I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 30: ten thousand snakes


Huge white smoke rose within the forest created by Mu Dun.

Amidst the loud noises of rows of big trees being toppled and crushed, a gigantic giant snake with purple stripes was summoned by Orochimaru.

"Hey, Orochimaru! My uncle is sleeping! Why are you summoning me at this time? In order to calm my anger, you must prepare 100 for me afterwards, no! 200 living people as sacrifices!" As for the spirit beast, Wan Snake from Longdi Cave said in a tone full of impatience.

Regarding this, Orochimaru said indifferently: "Not to mention 200, 500 people are fine, as long as they can get through the current hurdle."

Wan She heard the words and said happily: "Haha! It seems that you are in big trouble Orochimaru! Let me see, you little ghost. Huh? You are still wearing a Hokage robe! Oroshemaru, are you defecting? Interesting! So interesting I haven’t eaten Hokage yet! Let’s open it today!”

"You can\'t underestimate this young Hokage." Orochimaru reminded this, and didn\'t say any more.

He is very aware of Wan Snake\'s bad character.

Once he said that his opponent possessed Wooden Dun, I am afraid that the latter will run away immediately when he sees that the situation is not good.

That\'s not okay!

The reason why he summoned Ten Thousand Snakes was to let the other party help him lie down.

On the other side, when Da She Wan psychically produced a giant snake that was a hundred meters long and extremely arrogant, Yun Ting knew that this guy was Wan Snake.

It’s just that it’s a huge body, Mu Dun is not afraid of such opponents the most.

Yun Ting clapped his hands together, and surrounded Ten Thousand Snakes, a huge number of trees stretched rapidly, turning into large nets to cover each other.

"Huh? What is this?" Before Wan Snake\'s arrogance passed, he saw the surrounding forests stalking towards it continuously as if they were alive.


In the next second, the ground shook.

No matter what happened, Wan Snake, who was experienced in fighting, still urged its incomparably hard snake body first, crushing the surrounding trees one by one.

Although it does not know ninjutsu, but with its super large size and extremely fast speed, except for the shadow-level ninjas, there are really few opponents to it.

This is also the reason why Orochimaru can always tolerate the other party\'s arrogant and arrogant character.

"Wan Snake, leave this forest quickly!" Orochimaru standing on top of the former reminded.

"Damn Orochimaru, what kind of opponent did you provoke?" Although Wan She was arrogant, he was not a fool.

After a fight, it realized that something was wrong, although it cursed Orochimaru secretly in its heart, it still followed the other party\'s words and snaked outward with all its strength.

Yun Ting, who saw it, would naturally not agree.

Soon, more and more intensive Wood Dun attacks attacked Wan Snake from all directions.

Even if the latter keeps destroying it, there are still a steady stream of trees tightly entwining it without letting go of any gap.

"This is... the wooden escape?"

Wan She, who felt that she was gradually powerless, finally reacted at this time, and recognized that the one attacking it was the once famous Mu Dun who had disappeared for decades.

"Bastard Orochimaru! You..." Wan She, who resented Orochimaru for letting him deal with such an opponent, was about to curse, but suddenly found that the opponent had disappeared at this time.

It turned out that, taking advantage of the fact that most of the power of the secret art of descending from the tree world was placed on Ten Thousand Snakes, Orochimaru seized this gap and quickly withdrew outwards.

This was the plan he had in mind.

The summoned Ten Thousand Snakes were the discarded ones he put on the bright side as a shield.

\'With the ability of Wan Snake, the time to support should be enough for me to leave. \'

Ignoring the constant curses from Ten Thousand Snakes behind him, Orochimaru ran out of the forest at the fastest speed while calculating in his heart.

At this time, although there are trees blocking along the way, compared to before, both the quantity and quality have dropped a lot.


Looking at the bright light faintly appearing in front of him, Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Wan She, who had passively restrained most of Yun Ting\'s power, was in a very bad situation at this time.

Even though it has amazing strength and has broken the shackles of the wooden escape time and time again, it will eventually run out.

In the end, facing the branches and trees that wrapped his huge body heavily, the immobile Wanshe endured the pain and yelled in extreme resentment, "Oshemaru, wait for me! I will never let you go!" After that, it turned into a cloud of white smoke, and fled back to Longdi Cave in despair with serious injuries.

Unexpectedly, Yun Ting, who caused Wanshe and Orochimaru to have a deep grudge, glanced at the place where the former disappeared, and then turned his gaze to Orochimaru who was on the verge of fleeing.

At this time, it is too late to stop and deal with it.

It seems that there is another new trick.

Thinking like this, Yun Ting put his hands together again, forming a different seal from before.

Meanwhile, two kilometers away.

At this moment, a large number of people are rushing towards the place where Yunting and Orochimaru are fighting.

Except for Hyuga Tokuma, who joined in the middle and was responsible for leading the way, the others are almost all Jonin or Ninja patriarchs who are very famous in Konoha today.

Such as Uchiha Fugaku, Hinata Hizuru, contemporary Ikacho, Yume Shiwei, Yuhi Mako, Namikaze Minato and so on.

The reason why these people came here was because Uchiha Fugaku called them one by one.

Of course, the face of the latter may not be so big, but if you add the face of being the fourth generation of Hokage Untei, and the sudden defection of Orochimaru, under various influences, they made them leave together.

"Before Orochimaru... hey, why did Orochimaru do such a thing?"

On the way, Namikaze Minato frowned and sighed.

As a disciple of Jiraiya, after learning the fact that his teacher defected from the same sect, he felt very uncomfortable.

Not to mention the great negative impact on Konoha caused by the defection of one of the dignified three ninjas, his teacher alone, after hearing the news, must have been very sad on the outside and heart.

Facing Namikaze Minato\'s testimonial ~www.novelhall.com~ the others in the same group were just silent.

The former may simply think that they were dispatched to hunt down Orochimaru, but they, especially the ninja patriarch who was more well-informed at the scene, learned that the third generation had already set off, and the fourth generation followed closely behind, and demanded They walked together, keenly aware that something was wrong.

In particular, it was Uchiha Fugaku who called them to go together.

When did the Uchiha clan and the Fourth Hokage get so close?

Doesn\'t it mean that the relationship between the two is not good?

Also, I learned from Hinata Tokuma that the fourth generation is hunting Orochimaru.

The smart people in the team, such as Shikahisa Nara, immediately had more associations.

What about the third generation?

He should go to Orochimaru first!

Could it be that the latter escaped?

It shouldn\'t be!

Shikahisa Nara frowned deeply.

However, no matter how he thinks about it, he and many people in the team are now aware that the real role of the arrival of these people is probably not to change anything, but to be a spectator to witness with their own eyes what will happen next event!

Just when everyone was preoccupied for a while, suddenly there was a faint sound in the distance.

Although the voice coming here is extremely weak due to the distance, everyone present is Junin, so it is easy to catch it.

"Blind eyes!"

The veins on both sides of Hinata Hinata\'s extremely pure white eyes burst out.

Compared with Hinata Tokuma\'s white eyes, which has a detection range of one kilometer, the more powerful Nichizu with a pair of perfect white eyes can easily detect two kilometers away.

"This is......"

Looking in the direction of the sound, in the next second, Hyuga Hidetsu suddenly showed astonishment on his face.