

You must know that before this, although he had the name of four Hokages, in terms of personal prestige alone, he might not be able to match Namikaze Minato.

After all, Muye Village is a violent organization, and the importance of strength is beyond words.

For this reason, he specially formulated the strategy of killing chickens to scare monkeys.

Orochimaru right now is the very heavy chicken, while the others present are monkeys.

Of course, in addition to this, Yunting also has a lot of ideas about harvesting reputation points.

Just like now, messages like "Reputation points from XX +15", "Reputation points from XX +20" and so on kept ringing in the system.

Although it is still not as good as Maitkai, a big family whose brain circuits are different from ordinary people, but the accumulation of less makes more!

This is no better than just +1 prestige in the past.

Can another method, such as just explaining in words, or listening to what others say, achieve the current effect?

Yun Ting can foresee that his stagnant reputation will usher in a big surge after today.

Seeing this, he no longer procrastinated, and decided to end the battle as soon as possible.


The high-pitched dragon chant resounded through the sky.

With a touch of Yunting\'s feet, after a long howl, the understanding wooden dragon suddenly moved its huge figure, as if the sky was falling, and roared and killed Da Shewan with incomparable momentum.

Before the wooden dragon arrived, the icy cold wind that came first had already forced Orochimaru to retreat continuously.

Orochimaru\'s pupils shrank, and he forcibly stopped his body. His **** hands suddenly slapped the ground and said:

"Triple Rashomon!"