I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 33: 3 generations of fault

"Master Hokage!"

"Master fourth generation!"


After Yunting finished Orochimaru, at the edge of the battlefield, the Konoha jounin who had obsessed the entire battle process with their mouths wide open also came to their senses at this time, and came to Yunting to salute one after another.

This kind of respect is much more sincere than when facing him in the past.

No way, under the double stimulus of seeing the genuine wooden escape in Yun Ting\'s hands, and the body of Orochimaru who is silent beside him, everyone who is not an idiot with IQ knows that from today onwards, Konoha\'s sky will be changed facts.

Yun Ting nodded at this, and now he has achieved a great momentum, and there is no need to do any extra invitations.

After dissipating the wooden escape techniques of Mulong and Huashujie, he directly ordered: "Seal the body of Orochimaru, and send it to the analysis team for research after returning to Konoha."

Even if the ninja is dead, the corpse can still collect a lot of information about the original ninja art and so on.

It can be said that each of those powerful ninjas who died is a great treasure.

The most typical example is Senshou Hashirama, the famous Hashirama cells have been studied by various forces in the ninja world for many years.

If Yun Ting died in the future, the treatment would not be inferior to that of his ancestors.

Konoha Analytical Squad Leader Yamanaka Kaiichi happened to be in the crowd at this time, and immediately responded when he heard the words, and then took out the sealing scroll, and stored Orochimaru\'s body in it.

In this way, under the complex eyes of everyone, one of the once famous Sannin in the ninja world ended his career in this way.

"Konoha Rebellious Ninja has been put to death, this trip has come to an end, I...huh?"

When Yun Ting was talking, he suddenly let out a light snort, interrupted his own conversation, and turned his head to look behind the crowd.

There, a figure was approaching them extremely fast.

"It\'s the third generation." Hinata Hinata said.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone had different thoughts.

Yunting saw it, and said lightly: "It\'s just right that the third generation is here, and some things are settled here."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato among the crowd opened his mouth to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh.

The others also tacitly remained silent.

Just like that, Hiruzen Sarutobi in a battle suit appeared in front of everyone in an atmosphere that was about to rain.

After seeing Senju Untei and a group of Konoha Jominin appearing here, and then noticing the obvious battle traces left by Orochimaru in the surrounding area, although he had a guess in his heart, Sarutobi Hiruzen still asked:

"Where\'s Orochimaru?"

Everyone subconsciously looked at Yun Ting, and after the latter nodded, Yamanaka Kai raised the seal scroll in his hand and replied: "Master Third Generation, Rebellious Ninja Orochimaru has been killed by Master Fourth, and the body has been recovered."

Is it still the end?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi slowly closed his eyes, at this moment he suddenly looked as if he had aged ten years.

Yun Ting saw it, but he didn\'t feel soft-hearted at all: "Master Third Generation, if I remember correctly, you should be the first to lead the team to capture Orochimaru. Why didn\'t you succeed? With the strength of Third Generation, you shouldn\'t miss it, right?"

"I..." Facing Yun Ting\'s questioning, Hiruzaru Sarutobi opened his tired eyes again, opened his mouth to say something, but found himself speechless.

Yun Ting, who saw it, shook his head, and replied for him: "Three generations of adults are naturally capable of taking Dashewan, but at the last moment, personal feelings overwhelmed responsibility after all, facing myself bit by bit After watching the disciple who grew up, he still couldn\'t do anything in the end, and let him go away helplessly. Third generation, am I right?"

"The truth...it is true." Hiruzaru Sarutobi admitted with a deep sigh.

Although it is not clear how Yun Ting knew such details, but given the fact that what the former said was true, he would not cheat with his character, even if he knew it would greatly damage his reputation.

Compared with Danzo, who is uncompromising, Sarutobi Hiruzen has his own ambitions, but he still has his own persistence after all.

Sure enough, after Hiruzaru Sarutobi admitted the facts, everyone\'s expressions changed, including Minato Namikaze.

As Hokage, it is absolutely unacceptable for them to take the initiative to let the traitor leave, even if the relationship between the two parties is deep.

Ninjas take completing tasks as their bounden duty, and at the same time, under the instillation of the will of fire, everyone in Konoha also engraves their concern for their companions in their hearts.

But this concern does not include the betrayal of Ren who has betrayed the village and his companions.

Especially the one who is the Village Hokage who took the initiative to cover up the traitor.

In the view of the Konoha ninjas, the situation of the third generation is similar to "the ministers are about to fight to the death, why does your majesty surrender first".

All of a sudden, there was a new change in the eyes of everyone present looking at Hiruzaru Sarutobi again.

Seeing this, Yun Ting made sure that Hiruzaru Sarutobi\'s behavior was final and said: "The third generation had read the scroll of criminal evidence about Orochimaru that I handed you earlier, and it only recorded that the four missing persons were related to the other party. But in fact this It’s just what we discovered in the past few months. In the years or even more than ten years before that, there were only more living people forced into experiments by Orochimaru. The one placed in the secret base of Orochimaru You have also read the third generation of glass jars filled with human organs, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Do you think that is a scale that only a few people can achieve?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was silent.

Yunting continued: "It didn\'t take a day or two for Orochimaru to go astray. It can be said that in the past few years, he wasted his life and studied the taboo research that Konoha expressly prohibited. It\'s fine if you can\'t do it at first, but what I want to ask is..."

Speaking of this, Yun Ting\'s face was full of sternness: "After Orochimaru shot and killed all the Anbu ninjas accompanying you, why didn\'t you take action and still let them go? Could it be that those Konoha Anbe ninjas Is it not worth your attention?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Konoha ninjas present were in an uproar, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi\'s face turned pale.

After the sonic ninja that Orochimaru used in the secret base back then, a team of Anbu accompanying Hiruzaru Sarutobi fell down one after another. Although not all of them were killed, there were indeed deaths, and the living people are now seriously injured .

Hiruzaru Sarutobi saw it in his eyes, but he still didn\'t make a move. This is undoubtedly his major fault.

The life of one\'s own disciples is life, but the life of his subordinates is not life?

Especially the former is still a traitor.

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen\'s reputation in the hearts of everyone can be said to have dropped to the lowest point in history.

In the end, he himself felt deeply guilty about Yun Ting\'s last blow.

There is no need for the latter to say anything, Sarutobi Hiruzen admitted his mistake in an older voice than before: "I taught that there was no way to teach Orochimaru\'s defection first, and then I let him go because of my own selfishness. I am willing to bear all the punishments of the village for the mistakes of the people in the same village, and I hope that you will cooperate with the fourth generation in the future to make Konoha more prosperous."